New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-03-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 928 – Monday 18th March 2013 – She Danced in New York City

Good morning, darlings! I hope you’re all doing brilliantly this Monday morning. It's a bit grey and drizzly here in New York City but, let's be honest, what else would you expect from March? We can’t expect sunshine every day, especially after the amazing weather we’ve been having! I’m sat here in my favourite café, with a steaming cappuccino, the aroma of cinnamon rolls and vanilla latte wafting through the air, writing about my weekend escapades. You might be thinking, "What exciting adventures could possibly happen on a weekend in New York?" I'll tell you – a whole lot!

You know, I think everyone should wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives. Just for the sheer joy of it. It’s such a wonderful way to remind ourselves of the freedom of being a child, that carefree spirit where every day is an adventure. And it makes me so happy to see others embrace the tutu magic!

This past weekend, my adventure started right here in Manhattan, where I found myself in a vintage costume shop in Greenwich Village. Let's just say, it was absolute heaven! They had everything from feather boas and sequined gowns to, of course, the most gorgeous collection of tutus! There was even a stunning pink one that caught my eye - it had so many layers of delicate tulle, and it shimmered in the light. I almost purchased it on the spot, but I promised myself I’d wait until my next big adventure – a visit to the real Broadway. But it’s in my sights, for sure!

On Saturday evening, my heart soared at a phenomenal performance by the New York City Ballet. We saw a rendition of "Swan Lake," and let me tell you, it was simply divine! The dancers were breathtakingly talented, their every movement a graceful story. The costumes were magnificent – especially the swan princess’s tutu! My fellow ballet enthusiasts and I gasped at the sheer beauty of it. The energy in the theatre was electrifying – I felt a wave of pure, unadulterated joy. I can't imagine anything more fulfilling than losing myself in the magical world of ballet. It is something I find truly uplifting.

Before the performance, I indulged in a little retail therapy. Let's be honest, every New York City adventure involves a bit of shopping, right? I’ve found some rather fabulous ballet flats that I simply couldn’t resist! The perfect blend of practicality and femininity, they’re comfy and elegant at the same time. They are going to make a magnificent addition to my shoe collection – a pink and white, delicately embellished number - and I simply adore them! You can never have too many shoes, especially when you live and breathe for dance.

Afterwards, a delicious Italian dinner with my good friend Sophia. We laughed until we cried, enjoyed pasta with all the trimmings, and talked about everything under the sun. Sharing adventures and laughter with a dear friend - priceless.

On Sunday morning, we ventured into Brooklyn for some brunch. The coffee was divine, and the blueberry pancakes were even more heavenly. After brunch, Sophia and I walked around Brooklyn Heights, admiring the picturesque brownstone architecture. It's such a charming neighbourhood with such a great mix of shops and art galleries. I even stumbled upon a beautiful, independent dance studio that reminded me of the dance school in my hometown, Derbyshire. Just looking at it, I was taken right back to my teenage years. Those carefree days, where every movement was a journey of discovery.

As we wandered around Brooklyn Heights, Sophia pointed out an old abandoned theatre. It had such a sense of history and character to it. And as I stood there gazing up at the building, an idea sparked within me. Wouldn't it be simply magical to hold a ballet performance in a location like this? It would feel like stepping into a vintage fairytale.

Maybe it’s the tutus, but my imagination gets the better of me, but what a dream it would be! But then, you never know… one day, just maybe.

As evening descended, the city lights started twinkling like a million stars, we hopped onto the metro for a scenic ride back to Manhattan. It’s still one of my favourite ways to travel in New York City. Being down in the subway, the constant motion, watching the diverse faces around me, I truly feel the vibrant heart of New York City. And who knows what kind of magic we may encounter while riding the train, there are truly stories everywhere in New York, if only we’d look for them!

Sunday night brought me another fantastic opportunity – a ballet workshop at the world famous School of American Ballet! What an amazing chance to refine my technique under the guidance of truly incredible professionals. And let's be honest, we all know that nothing beats learning new skills and challenging ourselves.

Oh, the joy! The movement! I learned so much, and I'm thrilled to continue refining my dancing, and bringing that extra flair to my pink tutu outfits. The combination of grace and strength of the dancers is truly inspiring!

You see, this city is like a gigantic ballet performance! It’s constantly evolving and brimming with exciting possibilities, and as an avid observer of life, a tutu-clad ballet enthusiast, and someone who adores dancing, I love the vibrant energy and creative atmosphere of New York City. Every single day offers new adventures and opportunities, and my tutu has been my trusty companion for all of them.

After my weekend whirlwind of excitement, I am absolutely buzzing! Filled with an array of inspirational ideas and images. Every experience brings new challenges, sparks ideas and feeds my creativity. That’s the joy of life, the constant unfolding, discovering new beauty, dancing with new steps. It all feeds my desire to wear my tutu every day and dance my way through life!

That is, of course, if I don't trip on a rogue subway rat - I wouldn't want to spoil the day!

But seriously, every day in this incredible city is an opportunity to spread a bit of pink tutu magic. Just the thought of wearing one makes me smile – it truly embodies a feeling of playfulness, optimism, and a sense of joie de vivre!

Have a magnificent week, my loves! Until next time, I'm off to the Met - I hear they've got an exhibition of gorgeous historical costumes - I simply must see them!

With love and pirouettes,

Emma xox

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-03-18 she danced in New York City