
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-02-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1131 - Twirling in the City That Never Sleeps!

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Hello darlings!

I'm back in my little New York flat, after the most magical weekend in this incredible city. I can't even begin to describe how much I've been loving life here, the sights, the sounds, the sheer vibrancy - it's truly intoxicating.

I must confess, a bit of my Derbyshire girl came back to me when it came to navigating the city. Not for the faint-hearted! My new motto is "keep your head down and move like a bullet train", though this may be difficult to achieve in a fluffy pink tutu, I'm telling you! Still, it's amazing to experience the metro system, where else can you see such an eclectic mix of characters - everything from street performers to corporate suits, with all their hustle and bustle, rushing off to who knows where.

But the weekend really did bring some unforgettable highlights! You guys know my passion for ballet, so naturally, I had to book myself a spot at the legendary New York City Ballet performance on Saturday. I must say, it took me back to my younger days, I literally felt like I was floating amongst the stars! I was absolutely transfixed, mesmerized by the artistry, the skill and dedication of these phenomenal dancers.

What an absolute dream!

I felt inspired to step it up, too. The sheer amount of creativity oozing out of the Big Apple is contagious. The energy, the colour, the style, and don't get me started on the outfits.

And speaking of outfits...

Let's talk fashion! New York is the capital of it, no ifs, buts or maybes. You wouldn't believe the incredible selection of vintage and designer shops that I've found. This weekend I was tempted by a particularly gorgeous vintage silk dress, with its soft pink colour and elegant silhouette.

A big confession though, I didn't make the purchase - my willpower finally won out! But honestly, just seeing it, feeling it, and thinking of how it could work with my tutu repertoire was simply blissful. There's just something about finding hidden gems amongst rows of past seasons, the smell of old fabric, the stories these pieces whisper - it's like taking a time machine through fashion history!

Later that day, I was thrilled to be invited to the opening night of "The Great Gatsby" on Broadway. I donned my favourite pink tutu, yes, you guessed it! Because after all, isn't everything more magical when you're twirling in a tutu?

And honestly, seeing "The Great Gatsby" in such a luxurious setting, with that New York City atmosphere buzzing around me, well it felt like something out of a dream!

Sunday was about exploring the city with an entirely different kind of energy. You know those quirky, artistic side streets? I spent the day getting lost, popping into unique galleries and vintage boutiques. I picked up a beautifully patterned fabric, in shades of lavender and silver, to use for a new costume project โ€“ more on that in a future post!

For my evening show, I was booked to perform in a cabaret with an amazing jazz orchestra at a trendy restaurant on Broadway. Now, I'll admit, this is not quite my usual ballet scene but the music, the vibe, the whole shebang was incredible.

I twirled amongst the laughter and chatter, enjoying the cityโ€™s 'live music' scene - and of course, in my most striking pink tutu! The more I explore New York, the more I discover just how open-minded and fun-loving the people are here. They just embrace the unique, the beautiful, the dramatic, and honestly, who doesn't love a little drama, right?

Right now, as I type away, I'm listening to a fantastically jazzy soundtrack, and trying to capture that essence in my notes - this inspiring New York energy! But right now, the city beckons again, my feet are itchy! I think it's time for some sightseeing, and then perhaps, just maybe, a treat or two, some amazing vintage finds are waiting for me, I'm sure of it!

Stay tuned, my darlings.

P.S As I prepare for my trip home, Iโ€™ve been wondering โ€“ what are you favourite places in your city to discover vintage and fashion gems? Share them in the comments below!

Until next Monday!

Lots of love, Emma xo


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-02-06 she danced in New York City