New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-04-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC, Post 1191

Monday 2018-04-02 - Dancing my way through the Big Apple

Hello my lovelies!

This week I’m taking you all on a whirlwind tour of the Big Apple. NYC! You guys, I’m obsessed with this city. The energy, the vibrancy, the endless possibilities, it’s like a constant whirlwind of inspiration, and my tutu just seems to spin with excitement.

Arriving in Style

Now, let’s talk about the journey, shall we? My latest ballet gig landed me right here in NYC and honestly, it was the perfect excuse for a trip. Flying into JFK, my heart started to thump with excitement. I could practically feel the city’s energy crackling through the airport. After a smooth arrival, it was off to the metro - a little bit of subway hopping is a must, even for this Derbyshire lass. I love how it seamlessly weaves through the concrete jungle. I'm a firm believer in keeping it cute when commuting and so, I threw on my cherry blossom-print pink tutu and paired it with a chic, fitted blazer and some cherry red Mary Janes - a classic ensemble.

Finding my Groove in the City

Let’s face it, the true essence of NYC is a beautiful cocktail of culture, theatre, and dance. As soon as I dropped my bags, I grabbed my trusted ballet bag, made a beeline to a local dance studio and did a class! Nothing quite sets you in the right mood like a solid barre session, even when the only other students were guys practicing hip-hop! Turns out, these guys were super supportive. They actually complimented my pink tutu - and one even gave it a cheeky little twirl! They told me that New Yorkers are quite comfortable with seeing some tutu-tastic surprises on the street!

New York Fashion Wonderland

You guys, there's something special about New York City fashion. You can walk down any street and spot the most unexpected style creations. I mean, where else could you find a grandma in a sparkly leotard, or a businessman in a floral bomber jacket? I was like a kid in a candy store! First stop, my favorite department store, with a huge focus on haute couture - the epitome of glam. My bank balance is shuddering, but the pink tutu is calling. Let’s just say I’ll be showcasing my spoils in the coming posts!


You know me, I just had to catch a show. I was so lucky to nab tickets to the absolutely fabulous ‘Giselle’ ballet at Lincoln Center. The grandeur of the venue combined with the grace of the dancers created an experience that sent shivers down my spine.

Discovering hidden Gems

Now, if there’s one thing New York does well, it’s hiding charming little cafes tucked away in quaint backstreets. And boy, have I found my favorite little coffee spot - a charming, sunlit café serving the most exquisite, creamy lattes, a delicious symphony of flavours that almost competes with a perfectly executed arabesque!

Pink Tutu Day

What’s a day in NYC without some fun photo-ops? My pink tutu, perfectly chosen for the day's adventures, took centre stage for a photo shoot against the iconic backdrop of Central Park. We walked through the greenery and the warm breeze ruffled the fabric. It’s truly my little piece of heaven right in the heart of Manhattan. I can’t even express how thrilled I was when some random tourists started cheering me on, encouraging me to twirl for a picture - they even joined in!

The NYC Metro Ballet Show

As the sun set, I found myself immersed in the pulsating rhythm of the subway. And you guys, that’s when the real magic of this city kicks in. I’m talking about New York’s hidden talent. Imagine my joy when I discovered a bunch of young dancers rehearsing in one of the metro stations! They were executing their moves with incredible energy and precision, all in the confines of the subway station, a concrete haven for a momentary escape. I swear, they would've brought tears to a ballerina’s eye. Their love for dance shines brighter than the glitter on my pink tutu!

My Inspiration

As my time in this amazing city draws to a close, my mind is flooded with so many ideas and inspirations. From the creative street performers to the fashion-forward people I've encountered, it feels like my pink tutu is bursting at the seams with excitement. Every step, every conversation, every glance feels like a lesson in creative expression and bold living. I feel completely recharged and excited about the future of Pink Tutu Blog!

Coming Soon

Now, I’ve been playing coy, but there’s a major project I’ve been working on for you all. A big, pink surprise! I’m thinking a collaboration that'll turn all your dreams pink! Let’s just say this isn’t the last you’ve seen of pink tutu adventures in the Big Apple!

Till next week lovelies!

And remember, always wear a pink tutu - and spread the love!

XOXO, Emma

(P.S. Be sure to catch my next blog post on Monday! I’ve got a new design challenge for you!)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-04-02 she danced in New York City