New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-09-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1005 - A Tutu Twirls in the Big Apple!

Hello, darling tutus! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple. As you all know, I'm obsessed with pink, I'm utterly devoted to the tutu, and I can't get enough of New York City. So, imagine my delight when these three passions collided in a dazzling, dazzling way!

This week, I’m serving up a smorgasbord of New York delights, a taste of that fabulous Manhattan energy and the glorious ballet performances that have been stealing my breath. Think Broadway show stopping tutus, fabulous dance halls, and shopping so divine it’s enough to make you twirl with glee. So, pop your crown on, grab a glass of something sparkling (or a glass of water for those of us still training) and join me as we explore the glitter of the Big Apple.

New York City, My Love Affair with the Subway

Landing in JFK felt like stepping into a fairytale. The city pulsated with energy, and my little heart was ready to dance. The iconic yellow cabs were zipping around like a ballet of steel and rubber, and those colossal skyscrapers reaching for the heavens made my tutu feel like a delicate blossom amongst steel and concrete.

I checked into a lovely little boutique hotel near the city's heart and settled in with a cup of tea, feeling utterly pampered. But my first mission was to find the nearest ballet studio – I couldn’t just be in New York without letting those muscles get their daily dose of pirouettes. So, clutching my trusty pink tote, I descended into the New York subway. And honestly, it felt like being in a moving kaleidoscope! Every car was a new explosion of colour, faces etched with determination, and chatter like the sound of a million little stories.

I love the feeling of being sandwiched between people heading off to work, a student heading to class, and a tourist taking in the city. All woven together in the magic of the subway, a rhythm of life only a New Yorker can appreciate.

Ballet & Broadway - Where Art Takes Center Stage

Speaking of stories, I was captivated by the dance company's performance that evening at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. Let me tell you, this wasn’t your average run-of-the-mill ballet show. Every step, every graceful leap, was bursting with power and emotion. It felt as if every dancer had something truly heartfelt to tell through their movements.

This show wasn’t all dainty footwork and swan lake grace. This was passion set to music, and those dancers – oh, the incredible artistry! It made my heart flutter like a butterfly in a hurricane.

But the dance journey wasn’t over! The next day I had tickets to see 'The Phantom of the Opera' at Her Majesty’s Theatre. From the moment I stepped into the theatre, the magic took over. I loved the grand Victorian feel of the plush red seats and the way the anticipation hung in the air.

The whole show was an experience that transported me to a world of romance, drama, and breathtaking spectacle. I must say the "All I Ask of You" scene really tugged at my heartstrings and "The Music of the Night" felt hauntingly beautiful. Even the ballet scenes in "The Phantom of the Opera" had me swaying in my seat. Every element of this production felt crafted for an exquisite, glamorous experience, a true New York indulgence.

Pink Tutu & Fifth Avenue – Shopping Extravaganza!

Of course, a trip to New York wouldn’t be complete without some seriously stylish shopping. The iconic Fifth Avenue beckons every fashionista, and this time was no exception. My trusty pink tote was at the ready. You’d be amazed how much you can stuff into a tutu. It’s truly a magic bag, not only holding my ballet essentials but enough shopping to make a shop assistant swoon.

My favourite spot, Bloomingdales, didn’t disappoint. A hazy dream of luxurious fabrics and designer duds. I picked up the most exquisite ballet flats - you know, those oh-so-comfortable-yet-chic ones you need for walking around the city with a tutu. And then a tiny, sparkly pink top – for that perfect touch of tutuing glamour for any New York night out. Plus, let’s not forget, I also got my hands on a few absolutely delightful tutus - oh, to have a closet full! But darling, every ballerina knows that there’s no such thing as "too many tutus". We are never truly too dressed-up, just a little underdressed, eh?

Central Park - Where Dreams Bloom

One evening, I walked through the city’s crown jewel - Central Park. It was an explosion of colors - fiery sunsets painting the skyscrapers, the laughter of children on swings , and a symphony of birdsong, all punctuated by the honking symphony of city traffic in the distance. What an amazing backdrop for an evening ballet class.

I felt as if I had entered into another world, a world of soft grass and fragrant flowers. The sunlight filtering through the trees made it feel almost magical - like a tutu-clad ballet scene straight from the pages of a fairy tale. After all, New York is just that: a constant parade of beauty, stories, and unforgettable moments.

The Dance Continues

And now, I’m back home, the New York City energy still buzzing in my bones. And you know what? Even Derbyshire is looking a little more glamorous. You might say the tutu effect is catching on.

But I can’t just sit back now. I need to spread the tutu-tastic magic. If you want to experience New York City through a pink tutu’s eyes - that fabulous feeling of freedom, of making a statement, of dancing through life with a spring in your step - then come join me. Let's turn this world pink, one twirl at a time.

I hope to see you back here on Pink Tutu Blog NYC next week, for more ballet-filled, pink-hued adventure! And until then, happy tutu-ing. Stay radiant and bright. Because my darlings, life is meant to be danced.

**Lots of love,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-09-08 she danced in New York City