
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-07-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1050 - A Dance-Filled Day in the Big Apple! 🩰🍎

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It's Monday, the 20th of July, and I'm brimming with excitement about this week's adventures. This city just never stops amazing me, and this week, I've got some real gems to share – all spun with the magic of pink, tutus, and, of course, dance!

Now, before I delve into the details, let's talk about that glorious feeling of getting back to New York. As my little train pulled into Grand Central Terminal, I swear I could practically feel the energy radiating off the walls. This city is just electric! You can practically feel the ambition and creativity buzzing around you, it's exhilarating.

The air itself smells different here, a blend of pavement, exhaust, and fresh flowers. And the sheer diversity of people! I love how everyone from every corner of the globe mingles seamlessly here, from the perfectly dressed Wall Street types to the vibrant artists of the East Village. You could spend your whole life exploring this city and still barely scratch the surface.

And as a girl who's spent countless hours practicing in Derbyshire ballet studios, there's just something magical about finding yourself in the heart of a city that truly celebrates dance. Whether it's the grace of the ballerinas at the Metropolitan Opera, or the raw energy of street dancers in Times Square, it feels like the very spirit of dance pulses through this place.

Now, on to this week's delightful schedule! I arrived back on Friday evening, and spent the weekend reacclimating myself to the city's rhythms. That included a glorious afternoon shopping spree on Fifth Avenue, where I snagged a divine silk scarf that screamed "New York" in shades of sunshine yellow and flamingo pink. And let's not forget a stop at a vintage store on Bleecker Street, where I found the perfect fluffy, fuchsia cardigan to add a pop of colour to my already abundant tutu collection.

Speaking of tutus, let's get back to the main event - this week's dance extravaganza! On Tuesday, I'm catching the opening night of "Giselle" at Lincoln Center. This iconic ballet, with its tragic romance and otherworldly beauty, is truly a masterpiece. I'm utterly obsessed with the final scene, with the hauntingly beautiful corps de ballet swirling and swaying around Giselle as she fades away. Prepare for a slew of Instagram snaps, my loves!

But this week isn't just about grand ballets! I'm also taking a class on Thursday at the legendary Steps on Broadway dance studio. My love for dance is all about that journey, about pushing boundaries and embracing the raw expression. Steps is a legend in the dance world, a crucible of creativity and passion, and I'm absolutely ecstatic to be dancing there. Maybe I'll even squeeze in a little improvisation workshop for extra spice!

Now, one thing I absolutely love about this city, besides the glorious shopping, the endless dance inspiration, and the city's boundless energy, is its unparalleled dining scene. And on this note, I must indulge you in the joy that is "Alice's Tea Cup." If you ever find yourself wandering around Greenwich Village, make sure to stop by. It's this charming little tearoom, tucked away on a quiet side street, filled with antique teacups and delicate china. Imagine a scene straight out of a Victorian novel, and you're pretty much there. I indulged in their scrumptious Earl Grey tea, and the best lemon tart I've ever had! A perfect afternoon escape for a ballet-loving blogger.

However, there's one thing about New York that can get a bit tiring. And that is the constant movement, the frenetic energy. But that's why the metro is a blessing! For a Londoner, the Tube system is old hat. The NYC Subway is a little less refined but has its own unique charm. You get to observe people from all walks of life, with their unique stories and dreams tucked into their little bags and pockets. I absolutely love watching it all unfold, with the city whizzing by through the windows. The roar of the train seems to become a hypnotic rhythm, a heartbeat of the city.

That's the beauty of New York, you see. It’s this incredible kaleidoscope of humanity and stories, art and dreams. It's the place where dreams are chased, hearts are broken, and where everyone wants to wear a pink tutu (or at least a touch of pink in their life!), and it's my privilege to be a part of it all, sharing these little glimpses with you every week.

Until next Monday, keep those dreams dancing, and never forget the power of a pink tutu to make the world a brighter, more beautiful place.

With love,

Emma 🩰

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-07-20 she danced in New York City