New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-04-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1192 - She Danced in the City That Never Sleeps!

Good morning, darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for a brand new Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I'm back in the Big Apple, my heart bursting with excitement from a whirlwind weekend, and ready to share every fabulous detail with you.

This past week, the world felt a little pinker than usual. You see, I spent a few glorious days dancing through the concrete jungle, living my best tutu-clad life in New York City! Let's dive into the details, shall we?

The Arrival: From Derbyshire to the Big Apple

As the trusty Underground train whizzed me through London, my heart did a little pirouette. This time, the destination wasn't a theatre for a performance; it was an adventure in the heart of New York. The familiar feeling of my pink tutu rustling against my skin was like a whisper of anticipation, telling me I was on my way to do something extraordinary.

When I touched down at JFK, it was as if the city itself gave me a big, warm hug. The energy crackled in the air, a symphony of car horns, excited chatter, and the promise of endless possibilities. That's New York City for you, folks, it's a place that draws you in and makes you want to dance along to its infectious rhythm.

A Pink Tutu Amongst the Concrete Jungle

My first foray into the city, as always, was by subway. The vibrant posters lining the stations were like an artist's palette, full of bold colours and evocative stories. It's always a joy to wander through the bustling corridors of New York's metro system, observing the city's eclectic mix of personalities. And yes, I dared to wear my pink tutu amongst the sea of suits and sneakers. You know me - I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can't help but feel that a touch of whimsy adds a certain je ne sais quoi to any setting, even one as serious as New York. A bright pink tutu twirling through the concrete maze is a little reminder that life should always have room for a little bit of magic. After all, you can't help but smile when you see a touch of something unexpected!

Dance Lessons in the City

Of course, no trip to New York City is complete without a dance class. I had heard rumours of a delightful studio in Brooklyn, where they offered classes in Ballet Street, a captivating combination of ballet technique and modern movement that perfectly reflects the dynamic energy of New York itself.

My first session felt like a dream. The studio was a beautiful haven filled with sunlight, with an elegant wooden floor that hummed with the sounds of graceful movement. My instructor, a kind and patient soul with an air of effortless grace, led us through a series of moves that challenged my muscles while awakening my senses.

You see, I believe dancing is about so much more than technique. It's about finding a language where words become redundant and emotions take flight. It's about expressing yourself in a way that resonates deeply with both your body and soul. The beautiful, unexpected rhythm of Ballet Street, paired with the captivating beauty of New York, was a real feast for the soul!

The Shows Must Go On!

Now, every dancer, whether they perform in the grandeur of an opera house or in the intimacy of a small studio, must have a love for watching other dancers soar across the stage. This week was a real treat - I found myself totally captivated by two brilliant performances.

The first was a magnificent rendition of 'Swan Lake' at the renowned Metropolitan Opera. The iconic costumes, the haunting music, the masterful ballet movements… it was simply spellbinding. To see the sheer athleticism, artistry and pure grace of these dancers was a reminder that ballet truly is a gift to the world.

The second performance was a more intimate affair – a dazzling contemporary dance show held in a hidden theatre tucked away in the heart of Manhattan. This piece was a symphony of movement and emotion, a modern masterpiece that explored themes of love, loss, and resilience.

After these two shows, my spirit was buzzing with inspiration, fuelled by the beauty and talent that surrounded me. It's such a privilege to be a part of the dance community, a global family that celebrates the power of movement and expression.

A New York City Fashion Fix

You know, one of the most exciting parts about travelling is experiencing the unique fashion styles that each city has to offer. This weekend, I spent an afternoon getting lost in the maze of vintage shops along Canal Street.

You'll never believe what I found – a beautiful, mint-condition vintage dress in a soft shade of blush pink! I knew it was fate! You could tell the dress had stories to tell. It was delicate and elegant, just my style. I imagined it gracing some glamorous event in New York City in the 1950s, worn by a woman with an infectious smile and a twinkle in her eye. I'm excited to see how this gem finds its place in my wardrobe.

Later, I indulged in the decadent allure of high fashion at Bergdorf Goodman. From the moment I stepped through the glass doors, the air was filled with a buzz of excitement. There's a magic to stepping into the world of luxury and witnessing craftsmanship at its finest.

Although I have a bit of a soft spot for vintage finds, I can't deny the allure of some well-made pieces. And after indulging in a little window-shopping and admiring the exquisite details, I left Bergdorf Goodman feeling as if I had taken a journey through the pages of a fashion magazine!

Ending My Trip on a High Note

My final night in New York City ended on a truly uplifting note, overlooking the breathtaking skyline from a rooftop bar. The twinkling city lights beneath me created a starry night effect, and as I took a sip of my favourite cocktail, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. This city is a magnet for dreams, and I’m grateful I could soak it all in.

Leaving New York is always bittersweet, like bidding farewell to a dear friend. As my plane took off, the glittering lights of the city receded into the distance, but the echoes of laughter, the music of the city, and the vibrant colours of its people lingered in my heart.

So, my dearest readers, what lessons can we take away from this whirlwind adventure?

  1. Embrace your own unique style: It's about finding what makes you feel happy and confident, be it a bright pink tutu or a stunning vintage dress. The important thing is to feel your best and own your look!
  2. Never stop learning and growing: The world is filled with countless possibilities for growth and discovery. Embrace new experiences, learn new skills, and expand your horizons!
  3. Let your passion guide you: My love of dance inspires everything I do. From ballet classes in London to Broadway shows in New York, I never shy away from chasing my dreams and celebrating the arts that light up my life.

Until next week, remember to keep twirling! I can’t wait to share my next adventures with you.

Stay radiant, my lovelies!

Lots of love,


P.S. Have you been to New York City? What are some of your favourite spots to visit? Tell me in the comments below!

P.P.S For all the ballet lovers out there, check out what’s happening in New York on April 9, 2018 – you might just be surprised!

I’ve been trying to balance fun, whimsical details, with factual information. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you want me to expand on this with more detailed accounts of her ballet classes, her performances, etc!

Please note: I tried to follow the prompts carefully, including the word count. This was tricky, since it would make a lot more sense to elaborate more on some sections. For example, it could be fun to tell us what Emma buys, how she’s doing her ballet work to pay for her trips etc. Let me know if you’d like me to create an extension or further sections to flesh this blog post out more. I think this could be fun!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-04-09 she danced in New York City