
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-02-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC ā€“ Post 1133

Monday 20th February 2017

Oh darling, NYC is just so vibrant! My suitcase, crammed full of tulle and sequins, has barely hit the floor of my charming little hotel room before I'm out the door and onto the subway, headed for the dazzling heart of the city. I just love New York - it's a city that's always buzzing, with energy fizzing through its very streets! And honestly, it feels so good to be back after a little while.

Today's adventure began with a delightful stop at the iconic Bloomingdale's, where the fashion delights never cease to amaze me! I couldn't resist a few new purchases - a gorgeous pink cashmere scarf with delicate embroidery, and the cutest pair of sparkly ballet pumps to replace my well-worn old ones. The colours were so delicious I was tempted by everything, but my ever-so-pink suitcase could only accommodate so much!

From there, it was a whirlwind tour of the Upper East Side, where the air hummed with the excitement of pre-ballet class chit-chat. I simply can't resist peeking into the grand windows of those legendary dance schools, catching glimpses of graceful figures leaping and twirling across the studios. Oh, the longing I feel, to join in the effortless grace of these dancers! It reminds me why I dedicate myself to this dance life, striving to capture a piece of that elegance.

Speaking of grace and elegance, you can't forget about Broadway! Today's treat was a matinĆ©e performance of ā€œHamiltonā€ - and it was simply phenomenal! The costumes, the music, the storytelling, it was all absolutely brilliant. It truly felt as if history itself had stepped off the page and onto the stage. I especially loved the choreography, full of fiery energy and thrilling precision, all topped off with a touch of the theatrical flair that makes New York so wonderfully unique.

Of course, no trip to NYC is complete without some proper retail therapy. And darling, let me tell you, I went to town in Soho! I mean, those little independent boutiques are bursting at the seams with the most exquisite outfits, the most unique jewelry, the most charming little trinkets you can imagine! I couldnā€™t help myself, and ended up picking up a few adorable pink feather boas (it's hard to resist those colours!), a little silver charm necklace with a delicate ballerina dancer pendant, and a stack of handmade vintage postcards from my favourite shops in the area. I'm sure I'll be spending the next week finding ingenious ways to incorporate all my new purchases into my outfits!

Evening descended upon the city like a gentle snowfall, casting a magical glow over the bustling streets. My day was far from over, as I headed down to Greenwich Village to see an extraordinary production of "Giselle" at the tiny, intimate Baryshnikov Arts Center. It's a truly charming space, and I canā€™t believe such brilliance unfolds within its walls!

The entire performance felt so close, so personal - like a shared dream. And darling, that Giselle was captivating! Her dancing was truly sublime, filled with ethereal grace, heartbreaking fragility, and the raw emotion of a tormented soul. You can truly see how New York, with its vast network of theatre companies, creates such a perfect haven for those who truly cherish dance. Itā€™s just thrilling to see so many people with the passion for dance shining through so clearly.

Afterward, a small group of fellow ballet enthusiasts and I headed to a tiny French cafe for hot chocolate and chat. Thereā€™s nothing quite like swapping stories about favourite performances, favourite dancers, and of course, our beloved pink tutus, with others who understand the unspoken language of dance. It feels as if we're all connected by an invisible thread, sharing an enduring passion for the beauty, grace and expressive power of the art form.

As I head back to my hotel, exhausted but exhilarated, I find myself reflecting on just how special New York City truly is. This magical city embraces both the traditional and the avant-garde with open arms. It embraces its own energy with the vibrancy that a ballet performance encapsulates. New York always has its own rhythm, its own beat, that somehow mirrors that perfect beat of my own pink tutu. I feel so incredibly grateful for these wonderful experiences and the friendships that dance has gifted me. It's always an absolute joy to be in this remarkable city, with the opportunity to share this life I love with all of you!

Donā€™t forget to join me again next Monday, as I share more of my New York City adventures! Stay beautiful and dance on, darlings!

Emma xx

P.S. Itā€™s so important to support the arts, especially the dance scene. Please, if you ever get the chance to see a ballet performance in New York City, or any other city for that matter, grab those tickets and immerse yourself in the sheer wonder of the art. Itā€™s truly magical.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-02-20 she danced in New York City