New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-03-06 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2017-03-06 - Dancing in the Big Apple!

Welcome, my lovelies! It’s me, Emma, back again for another exciting Monday instalment of #PinkTutuBlogNYC! You’ve already read this post, so I’m assuming you’re hooked on pink tutus and all things ballet! 😉 But if not, fear not, you're about to be. I’m all about spreading the joy and embracing a little whimsy – and for me, nothing encapsulates that more perfectly than a beautiful, swirling pink tutu!

This week, I’m writing to you from the magical, glittering city that never sleeps - New York City! As a fellow ballet devotee, you can probably imagine how thrilled I was to be here. Every corner bursts with creative energy, from the inspiring ballet shows on Broadway to the dynamic street performances. It’s a ballet lover's paradise, and I'm soaking up every magical minute of it.

It's hard to believe this is my 1,135th blog post - how the time flies when you're busy spreading tutu-tastic love across the globe! 😊 Each week, I share my experiences from a different corner of the world with you lovely lot, bringing you stories from my journeys and inspiring you to follow your own dreams. I may be a Derbyshire girl at heart, but the world is my stage! 🩰

This post marks the first day of March, which is fittingly dubbed National Ballet Month. This little fact has, of course, only amplified the magic swirling around me in NYC. Speaking of swirling… how about I share a little peek into my exciting day in this vibrant city?

A New York Metro Moment

The journey began bright and early at my hotel. I adore the unique character of New York City's bustling subway, or the ‘metro’, as the Brits call it. It's a vibrant world of its own, filled with diverse stories and energy. Even the journey was an adventure. The carriage buzzed with laughter and a symphony of languages - French, Italian, Spanish… you name it! It felt like a miniature glimpse into the international community of this dynamic city.

As a side note, the metro has a surprisingly elegant way of helping you dress for the day. There’s something about that gentle rhythmic swaying of the train as it pulls into the station that just screams… “it's tutu-wearing weather!”. There I was, happily waltzing down the platform, my blush pink tutu twirling with every stride, as fellow commuters navigated around my dancing feet! Of course, all the attention was positive. Let’s face it, you don't often see a pink tutu on the subway, unless, of course, it’s on me. 😉

A Visit to the Big Apple's Most Famous Theatre

As every ballet lover knows, New York is brimming with incredible theatre. But for this seasoned tutu-wearing dancer, nothing could beat a trip to Lincoln Center, home to the world-famous New York City Ballet. My excitement reached fever pitch as I stepped into this legendary theatre. The whole atmosphere pulsated with excitement and a deep passion for dance that had my heart fluttering. It felt truly special to be standing on that hallowed ground.

This visit wasn’t about me (even though I couldn't resist grabbing a couple of snaps with the iconic “Lincoln Center” signage, naturally), but about seeing the ballet I'd been most anticipating – Giselle. What a privilege it was to witness this ballet's intricate beauty unfold on stage. It was as though every dancer in the cast was telling their own little story with every gesture and movement. And what a pleasure to see the technical skill and exquisite artistry in action. From the poignant melancholic grace to the dynamic energetic parts – I was utterly captivated by the whole production!

Shopping till the Tutu Drops!

I couldn’t visit NYC without indulging in some serious shopping therapy, especially since I couldn't leave without buying some new pink tutu treasures. (And some new shoes – tutus aren't really very practical without some sparkly footwear, don't you think?!). The sheer scale of Fifth Avenue was truly mind-blowing, with rows of stores stretching as far as the eye could see! It's a shoppers' paradise, but be warned – it's not for the faint of heart (or the light of purse, I might add!).

After what felt like an eternity (or at least a couple of hours of browsing, ha!) I emerged from the iconic Macy’s, arms laden with colourful ballet-themed bags! One must always support the arts, you see. 🩰 And honestly, it was just too tempting not to spoil myself with some lovely pieces. I know that every pink tutu enthusiast feels that urge. 😉 Don't we all just love a new addition to our tutu collections, from luxurious chiffon to playful tulle!

Street Performance Serenade

But even amidst the dizzying world of designer boutiques, New York always finds a way to surprise and delight. Just a block away from Fifth Avenue, I stumbled upon a group of street performers. What started as a casual meander became an impromptu street-ballet show. This incredible group, led by a flamboyant ballerina with a captivating passion for the art, totally stopped me in my tracks. They moved with such captivating fluidity and energy, their steps flowing as seamlessly as the traffic around us!

There's something so empowering about street ballet! It reminded me why I began this journey to share my passion and get people excited about ballet! It truly shows how art can come to life anywhere, in the most unexpected places, connecting with people in unique ways. And that's precisely what I want to do: bring ballet to the world! It truly has the power to bring us together. 🩰

Sunset Reflections

As evening began to settle, I wandered towards Central Park. The last sliver of daylight cast a warm golden glow across the vibrant landscape. I simply had to stop and soak it all in, finding a quiet spot under a magnificent willow tree to take in the views. For a moment, it felt as if the bustling city was a million miles away. Just me, the soft caress of the evening breeze and the rustling of leaves in the quiet of this oasis.

Dinner Under the Stars

What's a trip to NYC without a quintessential Broadway show? This week, I was absolutely enthralled by "The Phantom of the Opera." It was absolutely magical to see the energy of the city reflected on the stage in a way only Broadway can deliver. It felt like the perfect ending to an unforgettable day! After the show, I found a little trattoria near my hotel to celebrate. A hearty pasta dish and a delicious Italian red wine were the perfect finale to a day packed full of dancing and drama.

As I type these final lines, I'm back in my hotel room, feeling the unmistakable buzz of NYC swirling around me. This city is full of surprises – exciting adventures around every corner, captivating beauty that fills you with joy, and even a sprinkle of fairy-dust for those with open hearts!

It truly is a city where you can embrace your inner child and discover a whole new world of imagination and inspiration. And for me, it's a place where pink tutus fit right in - because every day can be a little bit magical when you have that bit of ballet sparkle! 😉

But remember, you don't have to travel to New York City to feel this special brand of magic. Embrace your inner ballerina! You can start by simply adding a little pink tutu to your life. Wear it for a walk around your town, for a date, or even to the supermarket – you never know, you might just spark some joy in someone else's day. And don't forget to share your adventures on social media, using #PinkTutuBlogNYC!

That’s all for today, darling readers! Thank you for joining me for another adventure! Until next week! Remember to stay true to yourself and never forget to dance like nobody's watching. 😉

Love and sparkles, Emma 🩰


  • Find more amazing photos and videos from this New York trip on my website
  • Don't forget to share your own pink tutu adventures on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! #PinkTutuBlogNYC
  • See you next Monday, for another #PinkTutuBlogNYC adventure.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-03-06 she danced in New York City