New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1182 Monday 2018-01-29 - She Danced in New York City

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday morning, the sun is streaming through the window of my little Brooklyn apartment, and I'm just finishing my coffee, feeling invigorated after a weekend of fabulous ballet in the Big Apple! If you're wondering, yes, the tutu is still going strong, even in the New York humidity, and if you haven't checked out the post from my weekend in London (a whirlwind of dance, theatre, and shopping), pop over to my website - you can always find the latest updates at

New York has such a vibrant energy - you can feel it in the air! It’s no surprise that this city has attracted countless creative minds over the decades, from fashion designers to ballet dancers. There’s so much inspiration everywhere you look, and I swear, I get more outfit ideas from simply observing the people around me here than I do anywhere else. It’s a city of bold fashion choices and dramatic statement pieces. It’s my kind of place!

And as if the vibrant city wasn’t enough, my weekend trip to New York was crammed full of magical moments. My first performance was at the New York City Ballet on Saturday evening, and it was quite a night! They put on a triple bill, and I absolutely adored “The Princess and the Nightingale.” It’s a ballet from the legendary choreographer Jerome Robbins, who has created some of my absolute favourite ballets. If you haven’t seen a show at Lincoln Center before, put it on your bucket list. It’s an incredible experience – you are literally transported into the world of dance!

The sheer talent and dedication of the dancers here are beyond compare, but as always, my heart belonged to Tiler Peck - she’s one of my absolute favourite dancers in the world, and I think we may be twins separated at birth! We're both obsessed with pink tutus, we both love the power of ballet and we are both pretty darn fabulous! It was an absolute privilege to watch her, and she left me feeling truly inspired! She is seriously graceful! What can I say – the girl is born for the stage.

Speaking of stage… The real treat this weekend was a little ballet-themed Broadway show called “An American in Paris” which, surprisingly enough, is actually more ballet-focused than some of the more mainstream productions I've seen. What can I say, Broadway shows tend to focus more on the big ensemble scenes and big songs and less on the nuanced artistry of a well-constructed classical dance. But the American in Paris was not afraid to be technically precise, and its choreography was both classical and modern at the same time. The music was breathtaking, and the dancing, of course, was outstanding! The whole evening left me on a high - dancing all the way back to my apartment! My pink tutu got a workout, as I danced in the streets as we travelled by subway and bus.

The best part of all this? I got to go backstage afterwards and chat with the director of choreography – an incredible, stylish, and super kind gentleman, whose enthusiasm for the arts truly shone through. What I love about ballet is how passionate and welcoming its people are. I felt a real sense of community there, something that's so hard to find in today's world.

On Sunday, after the exhilaration of Broadway, I took it a little easier and spent the morning exploring the delightful Metropolitan Museum of Art. This beautiful museum houses a collection of artifacts spanning millennia, with everything from ancient Egyptian relics to Impressionist paintings, and of course, it features a really stunning selection of historical costumes. I mean, hello! What could be more inspiring for a fashion-obsessed girl like myself?

In the afternoon, I went to the ballet school – the famous American Ballet Theatre School, to watch their weekly performance and I wasn't disappointed! Some of the girls, while young, are simply amazing – full of youthful enthusiasm and pure joy. You could tell they had so much fun and were so invested in their art, and the feeling was so contagious. It left me inspired to keep striving to improve my own dancing, and reminding me how lucky I am to be doing what I love. These kids were amazing – with leaps, turns and poses to die for! They truly were an inspiration.

As for my trip to New York… it's hard to put into words just how much it meant to me. This city, filled with inspiration and a real sense of possibility, left me completely energised, ready to conquer the world. As the weekend came to a close, and my journey on the subway home was serenaded by a talented busker who'd magically transformed the metro platform into a symphony, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to be able to travel and experience new cultures, explore new places and immerse myself in the incredible world of ballet.

As you know, I love dancing in my pink tutu – it's more than just a costume, it's a way of life! Wearing it in New York has been a truly magical experience, reminding me of how much I love this city, and reminding me of how lucky I am to be a part of the ballet community, with a chance to inspire and bring a little joy and a touch of pink into the lives of others! So go on, wear a pink tutu this week, join the pink tutu movement, and maybe, just maybe, you'll inspire the world!

Until next time,


Emma xxx

Pink Tutu Style in the Big Apple

The beauty of New York lies in its diverse culture – it's a city that welcomes anyone and everyone, so you never know who you'll encounter as you go about your day, which means the fashion scene here is also really eclectic! I have to say, after observing all the amazing outfits this weekend, I've got a couple of fresh ideas for new tutu-inspired outfits that I simply can’t wait to share with you! This is going to be a little more of a casual approach than the typical, glamorous ballet outfits we see in performances, and so, to show how adaptable the humble pink tutu is, I’ll be introducing the concept of “Day-Time Balletwear” - fashion-forward but casual, perfect for strolling through Central Park, visiting galleries, or catching the metro. Stay tuned for more details in my next post.

Speaking of the metro, it's not just about the sleek, futuristic design of the trains - I can’t believe how fast these underground journeys are! A perfect illustration of “New York speed,” which adds even more fuel to the high energy and vibrancy of the city. From bustling cityscapes to vibrant performances and the charming subway, this weekend in New York had it all - what a fab way to start 2018! I have the feeling that 2018 is going to be an exciting year full of possibilities, full of adventure, full of beautiful dance, full of pink tutus and more travels. This week, my ballet takes me to Berlin. I can't wait to experience Berlin, but until then, I will be writing to you all from my favourite comfy corner of this cosy, Brooklyn apartment.


  • Keep a tutu close at hand. Life is better in a pink tutu!
  • Ballet isn't just for the stage – dance every chance you get!
  • Follow your heart, trust your instincts, and never let go of your dreams.
pinktutu #balletlove #newyorkcity #metropolitannewYork #NYC #balletfashion #tutufashion #Americanballettheatre #broadwayballet

*Stay tuned for a fashion feature post later this week about how to adapt balletwear for casual street wear - don't miss it! * I’ll be sharing all the tips, and most importantly, I’ll give you the perfect pink tutu that will make all the boys turn heads, even on a crowded NYC metro!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-01-29 she danced in New York City