New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-12-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #966 - Monday 9th December 2013

Hello my darlings!

It’s Monday again and you know what that means? It’s time for a new blog post! This week has been an absolute whirlwind, so much so that I’ve barely had time to catch my breath (though let’s be honest, I wouldn’t want to take a breath away from all the fun!), but I’m determined to share it all with you. So put on your most fabulous pink tutu and grab a cup of tea, because this post is going to be a real treat!

I know it seems like forever since I last popped by, but honestly, life in the big apple is just so jam-packed! Between the ballet performances I’ve been lucky enough to star in, and the countless hours spent lost in the wonderful world of New York shopping (yes, it really is a whole world in itself!), I’ve barely had a chance to breathe!

But before we delve into my latest sartorial discoveries and my thrilling dance adventures, I want to share something very special with you. A little while ago, I got to dance in a magical production of The Nutcracker with the esteemed New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. Yes, you read that right! Me, a girl from Derbyshire, gracing the same stage as some of the most iconic ballerinas of our time! It was a dream come true.

Being on stage with this world-famous company, watching their artistry and talent firsthand was just...well, I can’t even explain! They moved with such effortless grace and power, every step, every gesture, was like watching pure magic. Seeing those dazzling costumes, the intricate choreography, and hearing the powerful, swelling music, all swirling around you, is something I will never forget!

The moment I stepped out onto the stage and the curtain went up, I was transported to another world. All the nervousness I felt beforehand simply disappeared, replaced with pure joy and exhilaration! I could feel the energy of the audience, their anticipation and their excitement, as they gasped and clapped at the dancers’ movements. And dancing alongside these exceptional talents, I felt a surge of pride in myself, knowing I was a part of this incredibly beautiful spectacle.

After the performance, I got the chance to chat with some of the dancers. They were so incredibly kind, giving me their insights and encouragement. To hear their passion for dance, their stories of hardship and triumph, their dedication to their craft, it just further cemented my own belief in the power of ballet and its ability to inspire, uplift and amaze.

Now, onto the exciting news for the Pink Tutu Blog! It’s no secret that I adore exploring the depths of New York City’s incredible fashion scene, and this week I ventured to Soho and discovered a new shop that absolutely stole my heart! I can't reveal the name just yet, but I will definitely tell you all about it next week – and share my most fabulous discoveries with you. Let’s just say that the place was brimming with everything a girly-girl like me could ever want: pastel shades, sequins galore, and designs so delightful you'll be squealing with delight!

A pink-tastic evening

The best part of this whole experience? After all that excitement, I found myself strolling through the streets of Manhattan, wrapped in the soft warmth of the evening air. And of course, wearing the perfect outfit, because every day in New York is a runway, my darlings! I'm talking a whimsical and chic combination of a blush pink ballerina skirt, a vintage black sweater and a pair of my beloved ballet flats. A simple look that made me feel feminine, graceful, and confident - the ultimate Pink Tutu aesthetic. I swear, I get more compliments wearing my tutus than anything else!

Of course, my day wouldn’t be complete without a delicious dinner. I popped into this charming French cafe with a beautiful terrace overlooking the city – the perfect place for a girl like me to watch the world go by! As the sun began to set, the sky turned a glorious orange and pink, which reminded me of the beautiful sunsets back home in Derbyshire. That’s another reason I love being in New York. It’s so wonderfully cosmopolitan, yet also still feels very human, very real. There’s this wonderful balance between the grand and the homely that I can’t get enough of!

Oh, and I also indulged in some truly divine strawberry tart while listening to a street performer playing some beautiful jazz tunes. Pure magic, I tell you!

The night flew by in a flurry of twinkling lights and conversations with strangers (because who doesn’t love meeting new people in New York?), and it was just about the perfect way to end such an exciting week. It’s those moments that I truly cherish about this city, the unexpected encounters, the simple pleasures, and the knowledge that I'm surrounded by so much life and energy.

So, what’s in store for this week, you ask? Well, as always, I’ll be spending lots of time practicing my ballet, and exploring new avenues to help bring a bit more pink to the world! There’s this brilliant event at the New York City Ballet this Friday night called "Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend," so I’m very much looking forward to that, it promises to be utterly divine! I’ll make sure to share all the pink-tastic details next week!

I also intend to have some fun in the Village and do some seriously indulgent shopping! You know I’m all about a fabulous bargain and finding the most incredible fashion treasures – and who knows what kind of pink tutu wonders await me there? I simply can’t wait to see!

Don’t forget to check in next week for all the fun, fashionable adventures that lie ahead. In the meantime, do follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuBlog and share your pink moments with me using #PinkTutuBlog. You can even share some of your New York adventures!

Until next Monday, my darlings!

Love and tutu twirls,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-12-09 she danced in New York City