New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-07-25 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 1103: Dancing Through the Big Apple!

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday again, which means it's time for a fresh dose of Pink Tutu magic from the bustling streets of New York City! This week, I'm bubbling with excitement, because let me tell you, darling, the past few days have been absolutely spectacular. The city is humming with a certain vibrancy that only New York can conjure, and you can bet your bottom dollar that this Pink Tutu princess is right in the thick of it, soaking up every minute!

This week, my dear readers, I've been flitting around town like a sugarplum fairy, from a dazzling Broadway show that sent shivers down my spine, to exploring a vintage haven that left me speechless (and ready to spend all my hard-earned ballet cash!). I even managed to squeeze in a ballet class at the legendary Steps on Broadway. That's right, my darlings! I've been training alongside the very best dancers in the city. Just imagine – I felt like I'd stepped into a musical theatre fantasy!

I know what you're thinking, "Emma, surely you didn't wear your pink tutu to Steps, did you?". My answer? Of course I did! You can't possibly expect me to go to a world-class dance studio without bringing a touch of pink tutu magic with me, now can you? And I must say, even the most seasoned New York dancers couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight of it. It really is a universal language of joy!

Speaking of smiles, let me share some of the delightful details of my week:

A Broadway Blitz:

On Friday, I had the most extraordinary time watching a Broadway show that made me feel like I was dancing among the stars! It was pure, unadulterated magic, leaving me utterly enthralled and craving more. The vibrant costumes, the powerful performances, the sheer scale of the production… it was a whirlwind of artistry and excitement. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for any of you lovely readers who might be planning a trip to the Big Apple, but let me just say this: you won’t be disappointed if you snag tickets for this masterpiece.

Now, before you start questioning what my top-secret show was, remember - the mystery of the show is part of the magic! However, you can always guess along with me in the comments below, if you like! And, for all the fellow Broadway buffs, let's hear what shows you've been loving recently!

Shopping Sprees in a Vintage Paradise:

Of course, no visit to New York City is complete without a little retail therapy! My Friday night ended with a journey into a charming little vintage boutique I stumbled upon by pure accident (thanks, metro!), which was like stepping back in time. Rows upon rows of stunning vintage dresses, beautiful blouses, and fascinating jewellery. You could find a treasure from almost every decade! It felt like a real-life wonderland for a pink tutu-loving fashionista like myself!

Imagine the utter joy of finding a gorgeous, blush-coloured vintage cocktail dress with a frilly, feminine cut - perfect for a ballet-inspired cocktail party, don't you think? It would make the perfect outfit for a stylish dance-themed evening. It was the absolute highlight of my shopping trip! And let me tell you, I'll definitely be making it a regular stop when I’m back in New York!

But before we talk any more about shopping (because I'd be talking for hours!), I just wanted to remind you all that you don't need to be a professional ballerina to live the pink tutu dream! Even a tiny hint of that girly pink fluff can make any outfit that bit more fabulous. You can wear it to a work meeting, to a dinner date, even to a grocery run! Trust me, a little bit of pink tutu magic can truly brighten up your day.

Steps On Broadway: A Magical Moment

You know that saying about being lost for words? Well, my dear readers, that was my reaction to attending my very first ballet class at Steps on Broadway! It was a whirlwind of energy, creativity, and, let’s be honest, pure talent. The studios are filled with dancers of all levels, and the instructors are all phenomenal. They can make any ballerina, from beginner to expert, feel right at home!

While my fellow dancers might have been seasoned professionals (I’m sure most of them were actually thinking “Is that a tutu I see?”), the instructor welcomed me with open arms. No matter what my skill level or chosen attire, they made me feel comfortable enough to focus on my own progress and improvement. Let's be honest - it was probably my adorable pink tutu that made me feel like a natural in class. The bright pink stood out amongst the sea of classic black ballet leotards! I did receive quite a few stares but mostly, I saw surprised, interested smiles - you know, people are just surprised to see something so bright and out-of-the-box at a place that feels as though it exists outside time. But, hey, isn't that what the pink tutu lifestyle is all about? Breaking down those boring old traditions and injecting a bit of colour and joy wherever we go?

I’m not sure how many classes I can attend during my time in New York (I mean, I do have a budget and shows to see, you know!), but I certainly have fallen in love with this particular studio. It’s truly one of those rare gems that you’ll always want to revisit!

### My New York Subway Style:

Now, darling, we can’t talk about New York City without talking about the subway. And I, for one, absolutely adore the metro! It’s such an iconic symbol of this city - the noise, the chaos, the sheer energy - you just can't help but be drawn in. You might not be surprised to know that the pink tutu has become a regular passenger on the New York subway system! It's actually a surprisingly practical choice of garment for navigating the bustling underground scene!

If you've ever considered making the metro your personal dance studio, I can't recommend it enough. Just picture it, darling – you’re dashing through the subway tunnel in a fluffy, bright pink tutu, maybe even accompanied by a sprinkle of sparkle. Now imagine the delighted glances of people on their way to work! I bet your pink tutu would inspire smiles across the faces of tired commuters!

But don't get me wrong - I don't just stand on the train and pose. The magic is in the spontaneous moments! One moment you’re a ballet dancer gracefully traversing the subway platform in a sea of briefcases, the next you’re a sassy performer doing a spin in a tight space on a packed carriage. It's pure chaotic ballet. You're not just moving from A to B - you’re transporting a touch of magic into the everyday lives of fellow commuters. Just remember to always stay safe, mindful of other passengers and the rules of the subway, and have a grand old time!

And, you know, the metro in New York is quite a sight to see - I can’t forget to mention the posters! I was amazed by a captivating art installation that completely filled the walls of the station, transforming it into a work of art. It reminded me that creativity and art exist in every corner of New York. Just when you think you've seen it all, this vibrant city surprises you with a fresh dose of wonder. It makes you wonder, how can such a simple platform, or a crowded carriage, suddenly become a magnificent backdrop for creative expression? Well, dear readers, perhaps a little pink tutu magic could answer that question for you…

Living The Pink Tutu Dream in New York:

This week has proven once again that living the pink tutu dream isn’t just about ballet classes and extravagant Broadway shows, although I'm definitely going to try and get more of that in the future! It's about bringing joy to every single moment, embracing those unique and surprising experiences that only New York can offer, and adding a little touch of pink magic to everyone you meet. Remember, darling, the only thing that matters is to be bold, embrace the unconventional, and remember that life's too short to be boring. You don't need to be a dancer or even a resident of New York City to enjoy this fabulous way of life. Take a deep breath, spin, and make those tutus fly!

Before I close this week’s blog, darling, I must take a moment to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this journey through the Big Apple. I couldn't do it without your kind support, encouragement, and positive energy! Keep shining brightly, embrace the pink, and know that you can achieve anything your little ballerina heart desires!

Don’t forget, I’m posting a new blog every Monday, so keep checking in at for more fashion adventures and all things pink tutu! I love hearing from all of you. Send your ballet tips and New York recommendations my way - and feel free to share any of your fabulous pink tutu moments with me!

Until next time, darling, keep shining brightly and always remember - if you want to, you can be a ballerina too!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-07-25 she danced in New York City