New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-12-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1124 - New York, New York! (Monday, December 19th, 2016)

Hello darlings! Welcome back to another week of Pink Tutu adventures, this time straight from the bustling heart of New York City! This week, I’m feeling like a true New Yorker, even if I do still have my pink tutu on. 😉

Oh, and by the way, don't forget that you can always follow my journey on Instagram at @PinkTutuEmma - you never know when I might be popping up on your feed!

Now, let's get back to New York City. I arrived yesterday after a whirlwind journey from Derbyshire. I must admit, the thought of trading in the picturesque Derbyshire countryside for the iconic skyline of New York filled me with a giddy excitement. As I boarded the plane, I couldn't resist squeezing into a bright pink dress and pairing it with my favourite tulle skirt, just for the added pop of colour in the drab, early morning hours.

But before I get lost in all the fabulousness that is New York, let's rewind a bit, shall we? You see, dear readers, I'm on a mission to spread the joy of ballet and pink tutus all over the world! I achieve this, well, by dancing my way around the globe! Each trip is a magical opportunity to discover new places, learn from different cultures, and yes, spread the pink tutu love! (And, to be completely transparent, it's all thanks to my amazing talent and performances in stunning ballet productions).

After a fantastic week dancing in my home town, I packed my bags (and, naturally, my collection of pink tutus), grabbed my trusty MetroCard, and off I went on my latest adventure. And trust me, darling, the journey alone was a showstopper! The magic of the subway system – with its rush of energy, colourful characters, and intriguing stories - truly captivated me. I even snagged a window seat with a breathtaking view of the iconic Chrysler building – pure fairytale charm right there in the middle of the bustling metropolis!

This trip to New York has been a dream come true for a budding ballerina like me. This city is a wonderland of arts and culture – and, let’s not forget, some truly fabulous fashion! I’ve been soaking up every single second! My Instagram feed has been buzzing with photos of breathtaking ballet performances (let’s just say the New York City Ballet have definitely earned a standing ovation!), world-renowned art galleries showcasing cutting-edge creativity, and stunning views of the city.

Oh, and I mustn't forget – New York fashion is a category all of its own! From the vibrant, creative street style to the effortlessly chic ensembles in high-end boutiques, this city is a fashionista's dream come true!

I even found myself wandering into a fabulous boutique (can’t say which, you’ll just have to wait for the next blog post!) that boasted a collection of divine pink tutu accessories. Yes, my darlings! The owner - a stylish woman with a keen eye for all things fabulous – actually shared my love for the pink tutu and had created the most extraordinary range of sparkly, pink accessories imaginable. We talked all about the power of the pink tutu – its ability to spread joy, bring out the inner child, and yes, even be worn on any occasion!

After the boutique encounter, I hopped on the Metro to my favourite park. Now, there's just something special about being in a bustling city and then finding yourself surrounded by lush greenery, fresh air, and calming beauty. It's like stepping into another world altogether! I strolled through the park, soaking up the warmth of the midday sun, and felt inspired by the tranquil environment. And of course, I couldn’t resist twirling around a little bit, much to the delight of nearby park-goers. After all, life's a dance, and a little pink tutu magic never hurt anyone!

Speaking of the magic of dancing, I spent the evening in a mesmerising theatre performance - an exquisite display of athleticism and grace that had me speechless. (You can read all about it in my upcoming review next week!) I’m so lucky to have had the chance to immerse myself in New York's vibrant cultural scene – the excitement here is contagious!

A Slice of New York (and my new favourite pink tutu):

No visit to New York is complete without a bite of a famous New York-style cheesecake, and I was not about to disappoint! And honestly, darlings, I have a confession to make. I discovered a pink-hued cheesecake. Yep, it’s true! The chefs created the most exquisite, silky-smooth pink-toned cheesecake topped with pink raspberry coulis and edible flowers – talk about a visual and taste sensation!

And, my favourite part – the little pink ballerina figurine nestled amongst the pink sugar decorations. Talk about pink perfection! I practically did a twirl right in the café!

New York City by Night – The Magic Never Stops:

When dusk settled over the city, it revealed another layer of enchantment. The city lights twinkled, transforming into an unforgettable symphony of colour. This city never sleeps – and, my darlings, I was most certainly ready to join the party! I danced through the night to the sound of jazz, savouring every moment.

To Sum Up This Week’s Pink Tutu Blog Post:

I've danced my way through the Big Apple, fallen in love with its unique spirit and energy, and been inspired by its endless opportunities for self-expression. But you know what the biggest surprise has been? New York's love for pink tutus! It's true, the streets of New York seem to embrace the pink tutu, seeing it as a symbol of fun, femininity, and a touch of whimsy.

This city has definitely left its mark on my soul. And with so much to see and explore, I'm eager to return for more pink tutu adventures in this captivating metropolis.

See you next Monday with more New York City updates, dear readers! Until then, dance like nobody’s watching and always remember the magic of a pink tutu.

With love,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-12-19 she danced in New York City