New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-08-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City, Post #1106: Dancing in the Big Apple!

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, back with another NYC adventure. This week I'm bubbling over with excitement because I'm finally in the Big Apple, fulfilling my lifelong dream of twirling through the streets of New York City.

You might remember I told you about this trip last month. My ballet performances at the Royal Albert Hall have finally paid off! (Plus, all the incredible support from you lot with those awesome "Wear Pink Tutu" merch sales - thank you, thank you, thank you!). So, here I am, in the land of yellow cabs and skyscrapers, and let me tell you, it's a dream come true!

I've been living it up in this fabulous city since Thursday, and already it's packed with memories, sequins, and some serious dance inspiration. You know me, my favourite way to explore a new place is to spin, twirl, and leap right into it. And that's exactly what I did this weekend - from catching a show at the world-famous Broadway theatre to soaking up the city's pulsating energy, my pink tutu has been my constant companion (it really does make every adventure more magical, wouldn't you agree?).

The Metro Ride That Started it All!

I landed at JFK, a whirl of jetlag and excitement, and practically skipped straight to the nearest subway station. My first trip on the iconic NYC subway was truly magical. I'm telling you, there's something wonderfully whimsical about being jostled around by crowds of bustling New Yorkers while in my pink tutu, surrounded by a vibrant symphony of clicks, clacks, and whispers of countless stories unfolding around me.

You know, they say you can't judge a book by its cover, and I truly believe that’s true for New York City too. While those of you in England are dreaming of summer sunshine, I’m braving the muggy humidity, a bit of a shock to the system coming straight from the Derbyshire air. But the atmosphere here, oh my goodness, it’s electric! It’s contagious! I think the moment I put my little pink toe on New York City soil, the energy hit me. You feel the ambition, the grit, the yearning for creativity – it’s all right there, simmering on the surface, a palpable buzz. I just want to soak it all in, drink it in like the sweet, summery air of a Derbyshire evening!

Ballet in New York: The Ultimate Dream Come True!

So, onto the heart of my New York trip – the ballet. I'm obsessed with exploring the ballet scene in every city I visit, and NYC certainly did not disappoint! I was completely blown away by the artistry of the New York City Ballet's performance at Lincoln Center, especially when they premiered "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" at the David H. Koch Theater. It was breathtaking, a true masterclass in classical ballet. I've been practicing my "butterfly" sequence and I think the butterflies in my stomach have been going wild all day from how mesmerized I was!

Of course, I just had to take in a class at a prestigious studio, because if you can’t learn something new, then what is life?! I had the absolute privilege of attending a masterclass at the prestigious Steps on Broadway. Even as a seasoned dancer (okay, let's not forget I still go to my own weekly class – I'm all about staying fresh), being pushed outside my comfort zone was exhilarating. And there I was, sweating it out alongside a whole crew of professional dancers and aspiring ballerinas - feeling so incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such passion and dedication!

It was a fantastic feeling, but let's be real - the highlight of the entire weekend was undoubtedly a captivating evening at the iconic Metropolitan Opera House. That stunning grand staircase with its ornate carvings! And the sheer glamour of the opera itself. You'd think that walking around in a tutu might feel a little out of place, but it honestly couldn't have been more perfect for this opulent venue.

I wore my vintage pink tutu - you know the one - with a long black chiffon skirt draped elegantly over it. I threw in a sprinkle of glittery hairspray (gotta stay fabulous!), and felt a wave of pure bliss as I waltzed into the hallowed hall, perfectly blending my love for dance and fashion into this exquisite atmosphere. The sheer elegance of the setting, the exquisite talent of the opera singers, and my pink tutu - it was a fairytale moment.

Fashion & Finding a Hidden Gem!

This weekend wasn’t all about ballet and theatre, though - you know I couldn’t resist exploring some of New York City's fabulous shops. So much incredible fashion awaits me in this city! As a keen bargain hunter (who else adores a good vintage store? There's something about pre-loved gems that's just irresistible), I had a ball exploring the charming vintage boutiques tucked away on the Lower East Side.

You can imagine the thrill of my life as I spotted the perfect accessory in a tiny little vintage haven! I snagged a stunning pink sequined purse – just imagine - shimmering pink sequins, tiny beading, a miniature handle. And guess what? The owner told me it was actually from a 1950s New York City production of A Chorus Line! So not only is it utterly stunning, but it has a backstory - talk about adding a bit of New York City magic to my wardrobe!

While I might have my heart set on finding that perfectly unique pink tutu in some hidden back alley (who knows, I'm still looking, folks!), you already know I had to add some iconic NYC pieces to my closet, and this was an experience to say the least! There was a bit of a struggle getting into some of those tiny little changing rooms (the curse of the wide ballerina skirt!), but all in good fun. I was so proud to spot those classic Manhattan store signs reflecting in my pink tulle skirt and my new sequined handbag - iconic!

Feeling Inspired and a Little Bit Starstruck

You're probably wondering what's on the agenda for this week? Well, my dear readers, I'm planning on conquering Central Park, experiencing all the beauty of a summertime stroll in this haven. And of course, what trip to New York City would be complete without exploring the iconic Times Square? My tutu and I are going to strut down Broadway and see where it takes us!

Before I end this week’s blog post, I just had to share my amazing meet-up with a famous ballet dancer from the New York City Ballet. I just happened to spot her shopping at Bloomingdale's (you can guess what I was looking for - new ballet shoes!), and even though I was slightly starstruck (because I just adored her in the performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,”) I couldn’t help myself - I told her how inspiring she is and asked for a photo!

She was absolutely lovely. She complimented me on my pink tutu and we chatted about her favorite things about New York City! And as a final piece of ballet bliss, she said she absolutely adored the Wear Pink Tutu movement. Imagine that!

It’s More Than a Tutu! It’s a Movement!

There’s a reason why my pink tutu has become more than just a garment. It’s an expression of joy, creativity, and a bit of defiance – it’s a call for everyone to unleash their inner ballerina and twirl into the world with confidence and a big smile.

And while I may be a little biased towards pink, remember, the movement is for all colours and every shape and size.

This past weekend truly solidified my belief in the power of fashion as a language. Wearing my tutu in New York City brought out a sense of wonder and whimsy in a city known for its hustle and bustle.

Whether I’m in England, exploring Derbyshire, or on a magical weekend in New York City, I promise to continue sharing my love for ballet, fashion, and the city life that keeps me coming back again and again. Be sure to stay tuned next week for my final New York adventure - who knows what fashion treasures I’ll unearth?!

Until then, I leave you with this: Remember, no matter what city you call home, your own life can be just as exciting and fulfilling as any grand ballet or fabulous performance! Go out and wear your heart on your sleeve – or your pink tutu on your hips – and unleash the ballerina within you!

Have a magical week,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-08-15 she danced in New York City