
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-03-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #927 - A Whirlwind of Pink in the Big Apple! ๐Ÿฉฐ ๐ŸŽ

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, back from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple! I'm absolutely buzzing from all the fantastic experiences I had last week โ€“ it's safe to say New York City was a dream come true, and I'm bursting at the seams to share it all with you.

First things first, this little ballerina wouldn't be here without the incredible support from you lovely readers! You keep my heart soaring, and every penny earned through my performances brings me closer to fulfilling my tutu dreams!

New York: A Symphony of Pink

So, the date was March 11th, 2013. The wind was whipping through the canyons of steel, the sun was shining, and a truly beautiful day had begun in the heart of Manhattan. After a little bit of a travel adventure (that involved a slightly misplaced pink feather boa, let's not dwell), I finally landed at my little haven for the week - a charming hotel just a hop, skip, and a twirl from Central Park! Iโ€™ve gotta tell you, having Central Park right there made every morning just that bit brighter. Itโ€™s like having a massive, beautiful garden to wander around in. It was hard to tear myself away, but with a jam-packed schedule and my trusty Pink Tutu itinerary in hand, there was so much to see and do!

A Tutu Tour of the City That Never Sleeps

From the moment I stepped onto the subway (it's so wonderfully fast and easy to navigate!) โ€“ decked out in my most fabulous pink tutu, of course โ€“ I was caught up in the hustle and bustle of New York life. Everyone is on the go, but they're so friendly too. I got smiles and even some "You go girl" cheers! The energy was electric, just like the vibrant colours surrounding me. And oh, the shops! Fashion paradise! There were little boutiques hidden away on every street corner, filled with vintage treasures and chic modern pieces, not to mention all the beautiful dresses and outfits that perfectly compliment a pink tutu!

Culture, Dancing, and Delight

My main goal on this trip was to absorb the dazzling cultural offerings of New York, with a particular focus on the dance scene, of course! I was just so thrilled to see the incredible ballet shows they have here - I even took a couple of classes myself at the renowned Steps on Broadway (wearing my pink tutu, obviously, why wouldn't I?). The sheer talent and dedication of these dancers blew my mind! I picked up a few new moves myself - oh, those pirouettes are getting sharper already!

The next day was pure delight - I was treated to the magical experience of "Wicked" on Broadway! This incredible story of friendship and self-discovery, set to breathtaking music and captivating performances, just wowed me! It was pure magic on stage, and as if to seal the deal, there was even a hint of green โ€“ something for everyone to enjoy, right?!

From the Bronx to Brooklyn โ€“ Exploring a City's Heart

Now, you simply cannot visit New York City without experiencing a real taste of its iconic boroughs, so off I went on my tutu-inspired exploration! The Bronx was up first, with its iconic Yankee Stadium (which surprisingly, had nothing to do with pink tutus) โ€“ although the colours were a good match! However, what I truly loved about the Bronx was its artistic heart - I found amazing street art at every turn. The bold colours, creative themes and bold lettering just reminded me of the raw talent found in the dance studios I adore โ€“ just a different medium, but expressing the same passion and joy.

Next stop, the ever-so-hip Brooklyn! Now, Brooklyn was an absolute revelation for me. You can truly feel the soul of this city in this borough, with its vibrant arts scene, quirky cafes, and friendly locals โ€“ and more street art, itโ€™s a real love-affair. And I have to tell you, Brooklyn really impressed me with its vintage shops! They were full of fantastic finds, some of which I snagged to give my outfits a truly New York feel. The best part? The incredible thrift stores - a real treasure trove for tutu accessories and other wardrobe wonders!

Dining with Delight โ€“ From Bagels to Burgers

You can't leave out food when talking about New York! Oh, the delights to be found! From the legendary, iconic New York bagels to their legendary juicy burgers, I sampled some truly scrumptious flavours, all whilst keeping my tutu safely away from any sauce spills, obviously!

I fell in love with the bagel carts everywhere I went! A perfect light lunch that gives you a quick pick me up and lets you keep on exploring all the incredible sites! They remind me of the beautiful cafes I discovered in Paris.

The End of the Storyโ€ฆ For Now!

My New York adventure came to an end all too soon, leaving me wanting more. The city was a symphony of sounds, smells, and sights that had captured my heart and fuelled my pink tutu dreams. It was a journey I will never forget!

Of course, no trip is complete without a little souvenir shopping! My little pink tutu case was packed full of vintage treasures and adorable knick-knacks, not to mention all the wonderful ballet books Iโ€™d found!

New York City is full of inspiration and magic! I truly believe every woman should feel as empowered as I did when twirling in a pink tutu down those city streets โ€“ every one of you is an inspiration, no matter where you are, no matter what your dream is, so make it happen!

As I hopped onto that subway train (that same easy and reliable metro system, how I've grown to love it!), leaving my little slice of New York behind, one thing was clear: My heart is already planning the next visit! Until then, Iโ€™m bringing back the New York vibes with a sprinkle of Broadway sparkle and a dash of that contagious, joyful energy. Letโ€™s make this week sparkle, shall we?

Love always,


Pink Tutu Blog - www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-03-11 she danced in New York City