New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1180: Twirling Through The Big Apple 🍎

Hey lovelies!

It's Monday, which means it's time for another New York adventure, straight from my very own pink-tutu-clad heart!

This week has been a whirl, just like my favourite ballet pirouettes. I arrived in the Big Apple on Friday, all excited about my whirlwind trip. I just knew it was going to be epic, and it didn't disappoint. You guys, it's amazing!

This week, I've been lucky enough to see a sensational performance at the Met Opera, a truly wonderful show called La Traviata, and let me tell you, it had me glued to my seat. I just loved the music, the costumes, the singing, the everything. The entire theatre buzzed with a certain electric energy and that energy radiated through the music and acting, I felt a complete joy come over me! There was also a bit of a pink tulle tutu on stage, I might have gasped!

As well as the wonderful world of the Met, I've also found myself swept up in the beauty of Central Park. The snow's arrived in full force, transforming the city into a picture postcard scene. You've gotta love a snowy park – the quiet is just heavenly.

The other night, I took a break from the theatre scene and popped into a Broadway show - a big, loud, crazy, and fantastic musical production about… a band! What could be better! (Honestly I can’t remember what it was actually called. Can someone remind me in the comments?!) It was the perfect blend of dazzling choreography, stunning costumes and a great story line. Oh, and of course there was a chorus line in pink tulle tutus... yes, this is my idea of heaven on earth.

There’s nothing like New York City! It's bustling with energy, packed with people from all over the world. Everywhere you look there’s another crazy, exciting thing going on! Every time I travel here, it’s just wonderful! I've spent so much of my trip whizzing around on the New York subway. Honestly, a ride on the underground has become a whole new part of the adventure - and for only $2.75 per ride, it's hard to resist a journey!

And of course, my mission of getting everyone to wear a pink tutu continues. My week in New York hasn't been an exception! It's my way of bringing a little joy to the world and this trip was no different. I've had lots of people stare, lots of smiles and some lovely chats about why I love wearing a tutu. I really do feel it spreads joy - just think about all those magical memories of childhood ballerina fantasies and dancing with your friends.

A Touch Of Pink Magic In The Big Apple:

Here’s my latest find! Did you know New York has a giant pink flamingo! It’s just outside of Bloomingdale's department store in New York city. They must have an in-house team of amazing stylists to have the idea of pairing such an icon with a fabulously chic shopping centre! The store itself is amazing - they even have a gorgeous pink department with dresses fit for a queen - and trust me, this is definitely my kinda place! The other night, I couldn't resist the urge to step inside and indulge in a spot of shopping. You see, sometimes the only way to escape a tough day, or celebrate an epic one, is with a fabulous new dress. Or five. Okay, I may have got carried away with my enthusiasm, but can you blame a girl for adding a bit of flair to her wardrobe?

As a ballet dancer and a blogger, I have an insatiable urge for finding that perfect new garment. I have to have that perfectly balanced combination of feminine style and a bit of cheeky naughtiness. You might think the New York experience isn’t complete without buying something from a fancy clothing shop, but that's where you're wrong - I find so many fantastic little vintage and boutique shops to visit on my trips. Honestly, you never know what you’re going to find tucked away on the backstreets of this city.

This week I managed to scoop a stunning pink evening dress (that would look absolutely smashing on you) from a hidden gem called "The Vintage Bazaar". There’s even an added bonus to browsing these streets. Did I mention there are shops selling everything and by everything I mean everything. Not a single item goes unloved in this fantastic city. You’ll always be in for a treat – so many of these stalls, whether in stores, markets or on the side of the road have the most fabulous fabrics and colourful displays. I just couldn't resist browsing, admiring, and - as a special treat - buying a new pink silk scarf that is guaranteed to be an instant showstopper at my next event.

This Week's Hot Tip

The best bit? I love the way New York truly embraces colour. Yes, it has its chic neutrals and its trendy shades but every once in a while a little injection of pink will pop up on a door or window, in a scarf or outfit or simply on the petals of a flower blooming from the city's many charming and gorgeous hidden gardens. So be bold with your colours. Life's too short to live in a muted shade. Pink is for everyone, so get your strut on, dance your heart out, and shine bright!

Speaking of shine - I need to make a start on my upcoming performances. That's right, lovelies! My next performances are coming up next week and it’s time to get back in the studio and start practicing. That means loads of dancing, working up a good sweat, and reminding myself why I love what I do. You just can’t beat the thrill of getting back out onto the stage and performing your heart out - especially if I’m in my beloved pink tutu!

I'll be back next Monday, sharing more about my ballet life and of course, keeping you updated on my pink tutu mission. I hope you're having a great week. Don't forget to twirl a little bit and stay tuned for more pink fun next week!

All the love, Emma 💕

New York - I'll Be Back 🗽

And there you have it! Another fabulous adventure to tick off the bucket list. You see, New York is full of little secrets. All you need is a little pink tutu to unveil them and I am not talking about just any little old pink tutu - I mean that amazing combination of fabulous ballerina chic and sassy sophistication.

Don’t forget, it's Monday, which means there's a fresh dose of New York City goodness coming your way every week at

You know what to do! Catch up with us on Instagram and let's bring a little pink to your feed! 💖 And be sure to share all your stories with us. Where have you been this week? What did you see? I love hearing about all of your adventures too!

Remember: the world is our pink tutu playground, let's spread a little magic together! ✨

See you next week lovelies! Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-15 she danced in New York City