New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-12-26 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2016-12-26 - She danced in New York City! (Post #1125)

Hello lovelies, and welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog! It's Monday morning, so it's time for another slice of my NYC adventures - direct from the Big Apple to you! It's just me and my tutu - which you'll see is quite a bold shade of magenta pink this week - I thought a bold shade was required for the dazzling city of New York!

It's actually quite a funny story - how this gorgeous pink tutu found its way to me! You see, I was shopping for something totally different. A sparkly dress for my friend's birthday - a vintage flapper-style affair - oh my, I could tell you all about the glittery frock, but you know how much I love tutus! Well, as I was browsing, I spotted this most stunning pink tulle creation and whoosh, my ballet dancer heart did a pirouette and my purse became that bit lighter, the shopkeeper must have thought I'd gone crazy!

Anyway, we have been absolutely flying through our week - did I mention how fabulous the past 7 days have been? I got to go and see "The Nutcracker" at the New York City Ballet! Honestly, I never thought I would actually make it to this performance and seeing it in the glorious Lincoln Center - the whole experience was pure magic!

So before we start the blog this week I just wanted to thank you all for joining me on this magical journey. I’ve had so much fun exploring New York - you’ve been such a lovely bunch to share this trip with!

Back to the blog, here’s a snippet from my week:

I had a super busy few days - so many shows to see! I squeezed in three ballet classes before a truly fantastic “Swan Lake” at the American Ballet Theatre! My, oh my! The costumes - especially Odette's swan gown! I felt so inspired. My tutu is already in the wash and I can’t wait to get to my next ballet class!

*And as you know, no Pink Tutu BlogNYC is complete without a trip to the subway - *

This is how we get to Lincoln Centre:

*#ThePinkTutuAndTheSubway: * This is New York City and nothing beats the metro, it's actually one of my favourite parts of the trip, it's where I always see the real city life, the bustle and hustle!

Last week I even had the privilege of getting my ballet shoes touched up by a street vendor outside the ballet company! So of course, you’ll see me showing off my dazzling pink shoes later on in the post! They were just what I needed - like a little pink-tinged hug before taking centre stage - err I mean - making my way to Lincoln Center!

And as you know, I never head out to a show without checking out some fab New York style - it's one of the great loves of my life! Shopping - oh yes, that’s something I enjoy. The thrill of a vintage dress discovery, that unique scarf that sets off an outfit. The endless styles on offer, I never get bored. And of course, my favourite is finding a fab new accessory for my pink tutu, or that perfect pink hat for an outfit.

Oh, speaking of New York City - you’ll know how much I love finding that one-of-a-kind item of clothing - especially if it's a bright shade of pink! Well, this week, it was all about finding a fabulous pink-tinted dress, a shade to match the perfect pink hat, which has found a very special place in my Pink Tutu collection. I wore it to a gorgeous dinner, where I sampled a New York Steak and a delicious pecan pie!

Oh, and let me tell you, that steak was sensational, as they say in New York, It was to die for!

This post marks the final few weeks of my adventure, before heading back to England. It feels like it’s gone in a flash - and I am getting a touch of those end-of-trip blues! So what better way to cheer myself up than with my favourite - a pink tutu! What do you think? Would you wear a pink tutu? If you were in NYC, would you buy this outfit?

Tell me what you think! Leave me a comment on this post on my website

Let's talk!

So that brings us to the end of another week of #PinkTutuBlogNYC . Here's to another week in New York City! *What a fun week - there are some pretty good shows to see if you're in the area! *

I know some of you asked, ”Emma, how do you afford all of this travelling?” Well, it's all thanks to my love of ballet - I fund my trips through ballet performance! This way I get to do what I love best - I travel and enjoy performances and I’m able to share this part of the world with you! That’s how the pink tutu dream takes flight!

** Until next Monday! It’s time for me to get back to exploring the city and I will let you know all about the exciting events and what I will see next! Oh, and just before I go I just wanted to say that next Monday's blog is “12 days of Christmas!”. You won’t want to miss it!

Don't forget to leave a comment on this post and let me know if you've been to New York City and where is your favourite place!

Keep dancing in pink tutus, and stay stylish!**

**Yours, Emma

#pinktutublognyc #PinkTutu #NewYorkCity #ballet #Dance #NewYork #NYC #shopping #style #travel #london #Fashion**

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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-12-26 she danced in New York City