New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-10-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1012 - A Tutu-tiful Time in the City That Never Sleeps!

Helloooo, darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for another exciting Pink Tutu Blog NYC adventure! As the saying goes, "I woke up in New York City," but let me tell you, waking up in this city, even with a killer case of the after-ballet jitters, is always a magical experience. I feel like a giddy, pink-tutu-clad princess ready to conquer the day.

This week has been extra spectacular! Between performing with the company in a thrilling production of Giselle, hitting the shops, and indulging in a breathtaking ballet show, I've been absolutely living my best life!

And guess what?! The best part? This weekend was all about sharing the magic of ballet with YOU, my fabulous Pink Tutu Tribe! As promised, I took a few days to explore New York City with a little more oomph than usual, all to inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and dance your hearts out – tutu and all!

The Big Apple Bites

Okay, let's rewind to the beginning of my NYC adventure. Landing at JFK on a Friday afternoon was just the beginning. I literally jumped out of the taxi, ready to embrace the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. First stop? Well, of course, it was the most magnificent place in all of New York: The Ballet Shop! The moment I walked through those doors, I felt the familiar tingle of excitement that always sets my ballet heart ablaze. You guys wouldn't believe the gorgeous new leotards they had – so many pinks, naturally – I had to seriously resist buying a whole new wardrobe. Thankfully, my trusty travel tutu was the perfect accessory to help me with this Herculean feat. 😉

From there, I hopped on the metro. (What's the best part about being in NYC? THE METRO!) Now, it's completely normal for me to hop on the metro in my full dance kit, right? Well, maybe it is just my quirk, but let's be honest, when you’re feeling this fabulous, anything goes! It truly makes travelling so much easier, and you can’t beat the thrill of knowing you’re a walking, twirling pink-tutu spectacle for all to see!

My weekend started on Friday night at Lincoln Center, and the New York City Ballet never fails to disappoint. Watching a live performance is one of those truly magical experiences. The costumes, the music, the dedication... it makes me appreciate this art form all over again. The program featured a selection of new choreographers – absolutely breathtaking, darlings. I left the theatre buzzing with inspiration and longing to be back on stage, but with all those gorgeous dancers filling my mind, I’d be happy to simply watch from the audience forever!

But it wasn't all high-class ballet, no, no, no! The Pink Tutu Blogger has got to indulge in the more delicious aspects of NYC culture, so I decided to head for one of my favourite hang-outs - a quaint, charming little French bistro called Les Petits Bouchées. The name might sound posh, but don't be fooled. This charming cafe is where locals come to chat and enjoy some fabulous Parisian fare, so it's perfect for enjoying a nice slice of French lifestyle and watching New York City life go by. The food is delicious – perfectly pink-tinged strawberry tarts, if I do say so myself! I absolutely adore the atmosphere – chic but casual, it's like stepping into a scene from a charming French film. Plus, it's always so inspiring to soak up the vibes of New York, which is just as cosmopolitan as a Parisian café, don't you think?

From Ballet to Broadway

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without experiencing a true Broadway show. On Saturday night, my inner ballerina couldn’t resist a little An American in Paris. I admit I was a tad biased, being a huge fan of Gene Kelly's Singin' in the Rain! What an experience, though – a Broadway show! My biggest revelation? Broadway and ballet share a similar magic! Seeing those performers take over the stage, using every inch of space with incredible precision – I practically shivered with excitement. My ballet brain went wild thinking about how they incorporate so much dance within their performance, even the spoken scenes have so much movement. You might not even realize how much ballet is in a typical Broadway musical! That night, I danced home feeling like a newly empowered ballerina princess!

Saturday afternoon brought the first sign that I was slowly being absorbed back into the everyday life of New York: it was time to start prepping for Monday's performance with the company! I've got a feeling it's going to be an epic performance... and you know I’m already picturing myself centre stage, tutu twirling with the most fabulous confidence imaginable!

A Touch of Glamour

Of course, my little pink tutu-wearing self couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to do some seriously fantastic fashion-inspired sightseeing. Now, this little blog couldn't possibly do a truly fabulous trip to New York justice without mentioning Fifth Avenue. The mere mention of those words, and your mind is flooded with the most stunning designer labels imaginable. Walking down those magnificent avenues, the feeling of glamour surrounds you like a perfume wafting through the air! It's all very glamorous, very stylish. Honestly , I found myself gazing up at the glittering shop windows, imagining what it would be like to be a ballerina dancing among these couture creations – a pink-tutu clad, chic ballerina-slash-fashion-icon – my imagination went wild with amazingly flamboyant ideas!

And of course, being a Pink Tutu Blogger, it wouldn't be a trip to the big city without some delightful fashion finds for the Pink Tutu Blog readers, now, would it? I couldn't resist browsing through some of the incredible boutiques around town. My eyes practically bulged out in the Anthropologie near Washington Square – I'm still dreaming of that exquisite floral embroidered dress I found! I bought some little trinkets, including a magnificent sparkly, sequined pin for my hair to bring some extra sparkle to my already very pink life.

I love that NYC always inspires me to express my inner style and add a touch of pink-tutu magic to my everyday life. That, dear readers, is why you can't wear just one colour! Don’t be afraid to step outside the box – embrace the pink tutu lifestyle and embrace all the vibrant colours in life, just like I do!

Finding Inspiration

Speaking of inspiration, did you guys know that the New York City Ballet is now holding a weekly drop-in ballet class? They run classes all through the year – what a wonderful opportunity to get back in the studio! As soon as I saw that sign, I knew I had to make the time. Of course, I popped in a new, absolutely glorious, rose pink, tutu before I went. This one is specially made with sparkly, twirling ribbons, which of course means you get some extra fabulous swirls while you’re turning en pointe. Let me tell you – it’s practically essential!

It felt amazing to be dancing once more on the familiar stage at Lincoln Center. All that magic that permeates every inch of this wonderful ballet studio – the way it all lifts you up – just gives you extra grace, and I love it! Of course, I learned some fantastic new ballet moves, and I even did a bit of barre work with the others who were in class, although that might just be a small part of how much ballet inspires me! Honestly, I swear the moment you’re in the studio you just naturally become more graceful. All that grace in the studio means all the better opportunities to dance the night away! The music, the energy – it’s exhilarating, exhilarating, exhilarating, darlings!

Back to Derbyshire!

So, my adventures in the big city are drawing to a close, which means it’s back to Derbyshire – but fear not, darlings! This is not goodbye – it's only au revoir!

As I board that plane home (never without my lucky ballet travel tutu!), I'll be cherishing the memories of a weekend brimming with ballet, glamour, and, of course, a touch of Pink Tutu magic. I'm back to rehearsals, to practice my pliés, my turns and, you know, my life in the pink!

Stay fabulous, and remember, wherever you are, the power of a pink tutu to lift your spirits and embrace all life has to offer. Until next Monday, when I'll be back with a new post full of all things New York City!

With a pink-tutu twist, of course!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-10-27 she danced in New York City