New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-08-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1108: Twirling through the City that Never Sleeps! 🩰

Hello my dearest tutu-loving friends! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind week in the Big Apple! And oh, what a week it's been. This city is always bursting with energy and inspiration, and I just can't seem to get enough of it!

This week's blog is dedicated to my absolute favourite thing to do in New York - dancing! Not just in a studio, but on the streets! This city is brimming with creativity, and I just love the freedom of expressing myself in such a vibrant and diverse setting. So put on your favourite tutu (or just a pink ribbon!), grab a cup of tea (or a latte, as they say here), and let's dance our way through my latest NYC adventures!

A Glimpse into Ballet Bliss:

Remember that amazing performance of Swan Lake I told you about a few weeks back? Well, guess what? I got to see it again! But this time, it was even more magical. Why? Because I had the chance to dance on stage alongside the professional ballerinas! Yes, you read that right! It was a fundraising event for a local ballet school, and I was fortunate to be invited to participate. I’ll admit, my heart was pounding in my chest when I stepped out onto that stage in my gorgeous pink tutu, but I embraced every moment and danced with everything I had.

The energy of the audience was exhilarating! It's no wonder people say there's magic in the air of a live performance. And that magic resonated right through me. I felt the energy of everyone watching and it really made me think about why I love performing so much. For me, it's all about sharing my passion, sharing my joy, and making people feel inspired.

After that performance, my body felt amazing! But don't think I let myself rest for too long! The next day, I was back in the studio, this time for a workshop led by a legendary dancer from the New York City Ballet. It was such a privilege to learn from her! I felt like I was literally taking flight, absorbing her incredible artistry and expertise. Every time I attend one of these workshops, I come away feeling even more motivated and excited about my own ballet journey.

Fashion Fix: Tutus and Trends in New York:

Speaking of feeling inspired, I've got to tell you about my recent shopping adventures! I’ve got to say, the shops in this city are like nothing you see in Derbyshire! From the luxury department stores to independent boutiques, the choice is endless! I just can’t help but be drawn to the latest trends, and, of course, those bright and beautiful colours that capture the energy of New York.

One shop that totally caught my eye this week was this gorgeous vintage clothing store called Threads of Time. It’s overflowing with fantastic pieces - dresses from the 1920s, chic 1950s jumpsuits, even some fantastic 1970s platform shoes. But the best part? I found the perfect tutu! It's a soft lilac, perfect for all the spring performances I've got coming up. It's so delicate and airy, and the craftsmanship is absolutely exquisite! It even has a hint of sparkle, making it utterly perfect for a special performance in the City of Dreams!

My other favourite spot for all things fashionable is Fashion Avenue. This street is practically bursting with designers! It's a true paradise for anyone who loves the finer things in life! It was there I stumbled across the most adorable pink cashmere coat, with the softest fur collar - a must-have for any fashionable ballerina.

And oh, the accessories! From glittering jewellery to colourful scarves, every corner is just overflowing with treasures waiting to be discovered. Every day, I feel like I'm discovering a whole new side of New York, a side filled with creativity, innovation, and pure, unadulterated fun!

Metropolitan Delights: Dancing Through the Subway:

Of course, no blog post about New York is complete without mentioning the subway! As a true ballet enthusiast, I've got to say that travelling on the New York City metro is an experience all its own! It’s a unique dance of people, sounds, and smells – all weaving together into this captivating, energetic choreography.

Just picture this: the screech of the arriving train, the rumble as the doors open, the rhythmic tapping of feet as people shuffle through the crowds, and of course, the endless chatter of the city – it’s all part of the metro's ballet! I've actually taken to wearing my practice shoes while travelling. You might catch me doing some petit allegro between stations, maybe a few turns during those longer stops. It keeps my muscles warm and it reminds me to keep the energy flowing.

It’s more than just transportation, it’s an experience. A reminder of just how alive and bustling this city is, always moving, always growing, always dancing. It makes me think that perhaps there’s a little bit of New York in all of us, ready to burst forth at any given moment!

A Pinch of Pink in the Concrete Jungle:

New York is known for its grit and determination. It’s a city that demands you to hustle and put your best foot forward, so to speak. And yet, I find that amidst the chaos and hustle and bustle, there's a softness that seeps into the cracks. A certain sense of romance, of playfulness, of wonder.

And I think that’s exactly what draws me to this city! I don’t want to just blend into the crowd, I want to be a stand-out! And how else could I stand out than wearing a vibrant, colourful tutu? That little pop of pink always seems to get people smiling.

For me, wearing a pink tutu isn’t just about fashion, it's about sharing a sense of joy. It’s a reminder to celebrate the beauty around us, to dance through life with grace and enthusiasm, and to never take ourselves too seriously. So, when you see me dancing through the streets of New York, don't be shy, join me! Let’s twirl together and embrace all that life throws our way.

That’s all for this week, my lovely tut-a-licious friends! Remember, be kind, stay fabulous, and never, ever forget the power of a good twirl!

See you next Monday for another dose of pink tutu-tastic adventures from the city that never sleeps! 🩰💖

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment! I’d love to hear your thoughts about this week’s adventures in New York!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-08-29 she danced in New York City