
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-04-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #1087 - She Danced in New York City!

Monday, 4th April 2016

Good morning, my lovelies! I hope you're all having a fabulously fabulous Monday morning, wherever you are in the world! As for me, well, I'm practically bouncing with excitement ā€“ I'm writing this blog post from a charming little cafe in the heart of Manhattan, sipping on a latte topped with the most adorable pink swirl (of course!), and I'm just about to head out to explore more of this amazing city!

Oh my goodness, where do I even begin? New York, New Yorkā€¦ youā€™ve captured my heart, and my little pink tutuā€™s heart, too. I canā€™t believe itā€™s been just a week since I arrived, and already Iā€™ve had some incredible experiences. Itā€™s like a dream! It seems everythingā€™s happening so fast. From watching a spectacular ballet at the Lincoln Center, to twirling my way through Central Park with a pink iced cupcake (yum!), I've been totally swept away by the vibrancy and energy of the Big Apple!

As a dancer, you see, itā€™s simply essential that I get my weekly fix of a good old-fashioned ballet performance. This week, it was a must-see show called ā€œThe Sleeping Beauty,ā€ and it truly lived up to its name. The costumes were utterly dreamy, especially the Princess Auroraā€™s beautiful pink gown (which totally reminded me of a favourite dress I have tucked away back in my Derbyshire wardrobe!) The whole experience left me feeling positively spellbound ā€“ like Iā€™d stepped straight into a fairy tale!

But it wasnā€™t just about the big stage shows, either. In my spare moments between shows, I managed to fit in some fantastic shopping, obviously. New York really is a shopaholic's paradise, darling! Iā€™m convinced I could easily spend all of my hard-earned savings here ā€“ the variety and styles are just incredible! And what was a girly-girl like myself going to buy? A whole lotta pink, obviously! From shimmering pink dresses, perfectly matched to my tutu, to sparkling pink shoes and pink lipstick that matched perfectlyā€¦ well, letā€™s just say my suitcase was seriously looking full by the end of my spree!

I mean, you simply cannot go to New York without picking up some souvenirs for the folks back home, can you? Especially when it's so hard to resist the pretty pink everything that's on offer here. Honestly, you'd be surprised just how much pink I managed to fit into my suitcase. My friend, Olivia, was really impressed (and a little worried). I mean, Olivia thinks pink is a little muchā€¦ even for me, and I think you know me, dear readerā€¦ I adore pink!

The best part of this whole adventure? My amazing stay in the most fabulous pink hotel you ever did see! Every morning I'd wake up to the most glorious view of the city, the windows were enormous and framed the city skyline perfectly. The hotel itself, a little art-deco delight, had gorgeous marble hallways and huge bouquets of fresh pink flowers adorning each room, I even spotted pink feathers in a few of the ornate flower displays. Of course, my suite was a little pink heaven. Imagine pink walls with elegant rose-gold trimmings, and the fluffiest pink pillows, enough to float a swan! Letā€™s just say my little pink tutu-wearing self was definitely feeling quite the princess for the whole of my stay there!

Oh, and speaking of princes ā€“ did I mention I had the absolute pleasure of meeting a prince? Not a real prince, but heā€™s close enough for me ā€“ a ballet dancer, just like me, performing with the New York City Ballet. Now that was something I wasnā€™t expecting! It happened so unexpectedly at the cafe where Iā€™m writing this post. The cafe, a little bohemian spot hidden away on the lower floor of a big, brownstone building with red-painted trim and a bright, green awning, was simply overflowing with creative souls and talented artists and I found myself tucked in the corner by the window, drinking a hot latte and trying to take in the whole vibrant, chaotic energy that makes New York, New York. My pink tutu was tucked carefully in my backpack, waiting for our next adventure!

Then, he appeared ā€“ handsome, dark hair with twinkling green eyes, and wearing a little, black beret that just added to his charming air. And there he was, sitting on the red velvet, leather Chesterfield next to mine, his long fingers drumming a light beat on the leather.

ā€œSo, how does someone get from Derbyshire to Manhattan?ā€ he asked, breaking into my thoughts. The little bit of nervous energy from a long train ride, was disappearing with a delicious sense of magic as we settled in, talking and getting to know each other. His name was James and he turned out to be an amazingly talented dancer! (Honestly, I could listen to him talk about dance forever!) We spoke about everything from my favourite choreographers to my pink tutu, and by the time he was leaving to head to a ballet class (Yes! we had classes scheduled at the same time - you simply cannot avoid dance lessons in this city!) it felt like we'd been chatting for hours.

This whole week in New York, from the pink-perfect ballet shows, to my pink shopping escapades and that unexpected encounter with James (which may well be the beginning of something beautiful, fingers crossed, he said heā€™d take me out dancing!)ā€¦ has just been an absolute dream. Oh, and I have to mention, darling, how much I love the subway! Itā€™s simply an iconic New York experience. The rumble of the trains, the blur of passing scenery ā€“ you simply canā€™t leave NYC without experiencing a good subway journey!

For my next adventure? Iā€™m heading to Broadway, my dears! Oh, what adventures will await me! Until then, I hope you're all having a fantastic week and maybe, just maybe, you'll even be wearing your own little pink tutu! Be sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com and send me your favourite pics!

Love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-04-04 she danced in New York City