New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-07-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1101 - Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple 🍎 🩰

Hello my darling darlings, and welcome to another Monday of #PinkTutuBlogNYC! I hope your week is off to a fantastic start. This week I'm bouncing with excitement to be sharing all my New York adventures with you – a trip that was filled with so much sparkle and magic! I'm here for the next three weeks performing with a brilliant troupe, bringing some ballet beauty to the bustling streets of the city that never sleeps. And, of course, what would a Pink Tutu trip be without exploring everything that makes this place so incredible?

This time, I'm not just dancing, I'm taking a trip back to my childhood dreams! It all started in a quaint little Derbyshire village, where my love affair with pink tutus and ballet began. Those tiny little feet twirling and spinning under a delicate, rosy tulle cloud, have been the foundation of everything I do. Today, the tutus are slightly larger, and my dancing has matured, but the spirit remains the same!

Now, imagine my joy upon arriving in New York City, with its whirlwind of culture, vibrant colours, and the pulse of Broadway beating right in its heart. The air itself seemed to vibrate with an artistic energy that resonated with my very soul! And I can tell you, after a quick train journey into the city (oh, I do love the Metro!) and settling into my little studio apartment with a pink tutu hung proudly on the wall, I was ready for some serious pink tutu exploration!

From Broadway Buzz to Brooklyn Chic 🎭

Firstly, there was the grand opening of the "Tutu in Times Square" exhibition at the MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art!). How thrilling! Imagine – a display of exquisite ballet costumes, showcasing the evolution of dancewear from the Victorian era to the present day! Of course, it wasn't complete without the majestic tutus of legendary ballerinas like Anna Pavlova and Margot Fonteyn. To be amongst those legendary creations – that's enough to give even the most seasoned tutu-wearing lady goosebumps!

The day after that, I headed straight for the heart of Broadway! A performance by the New York City Ballet? Oh, darling, you can’t imagine the grace and beauty that filled the stage! And the music? Divine! It left me feeling inspired and utterly enthralled. They even had a mini tutu on the back of one of the programmes, just for me! I made a beeline to the souvenir stand afterwards for a little piece of Broadway magic to take home with me!

This past weekend I went exploring beyond Manhattan, into the wonderful and diverse streets of Brooklyn. The vibe is just…different. Cooler. More relaxed, I suppose! There’s a vibrant arts scene flourishing here. Imagine, cute little vintage stores hidden away on cobbled streets – just brimming with treasures waiting to be discovered. Of course, a tutu-loving lady like myself can't resist the charm of vintage shops! It's like stepping into a different era of fashion. Imagine: sequined dresses, brooches like twinkling stars, and the perfect little bag to complete a ballerina's outfit! I even managed to snag a gorgeous vintage hat to add to my collection.

And speaking of hats! Do you know what I discovered on my stroll around Brooklyn? A small cafe with the most fabulous selection of millinery! Hats for every taste, style, and occasion. It was a true hat haven! They even had an adorable pink tutu-shaped hat that I almost couldn’t resist adding to my cart! It would have looked perfectly darling on the head of a stylish little ballerina!

Sharing the Love of Ballet with Little Dancers

Now, how could I be in New York City and not head down to the famous Steps on Broadway? I managed to fit in a class in between performances – a delightful mixture of strength, grace, and the sheer joy of dancing! Seeing young girls (and boys! ) so engrossed in ballet, learning their plies and pirouettes with enthusiasm – well, it warmed my heart!

After class, I couldn't resist slipping into a little nearby cafe with some of the girls. Of course, we had to chat all things ballet, tutu fashion (my favourite topic!) and their hopes and dreams of dancing professionally. There's something about these little ones that remind you that the passion for ballet never diminishes – it's a true gift that transcends generations!

And oh, wouldn't you know it, on the way back to my little studio apartment, I stumbled upon a local school dance competition! Imagine: so much enthusiasm and artistry radiating from every little dancer! I’d swear there were even tiny, teeny pink tutus sparkling on those stage! I even sat down for a few numbers – truly enchanting!

Finding Inspiration in the City that Never Sleeps

My evenings here have been a flurry of theatre performances, from a spine-tingling rendition of Phantom of the Opera, to the heart-warming story of a ballet school in “The Nutcracker”, (it made me nostalgic for my days in the Derbyshire dance academy!). I am simply enchanted with this vibrant mix of artistry.

And you know what? Seeing the talent, dedication, and sheer joy of dancing in every form here – it fuels my own passion and reminds me of the importance of pursuing our dreams, no matter what! This city truly embodies the magic of the arts, and it makes me want to dance until my pink tutu shines like a star in the Big Apple night sky!

Now, as I type these last words with a smile, a cup of pink lemonade in hand, I realise that my trip here in New York has truly been one of those unforgettable moments. One filled with tutu magic and inspiration, fuelled by the city’s constant rhythm and the beauty of dance.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s #PinkTutuBlogNYC! I hope you're ready for a new week full of dancing, twinkling tutus, and adventures galore! Be sure to join me again next Monday as I share more experiences of this city that continues to surprise and enchant me. Until then, keep shining bright, my darlings! 💖



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-07-11 she danced in New York City