New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-07-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #943 - Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Monday 1st July, 2013

Helloooo my gorgeous lovelies! It's Emma here, and I'm bursting at the seams with excitement because
I'm in New York City! Squeals! Yes, darling, this pink tutu has finally made its way to the Big Apple and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. The energy is incredible, the buildings are incredible, and the city is just incredible! I mean, just think about it: Central Park, the Empire State Building, Broadway shows...the dream list goes on!

But enough of the clichés, it's all about the details. Let's dive right into the pinkest adventure you'll read about today!

Day One: Metro Mania and Fashion Fancies

Landing at JFK felt like landing in a sparkly dream! Stepping off the plane and feeling the warm New York sun on my skin was simply magical. Of course, I made sure to pack my trusty, oh-so-pretty pink tutu – no adventure is complete without a little bit of pink sparkle, right?

First order of the day was getting settled into my darling little hotel in Midtown. Oh my goodness, let me tell you, the city is positively buzzing with excitement. Every corner is bursting with life, every sound, a new experience. I can't even imagine the rush that I felt as I boarded the Metro, that wonderfully colourful subway system – it's like stepping onto the set of a whimsical Broadway musical.

Speaking of musicals
you know I wouldn't be a proper ballerina without popping into a fabulous dance store to grab a new leotard. It's a rule, really! I snagged a gorgeous cherry red number with little sparkling black accents – perfect for twirling amongst the bustling streets!

And while we're talking about twirling, I found the most stunning boutique near my hotel. You see, my dear loves, I have this undeniable affection for fashion. The fabrics, the colours, the textures - oh my, they simply take my breath away!

The boutique was like stepping into a Parisian dream: beautiful lace dresses with delicate pink detailing, flowing silk skirts that whispered secrets to the breeze, and delicate handbags that screamed for attention. Let's just say I didn't walk away empty handed!

Day Two: The Majestic Metropolitan Opera and a Sprinkle of Stars

Now, I wouldn't be a proper ballerina without a little dose of live ballet, would I? This magnificent city is positively brimming with shows, from Broadway performances to intimate cabaret nights, and, oh my, a beautiful ballerina must indulge in such extravagance.

So, for my evening out, I was utterly smitten with a chance to experience the famed Metropolitan Opera House! Talk about grand! It felt like being transported to another era, adorned with exquisite details and shimmering lights. My heart skipped a beat as I stepped into the breathtaking grand hall.

This evening, it wasn't ballet that captivated the audience. A stunning performance of Puccini's "Tosca" had everyone on the edge of their seats! The emotions, the voices, the incredible story - it truly painted a canvas of brilliance. I found myself getting completely lost in the tale of passion and tragedy. And just wait, darlings! My own pink tutu story has a dash of romantic flair in store for you very soon

Of course, I couldn't go to New York without indulging in a touch of the glitz and glamour, could I? So after the Opera, I found myself amidst the bustling throngs of Broadway. This neighbourhood is overflowing with excitement, laughter, and a sprinkling of Hollywood magic!

Imagine, darling, finding yourself nestled amidst a gaggle of dazzling celebrities! They may be fictional but the world of the theatre just feels like it's full of famous faces, even in the dim-lit, intimate cocktail lounges. I felt like a queen, being treated to delicious cocktails and feeling the thrill of the night.

Day Three: Time To Get Moving! And Pink Is In!

Every day is a ballet class in New York, wouldn't you say? It's such an energetic city, there's a sort of rhythm in the air. Every walk, every metro ride, every chat feels like a beautiful ballet of human life.

So of course, I felt the need to actually step into a dance studio. A ballerina has to get a proper practice session in, don't you think? Now, I found this most exquisite studio tucked away in the heart of Greenwich Village. I swear, it looked straight out of a ballerina's dream. All wood floors, large mirrors and sunshine streaming through beautiful, arched windows!

This is what ballet dreams are made of.

As I floated through the elegant arabesques, I felt as if my tutu was floating effortlessly along with me. And guess what? During my class, a fellow ballerina stopped to comment on my pink tutu.

“That’s such a vibrant colour!” she beamed. “It really brings joy to this studio. Thank you!”

She was truly lovely and inspired me to believe that my dream of getting everyone wearing a pink tutu might actually be possible, one graceful twirl at a time.

Day Four: Adventures in Food, Friends and Fables

A ballerina always keeps a watchful eye on her diet. It's the rule! However, that doesn't mean we can't indulge in a little bit of culinary bliss, right? Oh darling, you've got to indulge in New York's culinary delights! Every corner has a hidden treasure – mouthwatering cheesecakes, juicy bagels with creamy cheese, and of course, the famous hot dogs.

This evening, however, it was time to find a more elevated flavour, for a delightful evening out with a friend I'd made during a dance class in Derbyshire, my home. You see, Emily moved here a few years ago and it was so lovely to have some familiar, homegrown chat in the bustling Big Apple!

We ended our evening by exploring one of New York City's charming parks, filled with a million glittering lights and a soft, cool evening breeze. There were a million little secrets to discover, magical pathways hidden behind vibrant greenery. Oh, my dears, the ambiance was simply magical.

Day Five: Empire State of Mind & A Touch of Glamour

Oh my word! I finally got to tick a huge item off my bucket list! It had to be done. It's something everyone who comes to New York has to experience – that incredible feeling of being atop the Empire State Building!

We reached the top by a breathtakingly fast elevator that seemed to transport me into another world entirely. The view, darlings
it truly is breath-taking!

Seeing the cityscape stretched out below me like a giant model railway, shimmering and pulsating, left me utterly speechless. I think I spent the whole time just staring in awe, catching my breath and pinching myself because this magical adventure was actually happening. It felt like I was stepping into one of those Hollywood musicals. And for a moment, I almost imagined a giant stage hand lowering me down to centre stage so I could take a big curtsy and feel all the love from the entire city
and then, my inner-self sighed, knowing it would never happen. Not yet anyway.

The day wasn’t all skyscrapers and starry-eyed glances, oh no, there was still time for a dose of glitz and glamour in my little pink tutu. It’s only right, right? A New York trip needs a touch of that show-stopping style, doesn’t it? So we made our way back to Midtown for a glamorous afternoon tea with the city’s elite, in a luxurious hotel. Everything felt perfectly posh: delicate cakes, champagne, and the chicest ambiance. I must say, I truly felt like I belonged.

And darling, imagine this – we caught sight of the most charming vintage clothing store tucked away in a side street. I couldn't resist poking my head in and imagine my absolute delight at stumbling upon the most beautiful antique pink tutu. This one was embellished with tiny hand-sewn silver pearls that glittered with every movement. It was truly like finding a tiny piece of fairyland tucked away in the bustling city!

Of course, I had to add it to my ever-growing tutu collection.

Day Six: Back To Reality – But A Pink Tutu Dream Never Ends

Today, dear lovelies, was a bittersweet affair, as it was time to bid farewell to the amazing Big Apple. But don’t you worry – I won’t let this be a “see you later”. New York and I will absolutely meet again. I just know it.

The journey home felt strangely surreal, as I sat on the plane reflecting on all the experiences and memories made. There was a sweet ache in my heart. The lights of New York shimmered away below, a twinkle of magic from the magical sky, as I drifted into slumber, dreaming of more pink tutus, more grand performances and a whole world of new ballet adventures just waiting to be embraced.

After all, there is nothing a pink tutu can’t achieve. And my darling friends, keep your tutus close. They'll always take you on the most spectacular journeys.

I can't wait to share more stories with you next Monday!

Until then, stay gorgeous and don't forget to sparkle.



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-07-01 she danced in New York City