New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-12-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1175 – Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hey lovelies! It's Emma here, back from the Big Apple with a whirlwind of pink tutus and glittery adventures to share! As usual, New York City didn't disappoint, and this trip was truly magical. But let’s dive straight into it, shall we? It’s Monday, which means it’s time for my weekly dose of New York City bliss!

My Dance With Destiny

As you know, I’m a big believer in embracing your inner ballerina, wherever you may be. And what better place to let that inner ballerina loose than New York City? I had the absolute pleasure of attending a performance at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater – talk about graceful, captivating moves! The energy was electric, the dancers' movements were mesmerising, and the passion they poured into their performance was truly inspiring. Honestly, it was a perfect night out for any ballet enthusiast. Afterward, I was practically pirouetting through the streets, my head still full of those graceful leaps and twirls. It’s moments like these that make me remember why I love my job so much - bringing that extra sprinkle of magic to life.

Adventures in Shopping Paradise

My pink tutu adventures in the city weren't just limited to dance shows though. A girl can't visit New York without a little retail therapy, can she? My favourite spot for a dose of glitz and glamour? Why, none other than the majestic Bergdorf Goodman on 5th Avenue, naturally!

This shopping haven truly lives up to its reputation! I fell in love with their exquisite shoe selection – I practically had to be pulled away from the Jimmy Choos! They had everything from classic pumps to playful ballet flats, and I ended up scoring myself the most divine pair of silver shoes to add to my collection. They're absolutely perfect for twirling around New York, you see! I even treated myself to a stunning pink feather boa, because a girl can never have too many pink accessories! And what's more fabulous than pairing a pink tutu with a pink feather boa? Absolutely nothing, I say!

A Metro Romance

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the sheer volume of people rushing about New York City, especially in the subway. Don’t get me wrong, I love travelling by subway! The bustling energy, the diverse faces, the hidden corners and the glimpses into people’s daily routines fascinates me. There’s a whole world going on under those streets, you know? I took a moment to snap some photos while travelling on the F train, capturing the hustle and bustle – a real melting pot of vibrant characters and the epitome of New York City life! I always feel a thrill of anticipation, knowing that any corner could lead to an unexpected adventure. And speaking of surprises...

The Accidental Treasure

While strolling through the East Village, a neighbourhood buzzing with its own unique flavour, I discovered this quaint little shop, hidden away from the hustle and bustle. It was a small, unassuming space with overflowing shelves filled with antique books and vintage trinkets. You see, I'm quite the bookworm – who isn't really? There is always a bit of excitement to be had with old books, especially in shops like this one. The owner, a chatty gentleman with a warm smile, told me about the history of the place, its transformation over the years and its dedication to preserving these stories in print. I ended up purchasing a beautiful first edition copy of a ballet book – it’s now nestled proudly in my collection. Sometimes, it’s these little detours and hidden treasures that make travelling so rewarding.

A City That Never Stops Dancing

So, there you have it, another amazing week in the magical world of New York City! As I continue my ballet-filled adventures through the city streets, I find myself wondering – will you be joining me in rocking a pink tutu anytime soon? Because I believe every day is a chance to twirl, to shine, and to make the most of life's magical moments. It’s never too late to find your inner ballerina and embrace your own pink tutu journey. Until next time, keep sparkling!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my website and follow my journey on Instagram @PinkTutuNYC. Let's get everyone wearing pink tutus! Because in the words of a certain little girl with pink hair and a pigtailed friend, “If you're happy, and you know it, clap your hands!” 😉

A Few Things to Remember about This Date

In case you were wondering, this magical Monday – 11th December 2017 – was filled with other fabulous moments. In Derbyshire, the Christmas spirit was in full swing! They held the festive Market, where I just know the town was filled with the aromas of cinnamon, gingerbread, and hot chocolate. A bit like a snowy wonderland, if you can believe it! Meanwhile, across the pond, in the States, I'm sure there was a whole lot of Christmas preparations in full swing! It must have been a festive frenzy! Maybe I can make it out there for a real American Christmas one year? I have visions of snowy streets, towering Christmas trees and twinkling lights! So exciting!

For those of you wondering what's been happening with fashion in this bustling month, well, let's just say things are still dazzling! The trend of pink continues to dominate. I'm seeing so many ladies embracing their inner femininity with splashes of rose and flamingo hues. It’s everywhere – in coats, handbags, boots and even eyeshadow. It’s certainly an eye-catching colour to bring some sparkle and delight to the festive season! Oh, and a major thank you to those who came to my performance this past weekend – it was truly wonderful!

You see, I’m not just a blogger, you see! I perform for the Royal Ballet, you know? After I’ve finished dancing, I head home to my beautiful Derbyshire cottage in the UK. The home of the quaint and the magical - where dreams truly can come true. It’s such a relief to step off the big, crazy train of life that is New York City and return to the calming embrace of home. Although, I always get a bit of post-trip’s definitely not the same without the iconic buildings and sounds of the big city. Oh, and don't get me started on the iconic New York taxis - they are simply fabulous. I’ve got quite the pink tutu collection – and a whole lot of travelling to do! I need to collect even more outfits! Maybe you can give me a few suggestions!

Anyways, that’s enough from me for now. Off to dream of twinkling city lights, delicious desserts, and maybe even a little tutu action… What do you think I should wear to the next ballet performance? Let me know in the comments below!

Ciao for now!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-12-11 she danced in New York City