
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-05-06 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC ā€“ Monday 2013-05-06 ā€“ New York City!

Post Number 935

Well, hello lovely lot! Itā€™s Emma, reporting live from New York City! This fabulous metropolis is truly a feast for the senses and the most perfect place to get inspired for pink tutus galore. As you know, my adventures are all funded by my dancing, and, to make things easier for me on this trip, I decided to head out and earn my pocket money with a lovely ballet performance. And you wouldn't believe where! The New York State Theatre.

I always feel a bit more adventurous when I have a tutu on, but I have to confess I did have a good old-fashioned wobble before my performance in such a famous and iconic venue. The audience were lovely though, I got loads of lovely smiles and claps. You wouldnā€™t believe how good it feels to know that I'm inspiring the next generation of tutu-wearers in a way.

It was absolutely jam-packed. From what I could gather from my fellow dancers, the show was The Nutcracker. And yes, they had a pink tutu for the Sugar Plum Fairy! Of course they did, I couldnā€™t have asked for a better advertisement.

Afterwards, we all decided to grab some food ā€“ I went for a gorgeous cheeseburger with all the trimmings at a lovely burger joint. Donā€™t tell anyone but the New York cheesecake I had afterwards was possibly the best I have ever had. I could have happily eaten another slice ā€“ actually, make that two slices! I wonder what my hips would say! But then I remembered the saying 'All that glitters is not gold, but it can make a good cheesecake'!

After such a yummy and indulgent dinner, it was back to my room, which was conveniently right by the Broadway theatre. Itā€™s a truly brilliant location, in the middle of all the buzz! Iā€™ve already clocked a couple of great little shops which are calling out for a pink tutu, so I might try them out before my performance later today.

Iā€™ve got such a busy schedule while Iā€™m here and there are some big names I want to get a glimpse of, like the lovely Miranda Kerr and Karlie Kloss! Donā€™t worry, I wouldnā€™t dream of bothering them!

So now, with an exciting new show under my belt and a healthy serving of New Yorkā€™s deliciousness, itā€™s back to prepping for the theatre performance this afternoon. It's a bit daunting knowing that all eyes are going to be on me, but I canā€™t help but smile. Maybe if I'm super-lucky Iā€™ll bump into a little girl who loves pink tutus as much as I do.

Stay tuned to this space, darlings, and see you tomorrow!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC ā€“ Monday 2013-05-13 ā€“ A Little Bit of New York Sparkle

Post Number 936

Oh, darling, how do I even begin to describe New York City? It's simply a place that grabs hold of you and throws you into the very heart of the buzz. And trust me, itā€™s a dizzying but exhilarating ride. There is no place quite like it, and you just have to experience it for yourself! It is brimming with colour and creativity. If you've never visited New York, you really must, you won't regret it.

Remember the amazing Broadway performance I was telling you about last week? Iā€™m getting slightly giddy just thinking about it! Iā€™ve been a professional ballerina for what feels like a lifetime now and have performed all around the world, but there was just something so special and magical about the Broadway performance, it just took the biscuit. The applause was deafening and the crowds were absolutely roaring with laughter. The joy of seeing people react like that really warms the cockles of my heart.

I even had a little girl in the front row come over to me after the show to ask if she could have my tutu. Iā€™d never felt quite so proud to have worn a tutu before and my heart simply melted when I looked at the huge beaming smile on her face. The little tot had the most adorable, fluffy little pink tutu, so I was happy to share a few ballerina tips with her, even teaching her a couple of the little steps I'd learnt. I love seeing so many other tutus and getting other ballet fans into a frenzy over my pink creation. The joy I get when I hear ā€˜I love your tutu!ā€™ is an emotion Iā€™m still trying to put into words.

Youā€™ve probably guessed by now that it wasn't only about ballet this week. Letā€™s be honest, if you're heading to New York, you can't just stop there! So, Iā€™ve had to indulge myself. The New York shopping scene really is something else, but then again, you probably know that already! And what better place to show off a brand new tutu outfit?

I managed to score some real bargains at the amazing designer outlet in Woodbury Commons! Imagine if it wasn't on the other side of New York ā€“ I could be tempted to go every week. It is simply the best! You'd be surprised how many places sell things at a real bargain price in the States! I wouldnā€™t tell everyone, because everyone else will want to come and take up the bargain deals ā€“ but shush, just for my blog readers, here are a couple of the top deals. If you need something pink ā€“ youā€™ll be spoilt for choice! And no, I didnā€™t say this before but thereā€™s a designer shop which makes an absolutely fantastic, beautiful bright pink tutus that are just begging for a new ballerina to take it home. There are no ifs, buts, or maybes, I am so tempted. I mean who wouldn't be, right?!

I think this just confirms to me that the Americans have got a great sense of fashion - maybe because they're so exposed to a range of styles all over the city. But they always dress to impress.

New York City definitely is a must for every girl! The atmosphere, the vibrancy, and the opportunities ā€“ New York has it all!

Speaking of my experiences in the city, I went to the famous ā€˜Friendsā€™ cafe, ā€œCentral Perk,ā€ the place that featured in my favourite TV series ā€œFriendsā€. It's a real buzz in there, especially since it looks exactly as it did in the series, so if youā€™re a ā€œFriendsā€ fan you have to check it out. I actually took the shot there and got all nostalgic thinking of my favourite characters and what the ā€˜Central Perkā€™ crew would be up to now. But enough about me ā€“ let's hear about your New York stories, do leave me a comment and share your experiences of New York City!

Until next time, lovelies. Iā€™ll keep you posted!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC ā€“ Monday 2013-05-20 ā€“ It's a Date!

Post Number 937

It's all kicking off over here, folks! I can barely catch my breath. New York is fast-paced but exciting - a proper whirlwind! It's almost a blur but the thing about that whirlwind is that I have some amazing things to share!

I even managed to catch some time for a very romantic evening in New York, you can imagine the fun I was having just looking around at all the amazing places to go to for a little bit of romance. Now, normally when people hear the phrase "ballet girl goes on a date," you're imagining a scene straight out of a movie. I mean, if I met my future husband here in New York, that would be some fairytale-style story, wouldn't it?! But it was just an ordinary date, all be it a delightful and fantastic time with a fantastic guy called Tom! We met at one of those lovely street performances near Times Square where there was an open mic night. He seemed to really love ballet and we were getting along famously, talking all evening about our different favourite dances and of course, my love for tutus!

Tom was also pretty smitten with my tutu outfit. The more I wear this fabulous thing the more people I seem to be inspiring to wear their own pink tutus, or tutus of all colours and shapes and sizes ā€“ and it's amazing! I want to know everything theyā€™ve seen, where theyā€™ve been wearing their tutu. It's contagious! The pink tutu love. Don't you think everyone should get in on this and try a pink tutu out?! Well, my Tutu has turned my journey into a ballet fanā€™s fantasy ā€“ so we are making memories, meeting some of the most amazing people along the way and inspiring the love for pink tutus - it's an absolutely amazing, exciting, inspiring, journey that keeps on going!

We had the best time! A few cocktails later, we found ourselves being whisked off to the breathtaking Brooklyn Bridge for a little romantic stroll. What can I say? New York really does have a charm about it, even at night! There are no words that can adequately express the sheer romantic feeling of seeing those New York City lights at night as they twinkle in the darkness! We ended the evening at one of the amazing roof top bars in the Meatpacking district where we both had an unforgettable cocktail - so delicious! And we have the perfect picture of us - I am wearing my tutu ā€“ Tom is not wearing a tutu ā€“ yet!

So far New York is everything I could have ever dreamed of ā€“ an exhilarating, fast paced, buzzing metropolis ā€“ I'm on the verge of being totally mesmerized! And as a total tutu aficionado and ballet addict, I'm right at home, with people that actually admire what I wear and how much I love it. Thatā€™s probably why my New York journey is my very favourite! I feel totally relaxed, free, at ease and Iā€™m getting a little overwhelmed with New York Love ā€“ itā€™s that exciting. And I get a lovely warm glow, knowing how many girls and even boys love pink tutus, how much inspiration it gives to them, especially when I see those little wide-eyed girls with pink tutus - it makes me want to teach them all how to ballet. And I hope it's inspiring all those girls (and boys) whoā€™ve always dreamt of dancing and taking up ballet. The only way to do that is by following your dream!

Oh! This has reminded me I'm already back at home - a lovely long journey on the train from the station. This place will never cease to amaze me! Well, back to work in Derbyshire, a change of scenery! And remember, there are so many tutu adventures yet to come!

See you next week, lovelies.

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC ā€“ Monday 2013-05-27 ā€“ The Tutu Goes Global

Post Number 938

As you know I am a real girly-girl and if itā€™s pink, I want it ā€“ or as my Dad says "You know what you want!ā€ And as most of you know by now Iā€™ve travelled the world on this crazy Pink Tutu journey, from dancing on stage to my very own Tutu Instagram hashtag - the whole lot. It's incredible just how popular it is! Now donā€™t tell anyone - but when it's going so well, it can get a bit tiring! It does, I wouldnā€™t say stressful - but definitely exciting. But, in my busy schedule, I do sometimes crave a good night's sleep or to even grab a moment for a relaxing cuppa! I'm not sure how I actually do it but I do seem to do it in style!

So here I am, back at my flat. After all that excitement in New York, it's time to take a little rest but Iā€™m still on my pink tutu travels - well I think this pink tutu and I are a good combination!

Anyway, where was I? Right! Back at my flat - but not resting just yet! I have so much news I need to share with you all! Itā€™s something big - even for me.

The whole tutu journey was an absolutely amazing experience! It had given me such an incredible buzz - there really isnā€™t another buzz like it, I canā€™t say that too strongly. I get lots of emails, even now and again a few messages about how much the tutus inspire everyone - which always feels absolutely brilliant! My mission in life to get as many people as possible wearing pink tutus, just for the sake of it! ā€“ And if there was one reason to wear one ā€“ the fact that we are doing it all to inspire everyone. It has truly become my lifeā€™s work - which makes it even better - this whole amazing crazy tutu adventure! And that, of course, leads to new avenues and new opportunities!

If I was still dreaming when I set up my Pink Tutu blog it definitely feels a bit more real now - It is a great way for me to express all my thoughts and ideas - it helps to bring out my inner artist - which is quite a big one! But the best bit of this whole blog is how it connects me with so many others around the world! It just feels wonderful to know so many of you, all from my little blog.

Iā€™m so excited that a lovely lady from a magazine based in California wanted to feature a story on me - all about my pink tutus! Isnā€™t that just fantastic! It felt just a bit overwhelming and surreal to have someone write about what I love and about my tutus! It just goes to show how much my adventures and journeys inspire others to follow their dreams! This girl and I seem to have made the same connection through tutus ā€“ I think she may even be considering starting her very own Pink Tutu blog! Now isnā€™t that a great story to tell! Itā€™s one of the big reasons for starting my Pink Tutu blog - a little blog has become such a big part of my life - it has a global reach!

If youā€™re ever in a rut ā€“ why don't you have a think about what youā€™d like to achieve? You might surprise yourself, just like Iā€™ve surprised myself. I just set my goal and started blogging and now I am featured in a US magazine ā€“ fantastic ā€“ all because I followed my passion.

This really is the cherry on top of my already delicious pink tutu adventure! What a ride. And remember, weā€™re just getting started. Weā€™ve only begun. And I really would love it if all my little Tutu fans in New York would leave me some feedback on what your favourite pink tutu adventures in New York City have been so far! You'll all hear all about my big pink tutu plans as soon as theyā€™re in motion. But for now, I have to say 'goodbye' until next time.

Love you all and stay beautiful!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-05-06 she danced in New York City