New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-12-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post Number 913: Twirling Through The Big Apple! 🍎✨

Hello, my lovely tutus! 🩰 It's Monday, so that means it's time for another instalment of my NYC adventures.

I know you're probably all tucked up in your slippers after a weekend of festive fun (or maybe even in your tutus? You never know!). But this weekend I was living my best life, dancing my way around the Big Apple! 🍎

New York City - I am obsessed. Every street corner, every little café, every vibrant busker with their guitar – there’s a real sense of life here. There's a reason they call it the city that never sleeps. You're walking past towering skyscrapers with glamorous people heading home after work in fancy cocktail dresses. There's a rush to get to your favourite restaurant before they close. A buzz everywhere.

And guess what? You guessed it! My pink tutu was in tow. You simply can't have a city adventure without your tutu, can you? 😜

Now, let me tell you about my weekend...

Friday: A Night of Elegance at the Metropolitan Opera House

The weekend started off in spectacular fashion (pun intended!) with a night at the Metropolitan Opera House to see "La Traviata." The Metropolitan Opera is seriously beautiful. It's massive, with opulent décor. The chandelier sparkles in the darkness and everything seems to have been touched with gold dust. It was the most glamorous thing I’ve ever seen.

It’s no wonder the New Yorkers are so well-dressed; the fashion on show was seriously impressive. So many fabulous gowns. It felt like walking into a couture show!

There were plenty of stunning ladies with bold hair and shimmering make-up, but what really stood out were the gentlemen who sported their tuxedos with real class. You could tell they had that special confidence, that New York panache. I was tempted to sneak a few snaps for my next “Pink Tutu Fashion” blog post - you wouldn't believe the accessories!

Saturday: Retail Therapy and Ballerina Bliss

After Friday's dose of elegance, it was time for a dose of fashion therapy on Saturday! 🛍️ My first stop was the fabulous Barneys New York on Madison Avenue. Let me tell you, this place is like a palace of designer heaven. The windows alone were a feast for the eyes. Imagine the biggest Christmas tree imaginable decorated with fluffy pink tulle! You don't want to imagine - you just have to see it!

I could spend days browsing those designer shoes and handbags. 👠🎒 Honestly, there were so many tempting colours and designs, but even with a good dance performance coming up next weekend I didn't have room in my luggage! (It goes without saying I did get a few essential fashion pieces - don't worry, there'll be a Pink Tutu haul soon.)

Speaking of ballet, I did, of course, find time to indulge in a ballet class at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. These studios are a world away from my favourite local dance school back in Derbyshire, but the teachers here are absolutely phenomenal.

The students were incredibly talented, each with their own unique style. I spent the class feeling inspired by everyone in the room. We practiced some lovely fouettés, and I even managed a few decent grand jetés - which is saying something considering how my suitcase was weighing me down! I felt a real connection to the history of dance in this space - it’s really quite something.

After class, I had some much-needed rest, recharged with some much-needed delicious blueberry pancakes in a local café. You know how much I love food!

Sunday: A Little Broadway Magic

Now, no trip to New York City would be complete without a dose of Broadway magic! ✨ The whole atmosphere around the theatre was infectious. The sheer excitement of those coming out for their first experience in the city’s famous theatres is electrifying.

I’ve seen many a theatrical production in my lifetime - including a couple of pantomimes over the holidays with the Derby Operatic Society. But seeing “Phantom of the Opera" live in the majestic Majestic Theatre felt different. It was captivating and enchanting. I’ll leave the details to your imagination, but let’s just say the pink tutu didn’t get lost in the atmosphere - it had quite a bit of fun, too! I almost felt the urge to pop onto the stage myself - there is a part of me that still yearns for those school days! I think I even spotted a couple of others wearing tutus in the crowd, so you know they understand!

I am absolutely in love with this city. Everyone you meet seems so friendly, ready to share stories and advice, even just pointing you in the right direction to find the nearest café for your favourite almond latte. There’s a real feeling of community and the energy is palpable.

New York is, dare I say it, the ideal place to sport a pink tutu, especially while on the subway! What could be better than dancing to the rhythmic rumbles of the New York train? You feel a rush of freedom as the carriages roll beneath the streets of New York.

Don't get me wrong, it’s definitely not easy navigating this metropolis in a pink tutu, what with the rushing crowds and the narrow turns, but I reckon you can never be too fabulous! It’s all part of the experience, really! Sometimes, the tutu actually helps. Just like in a theatre or ballet production, if I need to get somewhere quickly I can simply lift up my tutu, throw my arms in the air and voila! – everyone gives me a little space!

This city inspires me to embrace the joy of movement, colour, and creativity. If you ask me, a pink tutu is just what the Big Apple needs. It's a symbol of individuality, confidence, and fun – something everyone needs to channel once in a while.

Speaking of fun... I've got another ballet performance coming up this weekend back in Derbyshire! But rest assured, my tutu is already making plans for my next visit to the Big Apple. Stay tuned, darling!

*Much Love, Emma *💖

P.S. Don't forget to check out for all things pink tutu, my lovelies. And tell me in the comments - would you wear a pink tutu in NYC? 😉

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-12-03 she danced in New York City