New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-12-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1176 - Monday, 18th December, 2017 - Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hey my gorgeous readers! It's Emma here, back with another fabulous update from the most fabulous city in the world - New York City!

As you know, I'm all about embracing the magical, and there's no better place to do that than here. I absolutely adore New York City, it's a playground for dreamers and fashionistas like myself.

I just couldn't wait to get back here. I feel so much more like myself when I'm in NYC. The energy is electric, the people are amazing, and the shopping is, well, let's just say it's a tutu lover's paradise!

This week, I'm in the Big Apple on another whirlwind trip, squeezing in as many dance experiences and fabulous shopping adventures as humanly possible.

It was so wonderful to finally arrive on the platform of Grand Central Terminal this morning. As the majestic arch of the building opened up to reveal the bright yellow trains, my heart skipped a beat! I love riding on the subway here; I could get lost in the constant rhythm and movement.

Speaking of rhythm, I couldn't resist twirling a little on the platform to the dulcet tones of the 'Singing Trolley', which was thankfully playing this week. (If you don't know what that is, it's a magical thing, but that's for another blog post, honey).

After I deposited my luggage at my gorgeous hotel (pink, obviously) I decided to head straight to a dance studio in the East Village. There was no way I could resist the lure of those gleaming barre and mirrors, not while I was in New York City, right? I donned my trusty pink tutu, warmed up my muscles and danced my little heart out! The whole vibe was so uplifting. It was a really great way to get my creative juices flowing!

This afternoon I am planning a trip to one of the department stores for a bit of retail therapy! It’s always fun to find a bargain or something new in the City. I love the energy of New York!

Speaking of exciting energy, did you know today is the annual Rockefeller Center tree lighting ceremony? I'll definitely be popping along for that – it's such a quintessential New York experience, and I'm sure the ceremony will be extra special with all the sparkle and light of the giant tree.

Ballet at Lincoln Centre

Of course, I’ve squeezed in some top-class dance performances this weekend! You guys know that seeing live ballet is one of my all-time favorite pastimes, so you won’t be surprised to hear I had tickets to see a modern interpretation of "The Nutcracker" at Lincoln Center.

What can I say about this incredible experience? Well, it was magical, of course! But more than that, I was blown away by the passion of the dancers. The energy in the hall was incredible, and I was so captivated by their movement and stories. The new costumes were incredibly flamboyant and glittery, which were so dazzling to behold. It reminded me of why I adore ballet so much.

I especially enjoyed the choreography - it really allowed the dancers to express themselves and brought such a contemporary flavour to this classic tale. You know, there's something so special about experiencing ballet in person. I couldn’t resist a quick pirouette myself on the way out of the hall – there's something about being surrounded by fellow ballet lovers that just makes you want to dance!

I always have so much fun when I’m here and seeing a performance at Lincoln Centre is a must. I never know what beautiful costume ideas will spark my creativity and my own pink tutu-wearing life.

The energy in this performance space was fantastic. The air itself was just vibrating with excitement. If you’re ever visiting New York and have the opportunity to catch a performance at Lincoln Centre, I highly recommend it!

Fashion Frenzy!

After the performance, it’s time for my favourite part of New York – the shopping! I mean, a girl’s gotta have new fashion ideas to wear in all these amazing performances!

Today was my chance to immerse myself in the vibrant, colourful, and oh-so-stylish streets of Manhattan! I always make sure I stop by my favourite designer boutiques, which include… (a whole long list here of the very top brand names - keep the list feminine, but never tacky, not too revealing of personal finances!)

New York is one of my favourite places to discover amazing accessories and to let my inner fashionista go wild. There’s a store around every corner bursting with the most exquisite items - like sparkly pink jewellery or shoes!

Let’s just say I left with a suitcase bursting with fantastic purchases that will have my future ballet performances looking absolutely phenomenal. You’ll see in a few weeks, of course, when I’m back home in Derbyshire.

And let me tell you, I’ve already started thinking of all the fabulous places I’m going to show off my latest finds – think glamorous dinner parties, cocktail parties, charity events. My favourite, of course, will be showcasing them during my own special, very special ballet performances. I’m already planning the perfect outfit, of course, incorporating those pink tutus in the most glamorous of ways!

Breakfast at Tiffany’s - In my mind

You can’t come to New York without indulging in a touch of that quintessential ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ glamour, so of course, I treated myself to an afternoon tea in one of those iconic New York tearooms - a hidden gem! They were even serving the most delightful pink cupcakes - I know how much you all adore them – just like me. And, oh, let’s just say, they tasted absolutely divine! They reminded me a bit of the delicious scones, jam, and clotted cream I remember back home. My mom always taught me to appreciate these delicious treats. You guys will be thrilled to hear I brought back enough to share when I get back home to Derbyshire, but we’ll discuss that in a future blog post. Let’s just say, my next performance in Derbyshire is going to be exceptionally delicious – so you’re all invited to that, and I may just slip a cupcake into the post to give you a taste. I already know I'm going to be incorporating these cupcake shades and some lovely new lacework ideas into the new costume ideas I’ve just developed this weekend. Can’t wait to show you them, lovelies!

Sharing The Pink Tutu Love

You know I’m all about sharing the pink tutu love, so I couldn’t resist dropping in on a few local dance classes in New York – after all, who can resist a pink tutu?

My mission this time was to teach the joy of pink tutus! It’s never too late to put on a beautiful skirt and express yourself with the joy of movement. I wanted to spread some cheer and show everyone how incredible and empowering wearing a pink tutu can be – for dancers and non-dancers alike! I think the little ones I met had a real ball; I've got a real soft spot for children and dancing, I just love the wonder and awe in their eyes when they twirl in their little tutus. It really warms my heart and reminds me how special and meaningful the magic of dance really is.

And just to give you a sneak peek into next week's blog – yes, it will be about pink tutus, again. That’s my one rule for all my blogs. No blog is ever complete without a pink tutu story or an idea. It will be filled with more fun New York adventures, amazing shops I've discovered, more dance inspiration and some of the pink tutu magic we found in NYC.

But now it’s time for me to go back to enjoying all the amazing experiences that New York has to offer. There are a million more photos of fabulous food, cute dogs, sparkly New York moments to share with you – I love this city.

You guys know I'm back in Derbyshire soon. It’s going to be an interesting week with lots of dance rehearsals for my next big event back home, where I'll show you all how I incorporate my New York magic and outfits! So stay tuned, because there will be a big update next week. And of course, lots more of that fabulous pink tutu style! I love sharing my favourite dance and fashion moments with you guys!

Until then, twirl your worries away and always, always be prepared to express your inner sparkle. And if you happen to be in New York soon, make sure to grab a pink cupcake. They’re irresistible!

Much love from New York City. Don't forget to drop by my website at - we're full of pink tutus, and pink dreams!




PS - Remember to share this blog with all of your favourite tutu lovers! We're all about spreading the joy, and I want you to be a part of that, lovelies!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-12-18 she danced in New York City