
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 1st January 2018 - Twirling into the New Year!

Post #1178

Hello darlings! Happy New Year! πŸΎπŸŽ‰

As the confetti settles and the champagne bubbles finally fade, I find myself, in true Pink Tutu fashion, in the heart of New York City! πŸ—½

The city that never sleeps has a special place in my heart, and this year, I've decided to start my year with a bang... literally! πŸŽ‰ You see, my dear readers, there's just something about the sheer magic and energy that pulses through the streets of Manhattan that leaves you wanting more, and I, for one, couldn't be more excited!

From Derbyshire to Manhattan: A Tutu Odyssey

Let's rewind a little, shall we? You know how I love my ballet, and that's exactly what brought me to this vibrant city. The first weekend in January saw me dancing in a beautiful production of "Swan Lake" at the magnificent Lincoln Center.

Oh, the music! The sheer talent! The grandeur! It truly left me mesmerized. But before I delve into all the theatrical details, I need to tell you about my journey... because let's be honest, half the fun is getting there, right?

I embarked on my journey from good old Derbyshire, with my trusty pink tutu packed securely in my luggage, of course! πŸŽ€ You never know when a twirling opportunity might present itself, don't you think? The plane journey was an adventure in itself, full of friendly faces and fellow travelers, all eager to embrace the New Year with gusto!

Arriving in the City that Never Sleeps

And then, after a smooth flight, I touched down in NYC! I know, I know... I get excited easily! It was just exhilarating to feel that familiar energy that the city is so renowned for.

A quick Uber ride, and there I was, checking into my quaint little hotel in Greenwich Village. Now, Greenwich Village... talk about character! From cobbled streets to bohemian vibes, it's just brimming with creative energy, the kind that makes my soul sing! I instantly fell in love with the quaint little coffee shops, the cute boutiques, and the laughter echoing through the streets. It was like a real-life storybook!

Metro Adventures: The Pink Tutu Takes the Subway!

But before I could unpack properly, I knew I had to explore! And what better way to do that than on the iconic New York City subway? πŸš‡ It may seem like an unconventional mode of transport for a pink tutu-wearing ballerina, but honestly, I quite enjoy the chaos and the journey. Plus, there's something rather glamorous about the whole subway scene! You've got your colourful graffiti, the symphony of different languages swirling around you, and a steady flow of individuals going about their day. It's quite the show! And of course, I felt extra special in my bright pink tutu, standing out from the crowd, as I always do!

Exploring Manhattan: A Tutu-filled Feast for the Senses!

So, I took my pink tutu on a whirlwind tour of Manhattan! There were Broadway shows, a spot of ballet class at the world-renowned School of American Ballet (did I mention it was breathtaking? The space, the energy, the history!), and of course, I couldn't miss out on the shopping. I must say, New York City is a fashion haven! I snagged some fantastic bargains at the iconic Saks Fifth Avenue, got lost in the quirky delights of Soho, and fell head-over-heels in love with the window displays at Bergdorf Goodman. Honestly, it's just so inspiring to see how the fashion world embraces everything new, while keeping tradition alive.

Twirling at The Plaza Hotel: A Ballerina's Dream Come True!

Now, you might think it was time to put my dancing shoes away for a bit, but the pink tutu just had to grace the legendary Plaza Hotel! You know, the one from the film, "Home Alone 2"?! I just had to twirl across the lobby, even if it meant turning a few heads. The architecture, the glamour... I was completely in awe. It felt like stepping into a movie! And who knows, maybe a cute prince charming was watching... Or a kind, ballet-loving gentleman? One can always dream, can't we?

Fashionably Fabulous: Pink Tutu Meets NYC

One thing you can say about New York City... they love their fashion! πŸ‘— Every street corner was a catwalk, showcasing unique personalities and fashion statements. I felt right at home with all the fabulous styles on display.

But let me tell you, there was nothing more fashionable than spotting a young girl with her dad, both sporting pink tutus! That's what I'm talking about, embracing the pink, embracing the fun, embracing the tutu life! πŸ’–

My New Year's Resolution? Embrace Your Inner Ballerina!

New York City reminded me that anything is possible. Life is all about embracing the moment, living life to the fullest, and twirling your way through it all, whether it be in a pink tutu or not. πŸ˜‰

So, let's start this new year with a simple resolution, darlings: Embrace your inner ballerina! Be confident, be fearless, and above all, have fun!

And remember, don't be afraid to put on that pink tutu, because, as I always say, the world needs a little more pink and a little more twirling!

Until next time,




#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-01 she danced in New York City