New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-06-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 941 - A Midsummer Night's Dream in the City That Never Sleeps!

Monday 17th June 2013

Hello, darlings!

The sun is shining on the Big Apple, and so is my pink tutu! This week I’m back in NYC, and oh my, have I got stories for you!

You know how much I love to twirl and how the city itself seems to inspire every pirouette, every arabesque! Well, this week has been absolutely magical. A true dream, I tell you! It started with a whirlwind journey down from my little corner of Derbyshire, and right from the moment I arrived at Heathrow, I felt the excitement brewing!

Just thinking about that moment makes me want to throw my head back and laugh. Honestly, there’s nothing quite like stepping out of the Tube and onto the platform in New York City, a sea of pink tulle billowing in the rush hour. All those bright lights and bustling crowds - the energy is electric!

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly am I doing here, waltzing through the city in my pink tutu? Well, remember, my travels are all thanks to the generosity of those who appreciate my passion for ballet. Each show, each recital - they allow me to live my dream of experiencing all the incredible performances and fashion delights New York has to offer.

A Night at the Ballet

And speaking of delights, the very first stop on my itinerary was the New York City Ballet! Now, I know you might be thinking, "But Emma, haven’t you seen every show New York has to offer?". Well, darling, the truth is, New York City Ballet never disappoints! It’s a magical experience each and every time.

This time, I saw their interpretation of A Midsummer Night's Dream - a beautiful spectacle! The sets were breathtaking, the costumes were magnificent - so many shades of pink, it was almost too much to handle! And the choreography - it was pure magic! The grace and power of the dancers, the whimsical atmosphere… I could have watched for hours!

Let's talk about the costume design - they really took me by surprise. Such beautiful details - lace, satin, delicate beading. Honestly, the costumes were as much a part of the story as the dancing. Imagine it: tiny silver butterflies shimmering on the dancers’ hair, swirling through the air like they’re dancing themselves!

Shopping till You Drop

And wouldn't you know it, after the ballet, I had a few extra minutes, so I popped into Bergdorf Goodman. Now, who can resist a good browse at Bergdorf's, right? The displays alone were enough to send me into a twirling frenzy! I’m practically an expert at finding the most glamorous and fashionable pink things in any shop I go to! So many dresses, so much beautiful lace - I think I practically did a pirouette down the shoe department!

I treated myself to a gorgeous pink feather boa (it really is a necessity for a ballerina, you know), and a beautiful new hairpiece – think tiny pearls and silver leaves – perfect for the theatre! The best part of a day in NYC? Finding an accessory that ties your outfit together, or a pair of shoes that add just that touch of glamour. I find the perfect accessory really is like an added flourish in life!

Ballet Street and Theatre Adventures

Speaking of accessories and flushes of glam, it's time for something exciting: my secret New York discovery - Ballet Street!

Remember I was telling you how the energy in this city is electric? Well, imagine a hidden pocket in Manhattan where you have everything from the best shops for everything a ballerina needs to fabulous performance studios and even more stunning costumes.

Let me tell you, this hidden gem has quickly become my new favourite spot to explore and shop, and of course, show off my tutus. I met some amazing, creative individuals and even got invited to a secret performance at one of the theatres just outside the street - I am definitely going to be back for more, you can bet your tutu!

Making New Friends

You know, sometimes you meet the most wonderful people when you least expect it. While exploring Ballet Street, I met a talented ballerina named Alice - a truly delightful girl with the most amazing passion for her craft, who actually showed me around and gave me the low-down on the coolest places in town! We had the best time exploring the different performance spaces. You wouldn’t believe how much beautiful artistry there is just off the beaten track! Alice also introduced me to an incredible vintage store full of the most amazing theatrical costumes - can you even imagine a place where you could get your own sparkly pink tutu from the 1950s? Pure magic, I tell you!

It seems like everywhere I go in NYC, there are people just as passionate about dance as I am.

Catching the Show at The Metropolitan Opera

After a couple of busy days exploring the city, a new week began. This time I spent a very special evening at the Metropolitan Opera.

Yes, dear readers, a Pink Tutu at The Met. I’m not afraid to admit I’m slightly obsessed with seeing and being in the world's most opulent theatre and even a bit obsessed with Opera in general. It's almost a second home! But this evening, they were presenting La Bohème – such an incredible spectacle, and it's an opera I can't imagine ever getting tired of!

As I floated through the Grand Foyer in my bright pink tulle, the chandeliers lit my tutu with an ethereal glow, and people's eyes lit up! There is nothing quite like the feeling of getting ready for a night at The Met - it really makes me feel like a ballerina in a beautiful dream. Honestly, darling, you have to visit this glorious palace of a theatre at least once in your life!

What a Week in the City

As the week winds down, it's time to reflect on all the amazing experiences I've had. The performances, the costumes, the city itself... New York never ceases to amaze me! And even better than all that? The friendships I make on my trips – you can’t beat meeting fellow dance lovers in a city like this. They understand my passion. They see the magic in twirling down a New York street. And we share a mutual understanding about the wonder of being swept away in the artistry of a great performance.

It’s true what they say, darlings - there really is magic in New York City!

And one thing I have learned on this trip - New York City really does seem to accept everything - and it does seem that every colour and shade can make the world feel just a little bit more magical - which means that all you lovely readers at home have even more of a reason to break out your pink tutus - after all, who’s not going to love a little twirling joy in their lives?

See you next week, dear readers!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-06-17 she danced in New York City