New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-05-16 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-05-16: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Post #1093

Helloooo my darlings! Another week, another fab adventure! Can you believe it’s Monday already? Time flies when you’re having fun – and I’ve been having a LOT of fun this week! As you know, I’m in the magical metropolis that is New York City and my pink tutu is, well, having a ball!

It feels so wonderful to be back in the Big Apple after my trip home to Derbyshire – those Yorkshire puddings were heavenly, but there’s something truly special about New York City, even if it is just a tiny bit colder than England. Don’t even get me started on the tube. It’s got me wondering if I have to start carrying around a folding chair because even the carriages for people who have paid extra to have the comfort of an allocated seat were super crowded, just to get to a show.

But hey, I’m not complaining, it’s all part of the adventure! Today I’m sharing all about my very exciting week. So get your tea brewing, grab a slice of Victoria sponge, settle into your most comfortable chair, and let's have a giggle.

Ballet & Brunch Bliss

Let me tell you, I woke up to a most divine brunch in a little café around the corner from my apartment, right near the Lincoln Centre. They made the best pancakes I’ve ever tasted! And it all kicked off the week with the perfect feel good energy. Speaking of feel good energy, what could be better than a trip to the Metropolitan Opera House for a matinee performance of Swan Lake? I just had to get myself a seat at this legendary venue, and honestly, it was almost as good as a big scoop of delicious vanilla ice cream topped with hundreds and thousands. Almost.

Oh my! It was the kind of performance that sends chills down your spine and fills you with such joy. It reminded me why I love ballet so much! That pure emotion, the storytelling, the incredible skill... it's truly a thing of beauty! It also sparked off my own inspiration for my dance routine next week - I’m working with a local troupe, so keep an eye out on the website, and perhaps Instagram, for the chance to win a free ticket to come and watch us perform. I can’t share too much yet, it's going to be super special!

But it’s not all about being on stage, you know? Sometimes the best part of a visit to a big city is the chance to just soak up the atmosphere, walk through the streets and lose myself in the buzz. So of course, I took myself for a walk through Central Park to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom. I don’t think anything could be prettier. Even I looked good standing next to the vibrant hues of nature. My trusty tutu looked so bright and summery amongst the trees, it was a picture postcard moment, so I popped a selfie up onto Instagram.

The week kept getting better and better though, let me tell you. I discovered a little hidden gem on Wednesday. I stumbled across the cutest shop, The Pink Flamingo, and well, how could I resist popping in? This shop is a bit of heaven! It has everything pink, it was like a paradise for a pink-tutu-wearing girl like me! I came out with a fabulous pair of pink shoes and a pink-spotted handbag. Let’s just say it will take me some time to sort through all my newly purchased pink items. They’ll probably never fit into my luggage. It’s a pink disaster, but I am in my pink happy place.

Speaking of being on top of the world, Thursday night, I spent it high above the city at the Top of the Rock for the best view I’ve ever had. There are no words to describe the feeling of watching the sunset over New York City. I couldn’t help myself - another photo popped onto Instagram. If you're in NYC, the view is a must-see, especially if you wear a sparkly tutu with the dazzling evening lights behind you. You might need sunglasses.

Finding Magic on the Metro

No trip to New York is complete without a trip to the Theatre District. Let’s just say this trip was slightly less magical, in a good way, that my earlier performance of Swan Lake. On my way to the Empire State Building (another beautiful building I popped in for a glimpse - who wouldn’t?) I got swept away by a wave of school children heading for the The Lion King show - I’m not joking when I tell you that a hundred-strong choir of pre-teen, extremely excited young tourists pushed past me in a chaotic frenzy, to be led to the stage door, I think, They must have had some sort of theatre ticket package that got them an escorted backstage visit as the whole troop of them headed inside a couple of minutes after being led in by an equally harassed and breathless tour guide. Honestly, it took my breath away for a good few minutes, I think, before the next train pulled into the station. I can only dream of a theatre package like that - if only a Pink Tutu Tour package could exist!

Speaking of theatre packages, my ballet teacher took a troupe of us girls to see the incredible production of Miss Saigon at the Broadway Theatre. This show is a heartbreaker, and honestly I need a hug right now, but in the best way! If you're ever in New York City you must go and see Miss Saigon. The dancing and the singing are just exquisite - all around perfection! I’m also pretty sure I felt something sparkle around me because the costumes were totally amazing. If I was a dress designer I’d just steal all their ideas, which would mean they wouldn't have anything left to wear on stage, and I'm just too nice for that!

But you know, while my trip has been absolutely packed full of adventure and cultural treats, it hasn't just been about me and the magical pink tutu, I have made some amazing memories with fellow dancers from Derbyshire who were also in New York for their own holiday! It’s truly been wonderful to experience everything together - from catching a street performer in Times Square to having pizza with some New York friends. They were super friendly and we’ve even made plans for more dance nights soon! They know what the best places to go for music and dance are in the city!

The best part of being here though, has to be getting to spend so much time in the studio. As well as performing at The Showplace venue and the Balletomania show, this week we also met a choreographer for some extra lessons in modern ballet. This is something new for us to experience, we learnt some of the new steps from her upcoming A Streetcar Named Desire show which has really opened my eyes to all kinds of different forms of ballet that I wasn’t aware of. It was absolutely incredible!

You know, there’s something so special about this city. It's like every day brings new discoveries and amazing experiences. The sheer scale of the city can be a bit daunting, but when you look closer, there are so many charming corners and friendly faces that make it feel truly warm and welcoming. You know me, always ready to share the good vibes, especially with all of you my lovelies!

Speaking of spreading those good vibes - it's time for my biggest request ever! For the next few weeks, I'm challenging you all to find your inner pink tutu. Wear something pink to brighten someone's day - a pink hat, pink nail polish, even just a pink sock! We can spread the pink love and show everyone that pink is the colour of happiness and joy.

Well, I’m off now! Gotta go get a head-start on my practice session so I can impress everyone next week with my dancing skills. Stay tuned, you lovely bunch!

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

P.S. Don’t forget to check out every Monday for the next installment of #PinkTutuBlogNYC, where we will talk about more pink everything!

(Image of Emma in a pink tutu in front of the Empire State Building with pink polka dot handbag)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-05-16 she danced in New York City