New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-03-25 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Post Number 929 🩰

Monday, 25th March 2013

Hey darlings! It’s Emma, your favourite tutu-loving blogger, back from the Big Apple, and oh, what a weekend it was! NYC has just stolen my heart – what a dazzling, chaotic, exciting place! As usual, my travels were fuelled by the magic of ballet – I just couldn’t resist a trip to see American Ballet Theatre, the legendary company!

This time, I ventured out of my beloved Derbyshire and travelled all the way across the pond! Of course, it wasn't just the ballet that drew me in. Oh, no! This city is a shopper's paradise, especially if you happen to be a pink-loving, tutu-obsessed girl like me! 💖

Before we get to the fab finds (and there were many!), let’s talk about my favourite part: the performance. American Ballet Theatre are simply stunning. Watching their graceful moves, the exquisite costumes and the dazzling sets was pure joy. You could feel the passion and artistry in every step – the auditorium was electric with emotion.

And you know what? As I took my seat, guess what I saw across the aisle? A little girl, about six or seven, with a tutu and a giant pink bow in her hair. Isn't that just too lovely? It was as if we were sharing a secret code – we were sisters, bound by our love for dance and our fierce affection for pink!

Speaking of sisterhood, I’ve been reflecting on my travels and realised the universal language of ballet. It doesn't matter if you're in New York or Nottingham, Beijing or Berlin – the passion for dance, the dedication to technique and the joy of expression unite us all. It's truly inspiring, isn't it?

Now, I have to tell you about my fab discoveries on the fashion front! It’s no secret that I love nothing more than searching for unique treasures to add to my pink-tastic wardrobe. New York did not disappoint, oh my!

My favourite finds? Well, first up: a beautiful silk scarf in the most gorgeous shade of blush pink at Bergdorf Goodman. You just know it will be perfect for adding a touch of elegance to my evening attire!

Then, of course, there’s the legendary Bloomingdale's! It's like a fairytale wonderland, filled with so many stunning items! My eye was immediately drawn to a gorgeous pink dress with a full, floaty skirt. Think elegant ballerina meets vintage glamour. It will be my next statement piece, I just know it!

And the best part? The staff at both shops were incredibly welcoming, full of energy and charm! I even managed to score a beautiful vintage brooch with a single, sparkling pink gemstone. Perfect for my pink tutu collection!

Fashion is for Everyone

Let's be honest, my lovely readers, there's something truly magical about the power of fashion. It can help us express ourselves, boost our confidence, and make us feel absolutely fabulous! But more than that, it can be a wonderful tool for embracing our individuality. It's about feeling empowered, creative, and simply fabulous!

Remember, my mission is to encourage every one of you to embrace your inner tutu-wearing ballerina! Why not try wearing pink to your next event? Go for a bright and bold fuchsia, a delicate blush, or even a gorgeous magenta. And of course, if you want to really unleash your inner princess, why not embrace the magic of a tutu? 😉

Metro Moments

While New York City is famous for its iconic yellow cabs, I’ve fallen head-over-heels for the subway system. It’s like a whole other world, humming with a vibrant energy! The constant rumble and chatter create a rhythm that I’ve found strangely calming. Plus, there are so many interesting characters – you just never know what you’ll encounter on the train!

This week I saw a street performer dancing in the middle of the platform. He wore a white tutu and his dancing was incredible, it left me completely spellbound! There are artists everywhere, showcasing their talents, their dreams – it’s inspiring!

I know what you're thinking – Emma, travelling solo on the subway in New York? But you know, my dear readers, fear has no place in this tutu-wearing blogger's life! I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to experience all this, and New York is definitely the city where you truly feel alive!

And the best thing about solo travel? I set my own pace and I get to enjoy each moment at my leisure.

Living Life to the Fullest

This past weekend has reinforced my belief in the power of following your dreams. Life is an adventure and it’s important to seize every opportunity to live it to the fullest! So don't be afraid to explore, try new things, and push your boundaries. Remember, dear readers, it’s never too late to chase those dreams and find your happy place, even if it's in the heart of the Big Apple!

Until next Monday, dear readers! Sending you lots of love, tutu-hugs and inspiring dreams!

Yours in Pink,

Emma 💕

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-03-25 she danced in New York City