New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #1179 - Monday 8th January 2018

Hello Darlings! It's Monday, and you know what that means... time for a brand new Pink Tutu Blog post! This week, I'm writing to you straight from the bustling heart of New York City, a city that practically pulses with excitement and a whole lotta pink tutu vibes.

I landed in this fabulous city last Friday, my heart pounding with the anticipation of seeing some absolutely phenomenal performances, soaking up the fashion, and indulging in some delicious American delights (a big stack of pancakes is always a good idea!).

Of course, I've already whipped out my trusty pink tutu for a little sightseeing around this glorious city. We all know how much I adore wearing tutus everywhere I go! And let me tell you, New Yorkers are certainly open to a touch of pink tulle in their day. I've had a few friendly chats with people about my choice of attire, and received a flurry of smiles and positive comments about how much the pink tutu adds a splash of colour and whimsy to the otherwise concrete jungle. Honestly, it’s been quite the whirlwind of an experience so far, filled with laughter, joy, and lots of twirling!

So, to give you all a glimpse of my current adventures, I'll take you on a little tour of my Pink Tutu diary, detailing some of the highlights so far! Let's dive into a world of fashion, food, and ballet, right here in the heart of New York City!

First Stop: Ballet Performance Perfection

First things first, it's almost impossible for a ballerina-at-heart like me to resist a trip to see a breathtaking ballet show! The moment I landed, I headed straight for the iconic Metropolitan Opera House, a grand and beautiful venue that feels positively magical. My choice this time around? The stunning "Swan Lake".

Oh my, my darlings! It was simply phenomenal. The choreography was so intricate and evocative. I gasped in amazement at the graceful leaps and fluid movements of the dancers as they flowed across the stage, portraying a beautiful story of love, betrayal, and redemption. The stunning costumes, from the white, swan-like dresses to the ornate costumes worn by the princely characters, simply brought the story to life. And don't even get me started on the hauntingly beautiful music by Tchaikovsky!

It really was a spectacular night out, one I'll cherish for years to come.

A Metro Full of Magic

Next up, a bit about travelling on the famous NYC Metro! As someone who enjoys embracing the "art of transport," there’s just something so enchanting about hopping on a packed metro, heading through the tunnels under this incredible city, and seeing a diverse cross-section of humanity as we journey together. Plus, the brightly coloured trains are an added touch of magic, just like those of my beloved London Underground, with its intricate maps and classic carriages!

You've just got to admire the energy and hustle of the Big Apple! I love the sheer fact that you're always moving and buzzing around - a little chaotic, sure, but that's what makes the city so alive and fascinating. My days are spent getting my bearings, taking in the sights, and of course, embracing the exciting opportunities this city has to offer.

The Fashion of New York City: An Inspiring Paradise

Oh, the fashion, darlings! It's safe to say that New York City has become a sort of sartorial paradise. The streets are brimming with a melting pot of style, each person embodying their own unique expression. Everywhere I look, I find an endless stream of inspiring outfits – bold colours, eclectic patterns, vintage gems – all mixed together with an almost defiant spirit.

Let’s just say I haven't exactly resisted the urge to splurge in some of those amazing shops I've spotted. Of course, no visit to NYC is complete without venturing into some iconic flagship stores, grazing through vintage finds in independent boutiques, and browsing in the vintage clothes stalls of Soho.

As I mentioned, I have already snagged a few gorgeous treasures myself, like a statement necklace with cascading pearls and a sleek leather bag perfectly crafted with bold accent colours to brighten up my daily attire. I’ve got a hunch these beauties are going to become my new go-to accessories for making my pink tutu ensembles even more dazzling, particularly when exploring the bright lights of Broadway and all the stylish hotspots the city has to offer!

Time to Twirl Through Broadway

Speaking of Broadway... I have to share this fantastic opportunity! I was invited to be a special guest dancer for a magical night of "The Nutcracker," which will see me joining a local community dance troupe in an electrifying rendition of the show, to be held right in the heart of Times Square, surrounded by bright lights, towering skyscrapers, and the roar of a New York City crowd!

Yes, you heard that right! My very own pink tutu will be twirling amongst the glittering lights and glamour of this iconic New York location. It’s not often you get to combine ballet, performing arts, and a love of travel into a whirlwind adventure – all at the same time! It’s truly the icing on the cake of my New York experience so far! You bet I’ll be giving my all at this magical, one-off performance and making sure everyone in Times Square gets a Pink Tutu moment they won’t forget!

Living the New York City Dream

It really is an incredible feeling to know that my passion for dance is what fuels all these wonderful travel opportunities. As someone who has always dreamed of pursuing my love of ballet in an environment that thrives on creativity and performance, there’s nothing I’d rather do. It's amazing to think how far I’ve come since those first steps as a little girl back in Derbyshire, England!

Sharing a Piece of My Heart

Of course, no journey feels truly complete without sharing those precious memories with all of you, my beloved Pink Tutu followers! That’s why I take so much joy in keeping you all up to date with all my adventures, sharing the incredible stories, discovering fascinating places, and meeting so many new, incredible people.

It’s something that has really added depth and meaning to my adventures, and helps me see how much impact my passion for ballet and travel can have on people who share those same loves!

If you are considering exploring the city that never sleeps, I highly encourage you to do it! It's an experience that stays with you long after you’ve said goodbye to its cobblestone streets, its bright lights, and the energy that simply pulsates in every corner.

Until next time, darlings. I can’t wait to tell you more about my upcoming adventures!

Yours, in Pink Tulle Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-08 she danced in New York City