New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-01-28 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday, January 28th, 2013 - She Danced in the City That Never Sleeps! (Post #921)

Hello, my darling Tutu-Twirlers! It's Emma, reporting live from the bustling, vibrant heart of New York City, where even the pigeons wear fabulous feathered hats! This week, I'm swirling through the concrete jungle in my very favourite hot pink tutu (you know, the one with the diamante trim? You’ve all seen it on Instagram, right?) and let me tell you, my darlings, it's a spectacle. A pink tutu spectacle. I am the pink dot in a sea of black coats and beige winter boots, a splash of colour against the greyness of the city, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

You know, they say that the New York subway is like a tunnel to a different world, and this week, that couldn’t have been truer! After a morning class at the legendary American Ballet Theatre Studio, where even the ballet barre shimmered with diamonds, I boarded the "L" train with my trusty tutu in tow. It was the kind of morning where the whole world felt pink, even the exhaust fumes coming out of the subway tunnel! (No, really, it was just a metaphor, dear readers!)

Speaking of the “L”, you just must know about this amazing little vintage store I stumbled upon this week. Hidden in the back streets of Chinatown (a truly beautiful and bustling place with some incredible tea shops), it was filled to the brim with 1920s dresses, feathered boas, and even a fabulous flapper-style pink tutu, which I, of course, had to try on (with my own pink tutu already on – just because you can!) It's the kind of place that's guaranteed to set your creative spirit on fire. The lady who runs it is a quirky little thing with purple hair and a twinkle in her eye, and she’s got more vintage dresses than you could ever imagine. I felt like I'd stepped into a time machine – imagine my joy! Sadly, I couldn't buy anything (you know I live off those dance gig wages, my darlings!) but I did promise her that I’d bring back a picture of myself in one of the dresses, wearing my pink tutu of course. She thought that was the best idea, so keep your eyes peeled for that in next week’s post!

Now, who could ever resist the glamour of Broadway? As it happens, this week, I’ve had the privilege of catching the last night of a sensational production of "Carousel". There was magic in the air. The music, the dancing, the costumes, the singing, it was all just... well... heavenly! The whole audience, and myself included, was absolutely spellbound. They say New York's stage is the heart and soul of the theatre world, and that couldn't be truer, especially tonight. The final curtain came down, the lights rose, and for just a moment, I swear I could see a twinkle of pure joy in every face in the auditorium! You could almost hear the applause echoing in my pink tutu!

Talking about twinkling... (Did you notice a theme this week, dear readers? Yes! Pink tutus and twinkling!), after a lovely lunch (smoked salmon sandwiches at a little café nestled right next to Carnegie Hall – perfect with my champagne!) I headed off to a local street fair in Greenwich Village. It’s just like a big old-fashioned market but, you guessed it, all decked out in twinkle lights, and everything is glistening like magic.

It seems like everyone here knows how to turn any day into a spectacular show! Every little nook and cranny in New York city feels bursting with creativity.

Just imagine this... strolling down the street, passing artists sketching portraits, watching a group of teenagers breakdancing in front of a jazz bar, hearing the sweet sounds of a classical piano floating out from an open doorway - it’s all here!

Speaking of classical piano...

After that, I made a pit stop at a beautiful little antique shop full of vintage pianos and all sorts of fascinating oddities (did you know they sold pink tutu lampshades? I nearly fainted!).

Then, off to catch a magical street ballet performance at the end of a little alley in Soho. These guys were unbelievable! They swirled and leapt around a vintage phone booth as if it was a stage in the Paris Opera House. I even tried to sneak into their circle to join in - they’re all so fabulous – and we nearly made a whole little flashmob before I was very kindly and politely informed that I was interrupting their "performance art" moment, haha! It seems everyone is a dancer in this magical city!

And this brings us to the heart of New York's magic, the heart of the #PinkTutuBlogNYC world – New York's magnificent dance scene! This week I had the honour of witnessing a truly breath-taking performance of “Swan Lake” at Lincoln Center, the most exquisite ballet experience you can possibly imagine. From the dazzling white costumes to the haunting music to the mesmerizing skill of the dancers, I’m pretty sure I heard the entire theatre gasping in awe as they effortlessly moved across the stage. I know my mouth was definitely wide open.

After this beautiful night of graceful ballet magic, the final curtain call brought me down to earth with a delightful crash… I was surrounded by a sea of beaming faces, each one wearing an expression of pure joy and utter wonder, all reflecting the beauty of this magnificent city! You know what they say... nothing like a night of ballet to make your spirit soar.

Oh, and by the way, have you seen the newest #PinkTutuChallenge hashtag taking over social media? You're going to want to be part of this, trust me. The goal? Get everyone in the world, including those cute little furry penguins down in the Southern Hemisphere, wearing a pink tutu.

Can you imagine that? An entire planet, pink tutus swirling, jumping, twirling - it's going to be amazing! This is how you inspire a generation, darlings, by wearing a pink tutu!

I'm telling you, pink tutus are the future. And if you see me, don’t be afraid to wave and join me, even for just a moment, to whirl in that glorious pink vortex! It’s what life is all about.

Stay sparkly, my little twirlers,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-01-28 she danced in New York City