New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-12-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: New York, New York!

Post number 1071, Monday 14th December 2015

Hello, darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I’m your girl Emma, straight from the cobbled streets of Derbyshire, and ready to sprinkle a little bit of pink tutu magic onto the Big Apple!

Now, this week has been quite the whirl… the kind of whirlwind you get spun around in, heady and dizzy, filled with beautiful colours and sparkling lights. New York City is all about embracing that fast pace, letting the energy of the city wash over you and embracing all its wonder! I’m feeling totally energized after a weekend filled with ballet, shopping, Broadway and the subway. Yes, even the metro felt like a dance floor this week, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

But before we get to the highlights, let me just tell you… my favourite colour? Pink, of course! My favourite garment? A tutu! My favourite way to get around a city? The metro. And you just know I wouldn’t be caught dead in New York without a pink tutu, tucked in my bright pink tote bag, ready for spontaneous twirls and some serious fashion statements!

As you may know, I fund these wonderful travels with my performances, sharing the joy of ballet all across the world. So before my NYC adventures, I had the honour of performing in a truly special ballet company. I danced the role of the sugar plum fairy in "The Nutcracker", a dream come true! The energy of the audience was incredible, so vibrant, you could practically feel their happiness in the air! It was like we were dancing together! I loved it!

So after that magical weekend performance, I packed my pink luggage (all 12 kilos!) and landed in the heart of New York. The city immediately welcomed me with open arms and WOW, what a welcome it was! I got straight onto the metro and was transported from a world of twinkling Christmas lights and winter wonderland to the heart-stopping neon wonderland that is New York City. The city pulses with life, music and energy, with street performers and singers playing every imaginable genre - from country to jazz, right across to hip hop. It's truly music to my ears, even on the subway, I can feel it vibrates all through my body, a tangible expression of creativity, so very fitting for the soul of a dancer.

So, let's delve into the highlights of this spectacular weekend.

Ballet and Broadway - An Unforgettable Evening: I kicked off the weekend with a stunning Broadway performance - "The Phantom of the Opera." It was pure, unadulterated theatre! The music, the staging, the performance! Absolutely breathtaking. There's nothing quite like the grand stage of Broadway and a tale told through such emotional song. I saw so many fantastic tutus. The whole cast shimmered with elegance and power and the final curtain call was a breathtaking display of appreciation from both the actors and the audience.

That same evening, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the School of American Ballet, where I saw the beautiful young students practice, their focus and determination radiating like sunlight on a fresh snowfall. They were so impressive! Every leap and turn was executed with precision and poise and their expressions told whole stories through movement alone. I was utterly mesmerized, seeing their artistry unfolding before my eyes, the kind of talent that brings joy to millions!

Shopping Splendour on Fifth Avenue There's no escaping the allure of Fifth Avenue in New York. A must-visit for anyone, even if your aim is only window shopping. And trust me, the windows here are definitely worthy of a visit. I loved all the Christmas displays, the creative ingenuity really amazed me. The window displays truly made my imagination run wild with dreams of pink tutu creations! But it was more than just the displays, there was the energy of the streets, the feeling of possibility and excitement that is palpable everywhere you walk! I spent hours exploring the designer boutiques, picking up a new clutch to hold my tutu-obsessed necessities. I just couldn't resist a luxurious, fluffy pink clutch. So much better for carrying my pink tutu and ballet shoes around the city.

Dancing on The Subway Now, I love the metro. Not many people would say that! But as a dancer, the feeling of the swaying of the carriages is truly like being on a giant stage. In the rush of the day, all these commuters rushing around their business, the rhythm of their steps create a symphony of motion, a kaleidoscope of movement, just waiting for someone to jump in and perform. I simply cannot resist, even on the way to a coffee. I always make sure I have my pink tutu with me, ready for a spontaneous twirl. I've discovered that people here just smile and embrace the energy. The joy of dancing is infectious! Even in the metro.

Where to Eat When You're In A Tutu: Speaking of my energy levels, let’s talk about sustenance. New York City is a culinary playground! There are restaurants, cafés and food stalls on every corner, offering everything from New York pizza and cheesecake to all the ethnic cuisines imaginable.

My tip?
Get off the beaten track, and discover the hidden gems tucked away down side streets, you will be rewarded with delicious food and genuine friendly faces. My personal favourite this time round was this cute little French bakery in the East Village.

The Power of Pink: And now, for the big question, you’ve all been waiting for… Have I persuaded anyone to don a pink tutu yet? Well, maybe! I'm not sure if my influence has truly gone viral in New York just yet, but I had a wonderful encounter this weekend, and a very special dance on the Brooklyn Bridge. It's truly the most beautiful view in the city, where the skyline meets the water. I was on my way to meet up with a friend for coffee when a couple asked me to join their photoshoot! We all posed with them, giggling away in our pink tutus. It turned into an amazing group dance on the bridge, a testament to the joy of sharing that tutu love,

As I'm writing this from a rooftop cafe in Manhattan surrounded by glittering Christmas trees and the iconic New York skyline twinkling in the evening sky. And I can honestly say that I have fallen in love with this city even more this week. It's not just the food and the shopping, it's the energy of the place, the way the people have their own dance steps, and a whole lot of rhythm going on, every second of the day.

So darlings, if you're in the mood for adventure, and ready to embrace the magic of New York, then make sure you grab your own pink tutu, throw it on and hit the town. Remember, dancing is for everyone, even on the subway!

And don't forget to visit me every Monday on for more pink adventures, as I share the love of pink, the magic of dance, and the adventures that are awaiting every pink tutu wearing dancer!

Until next week darlings,

Yours in pink tutu-ness,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-12-14 she danced in New York City