New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-11-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC #961 - Twirling through the Big Apple

Hello my dearest Tutuettes!

The Big Apple is calling, and I'm answering! As you all know, I'm absolutely living for this NYC adventure. It's been a whirlwind of pink-hued experiences, from Broadway brilliance to bargain ballet shoes, and everything in between!

This week's blog post is dedicated to my adventures this past Monday - a day overflowing with New York's infectious energy, from a spectacular ballet show to a delightful delve into a local vintage boutique.

Pink Perfection:

The day kicked off with a delicious pastry from my favourite bakery near Central Park - a raspberry croissant that would make even the most discerning Parisian nod in approval. I might have been sporting my signature pink tutu, but with a touch of New York City flair – a vibrant red beret and a floral-patterned, feather-light scarf draped nonchalantly across my shoulders. This city's vibe demands a touch of "I-mean-business" pink, and I certainly delivered!

Step Into the Spotlight:

After my breakfast of champions, I headed straight for the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, where a truly breathtaking ballet production awaited me. I was particularly mesmerized by the costumes – think dazzling silks and glittering golds, all woven with incredible skill and precision. Seeing these talented dancers twirling under the brilliant spotlight in such elaborate costumes just fills me with such inspiration! Maybe one day I'll be on that stage myself...

Fashion Fiesta:

My love for ballet knows no bounds, but neither does my love for a good vintage treasure hunt. This led me to a charming little boutique in Greenwich Village - the name escapes me, but it was bursting with eye-catching clothes and unique finds. My vintage shopping spree yielded a darling 1950s-style dress, perfect for a date night with a certain someone... let's just say a man who can handle a bit of pink, and plenty of twirls!

Metro Magic:

The New York Metro, that whirring, pulsing beast, never ceases to amaze me. It’s the most magical way to experience this city – an intricate network of subterranean connections that transport you to different corners of the world. It’s like a stage set, always changing with new faces and stories to discover. The only downside? It does make navigating my sparkly pink ballet shoes a little more difficult! But, hey, who says a ballerina can’t be a little adventurous?

New York City Eats:

My quest for a delicious lunch led me to an iconic New York City hot dog stand – a greasy spoon of pure, unadulterated enjoyment. I can't imagine my NYC trip without a little greasy goodness. It's just a fact of life, like, well, the color pink!

Broadway Babes:

The evening took me to a breathtaking performance on Broadway – “Wicked," a musical filled with spellbinding songs, witty banter, and stunning costumes. It's almost impossible to describe the energy of a live show, especially in this magnificent theatre. I swear the entire room buzzed with the power of performance!

Tutu Transformation:

My final stop of the day was a fabulous dancewear shop nestled in a bustling corner of SoHo. I was drawn in by the vibrant, almost luminous displays of pink and red tutus. I have to admit, I came home with a few treasures, and yes, they’re all the perfect shade of pink! What can I say? I'm a bit of a tutu enthusiast.

Pink Power in Action:

Being in New York has reaffirmed my belief that anything is possible! I want to share that with you, Tutuettes. The energy here is simply magnetic. This is the perfect city to spread the magic of the tutu, the colour pink, and the wonder of ballet. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams. Just look at me, all the way from Derbyshire, twirling my way through the Big Apple in a pink tutu. It’s a true fairy tale!

Follow my New York adventure every week! Subscribe to my blog, and don’t forget to wear pink - even if it’s just a touch of rosy lipstick. Spread the pink tutu love, ladies!

Lots of love, Emma xx

(P.S. Don't forget to check out for a sneak peek into my NYC adventures! And feel free to leave a comment below, tell me about your favourite New York experiences!)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-11-04 she danced in New York City