New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-08-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #951 – Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps! 🩰

Hello, darlings! It's Monday, August 26th, 2013, and I'm writing to you from the bustling, exciting heart of New York City! My travels this week have been packed full of dazzling delights, and let me tell you, this city is living up to its reputation of being the "Capital of the World"! 🌎

This time around, I landed myself a gig with a delightful troupe, the “Dancing Dreams”, performing at a stunning, gothic-themed venue tucked away in Greenwich Village. You wouldn't believe the crowds! This part of the city was truly electric. Even my pink tutu, the very same one that has been to the Paris Opera and waltzed across Vienna's stage, attracted a whole chorus line of admirers. You just know I had to share this moment with you on Instagram, and judging by the likes, you all agree that pink really does just "work" everywhere! 💖

A Glimpse of NYC – Where Culture Meets Chaos

Before I get lost in all the glitz and glamour, I want to share with you a bit of my journey to this amazing city. After all, a ballet dancer's journey is a lot more than just stepping onto the stage!

Arriving at the "Big Apple" on Friday was pure magic. The airport was bustling, a symphony of chatter in languages I couldn't even begin to guess! It felt a bit chaotic at first, but once I jumped on the subway, the rhythm of the city began to soothe my senses. My tutu, in all its pink glory, caused quite the stir among the passengers - you know I couldn't resist striking a few impromptu poses, capturing it all on my Instagram for the world to see! ✨

Of course, one thing you can't escape in New York is the food. From the fresh produce overflowing at the street stalls, to the mouth-watering smells wafting from every corner bakery, my senses were on a whirlwind culinary adventure! I managed to try the iconic New York cheesecake – pure heaven – but also succumbed to the temptation of the tastiest street tacos, devoured in the shadow of Times Square!🌮 I must say, every bit was worth the calories!

Speaking of Times Square, let me tell you, it is everything it's hyped up to be and more! The flashing billboards, the crowds buzzing with energy, it’s almost overwhelming at first! It is the perfect setting to snap photos, and with my trusty pink tutu in tow, we managed to cause quite a stir amongst the crowd. There’s no better place to find your inner spotlight, let me tell you! 🌟

But let's not forget the soul of the city, the places that whisper history and art:

Museums and Galleries – The Heart of a City’s Soul

We simply couldn’t visit New York without experiencing the art and cultural wonders on display in the city's museums. First on the list: the Met! I was totally captivated by the beautiful galleries and, of course, the stunning costumes! I found myself drawn to the Ancient Egyptian section. What's a pink-loving girl to do but find inspiration for her next ballet routine? It is simply fascinating to me, the connection between art and the human spirit, spanning centuries and continents.

Following the Met, we hit the Guggenheim Museum – a masterpiece in itself. The spiral staircase alone is worth the visit, let me tell you! You wouldn’t believe how many photo opportunities I managed to capture there! From dramatic poses on the iconic staircase, to twirling through the exhibit halls, my pink tutu was the perfect accessory!

On Broadway – Underneath the Magic Spell

On Saturday, we ventured to see "The Lion King" on Broadway. As an ardent admirer of stage shows, I was mesmerized by the sheer grandeur of the production, the spectacular costumes, and of course, the talented performers. The magic of live performance, the joy it brings to everyone – that’s what I live for, darling! It was truly an evening of pure joy, an unforgettable theatrical experience!

After the show, we had dinner in Little Italy, savoring traditional Italian cuisine with a glass of sparkling wine! Nothing quite compares to a delicious meal under a New York sky! The aroma of fresh bread and garlic filled the air, the energy of the neighbourhood pulsating with life, it was like a magical trip through time!

Central Park – Where Reality Melts Away

No visit to New York would be complete without a stroll through Central Park! The beauty of this oasis in the middle of a concrete jungle truly mesmerized me! On Sunday, I had my tutu at the ready – just in case inspiration struck for a spontaneous performance – and we took a lovely walk in the crisp, clear morning air, surrounded by the chirping of birds, the laughter of children playing, and the soft music from a busker’s guitar.

What a joy to breathe in the fresh air after days of being surrounded by exhaust fumes and buzzing streets. I had my notebook at the ready – that’s where my creative spark begins, and it didn't take long for a whimsical idea to bloom! The quiet energy of the park is truly a source of inspiration for every ballet dancer, you just can't escape its charm. 🌸

A Day at Bloomingdale’s – The Thrill of the Pink Pursuit!

There is, of course, no trip to New York City without a trip to one of the iconic department stores, and on a crisp Tuesday morning, I felt a deep urge for some retail therapy, so off we went to the most legendary department store in the city: Bloomingdale's! 🛍️

Oh my! I literally had to be pulled away from the vast array of clothing on display. I'm a sucker for all things pink, but there’s no stopping me when I get to browse a fabulous department store. The racks are overflowing with the latest in designer fashion, and it’s all so exquisitely displayed!

I found the most exquisite pink satin gown, and of course, had to purchase the matching gloves and tiara, it just screamed “Audrey Hepburn” on a budget. If anyone asks, they’ll get the shock of their life if I'm caught dancing at Bloomingdales with my new pink tiara – watch this space! 👸🏼

But the highlight of my visit was a stunning ballet outfit display! A whole section devoted to ballerina wear, leotards, tutus, pointe shoes! Every item beautifully displayed. It was like a dance costume fairy tale. And, of course, there was even a pink tutu section, dedicated to my love affair with the colour. It's simply magical how something as simple as colour can awaken a thousand different dreams!

A Look Ahead - Adventures on the Horizon

Well, darling, that's just a snippet of my life as a tutu-clad, ballet-loving, pink obsessed, travelling soul in New York City. My next performance is tomorrow, Wednesday 28th, with the "Dancing Dreams," in the same beautiful venue we did our first show. We have something special planned – a new routine with a beautiful, modern feel! I can’t wait to see how our audiences respond!

Of course, with New York being a city of countless stories, I'm keeping my ears and my heart open to the call of adventure. As soon as I finish the shows, it’s off to explore, shop, dance, and be a part of the exciting pulse of this incredible city.

Now, if you're thinking of a pink tutu for your own adventure – and you absolutely should! – do drop me a message on Instagram @pinktutublogger and tell me all about your adventures, no matter where you are in the world!

Until next time, remember, my darlings, the world is your stage, so wear your dreams with pride, and dance with confidence.

And if you haven't yet – don't forget to subscribe to Every week, I’ll share more tales of a pink tutu’s travels, right here in your inbox. ✨

Sending you all the love and dancing energy,

Emma 🩰💕

[Image: Emma twirling in a pink tutu in front of the New York Public Library with Central Park in the background]

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-08-26 she danced in New York City