
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-06-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #942 - A New York City Ballet Bonanza!

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday morning, the sun is shining, and Emma here is already sporting a gloriously pink tutu โ€“ because, let's face it, what else would a girl wear on a Monday in the Big Apple? ๐Ÿ˜‰

This week, I'm bringing you all the goss from my whirlwind weekend in the city that never sleeps! I managed to cram in more ballet than a ballerina could ever wish for, a dash of fabulous fashion, and a heaping spoonful of New York City magic. All fuelled by my favourite pink tutu, naturally! ๐Ÿ’–

So, grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's get this show on the road, shall we?

Friday: Dancing into the City!

I arrived in New York on Friday, ready to paint the townโ€ฆwell, let's say, "tutu the town"! I was absolutely buzzing with excitement โ€“ I hadn't been back to NYC since my last ballet trip back in April, and it's like coming home.

This trip is all about exploring New York City through the lens of dance. I'm planning to see as many ballets, Broadway shows, and contemporary dance performances as I possibly can! My week in the city is fully booked, so I need to make the most of every second.

First stop, I needed a quick bite before getting my dance on. I popped into a deli near my hotel, tucked away on a quiet little street. They made the most scrumptious Reuben sandwich โ€“ I even asked for it on pink rye bread, just to add a little bit of pink-tutu magic to the experience!

After lunch, I headed down to Lincoln Center for the first performance of my trip. It was "Giselle," at the Metropolitan Opera House, featuring the New York City Ballet company. The performance was divine โ€“ I was mesmerized by the precision, grace, and artistry of the dancers. It was simply breathtaking. I felt transported to a different world โ€“ the story of a tragic love story told through movement, accompanied by the most stunning music. You could literally feel the heartbreak and passion in every single step!

My tutu got quite a few compliments from fellow audience members โ€“ apparently, I'm not the only one who loves a bit of pink sparkle in my life! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Saturday: Shopping Spree and Broadway!

The day started with a leisurely breakfast in my hotel. I was so tempted to wear my pink tutu with my breakfast, but thought I might cause a scene! Instead, I chose a sweet floral print dress with some strategically placed pink accessories to make my tutu-inspired outfit of the day! After all, my love of tutus extends beyond the stage.

My shopping plans were centered around the iconic Fifth Avenue. You know me โ€“ I'm always on the lookout for a little sartorial inspiration, and Fifth Avenue always delivers! This time, I snagged a stunning pink silk scarf and a vintage hat. They both made a splash with the other fashionistas on the avenue, even though I got some funny looks for sporting my signature pink tutu, of course. It's not everyday you see someone in a tutu in New York City, I guess!

In the afternoon, I was so excited for something very special! It was time to see a Broadway show! The excitement and anticipation built as I arrived at the Majestic Theatre. I saw "The Lion King", and it was amazing! The costumes, the music, the stories... It was such an immersive experience that made my heart soar. The artistry on Broadway was a sight to behold. They even had an adorable elephant puppet in one scene. I'd definitely call it "elephan-tastic" (see what I did there? haha) ๐Ÿ˜Š

You guys know how much I love musicals! Seeing them just makes me want to grab a pink tutu and spin around the stage! (I probably need to tone down the twirling when I'm in public. ๐Ÿ˜‚ )

That night, I dined in style at a chic Italian restaurant in Little Italy. I went all out โ€“ a glass of Pinot Grigio, a delicious pasta dish, and tiramisu for dessert! The restaurant had the best atmosphere.

Sunday: A Classical Ballet Masterclass

Sundays are my days to really dive deep into the art of ballet, and today was no exception.

I took a ballet class at a studio in Midtown. It was absolutely amazing! The class was filled with dancers of all ages and levels, all there to hone their skills and passion for dance. There's just something about ballet classes in the city โ€“ there's such an energy and excitement in the air.

I learnt so many new steps, and I'm even planning on working them into my next performance โ€“ oh yes, I'm keeping my dancing career alive!

My teacher was this incredible woman called Sarah โ€“ she has this energy and spirit that really embodies everything that is magical about ballet. You could just see the pure joy radiating from her as she moved. She gave such clear instruction and encouragement. She made me feel like I was part of something special, something that really pushed me to go beyond my own limits!

In the evening, I headed to the New York State Theater for another dazzling ballet performance: "The Sleeping Beauty." The beautiful music, the elaborate costumes, the storytelling. I mean, Iโ€™m sure you know by now that I absolutely adore classical ballet! This performance left me completely enchanted.

Afterwards, I savored a warm cup of chamomile tea in a quiet cafe by the park, reflecting on all the incredible ballet moments from the past couple of days. I closed my eyes and could still hear the gentle, graceful steps, the mesmerizing music, and the palpable magic that only ballet can conjure. Thatโ€™s my secret to happiness! โœจ

Back to London and Dreams for the Future!

Well, my time in New York City has sadly come to an end for now! Back to Derbyshire I go, with a head full of new ideas, and a tutu suitcase filled with memories.

I can't wait to share my NYC dance adventures with my local ballet community โ€“ it's always so much fun to spread the love of ballet with everyone back home! I'll be hosting a ballet workshop next month for those interested in finding their inner tutu, so keep an eye on my website and social media for updates!

Oh, and if youโ€™re ever feeling lost in life, I have a piece of advice for you: head to the nearest ballet performance โ€“ it just might give you the courage and motivation to pursue your own dreams! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Before I sign off, let's discuss this important question: whatโ€™s the one thing I love about New York City? That's a hard one, I know โ€“ there are so many amazing things about this incredible city! I love the hustle and bustle, the endless possibilities, the iconic architecture, the Broadway shows, the delicious foodโ€ฆ But here's the thing: I love the fact that it makes me feel inspired. Inspired to dance, inspired to create, inspired to embrace every single moment! That's what I love the most about this amazing city!

Until next time, darlings, keep dancing!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

P.S. Remember, we're still accepting submissions for our โ€œPink Tutu for a Dayโ€ competition! So what are you waiting for? Go on, grab a pink tutu and send in your photos for a chance to win some fabulous prizes! Donโ€™t forget to follow us on all our socials and check our website www.pink-tutu.com every Monday for more fun and fashion! ๐Ÿ˜‰

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-06-24 she danced in New York City