New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-04-16 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Post #1193 - Monday 16th April 2018 - New York, New York!

Helloooo darlings! It's Monday, and you know what that means? Yep, you guessed it! It's time for another dazzling post from your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, Emma! I'm typing this to you from the bustling, beautiful city that never sleeps, New York, New York!

This trip to the Big Apple was booked with excitement and tinged with a touch of nervous energy. I'm always a little bit giddy about seeing a new place, a little bit like stepping onto a stage before a big performance!

My last trip to the city was a whirlwind of fashion, theatre, and dancing. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but the sheer volume of incredible things to see and do never fails to overwhelm me. It's quite simply thrilling!

This time I decided to kick off my adventure in the most elegant fashion, a soft, flowing blush pink tulle tutu. Naturally, the pièce de résistance of my outfit! I paired it with a creamy white knitted sweater and chic, rose gold ballerinas. It's the kind of ensemble that feels equally comfortable enough for a walk in Central Park as it does for sipping champagne at a rooftop bar. It's my personal philosophy to dress to impress, always!

My travels started right on the spot at JFK, where I snagged a delicious pink raspberry bagel and a double espresso - a very sophisticated breakfast for a tutu-clad traveller, if I may say so myself!

A Love for the Subway

One thing I really love about NYC is the metro. Okay, yes, it gets very crowded at rush hour and I once had to squeeze onto a train so jam packed it felt like a sardine can - but hey! Who needs a gym, eh? All that involuntary squeezing is sure to build some leg muscles!

From the moment you step onto the platform, the New York Subway feels like it has its own distinct rhythm - the rumbling, the beeping, the rush of commuters. There's a feeling of constant movement that mirrors the pace of this vibrant city. It makes me feel as if I am part of something extraordinary. I love catching glimpses of New York life as the train whizzes through the tunnels; I spy glimpses of street performers, brightly lit diners, and people dressed to impress, every inch a New Yorker! I mean, wouldn't you agree?

The best part, however, is when I slip away from the main tourist routes and step into a quiet corner of a local neighbourhood. I have the whole subway car to myself, it's only me and my pink tulle and a wave of my imagination. It feels like the whole city belongs to me at that moment - I close my eyes and imagine that I'm a ballerina floating through the urban landscape of this spectacular city.

And of course, I cannot mention New York City without referencing its legendary architecture. Let's just say, my camera is absolutely in love with this city, snapping photos of everything! I've got countless pictures of the Chrysler Building (with a touch of pink tulle), of course, Times Square all a-glitter at night, the soaring heights of the Empire State Building... even a pigeon enjoying its dinner on a lamppost!

But before you picture me as a carefree, totally unburdened tourist... let me tell you about a little snag I encountered at the beginning of my stay. Now, when you travel with a large, beautiful tutu, the thought of lost luggage always hovers in the back of your mind like a little black cloud. But it happened, girls, it actually happened. That gorgeous pink, feathery confection that is my signature piece, got lost somewhere in the depths of the airport baggage system.

Never Fear, A Tutu Is Always Near!

As if a pink tutu-clad girl like me would be completely caught off guard? I did some quick research and voila! A lovely little tutu shop in the heart of Brooklyn popped up. I was there within minutes, bouncing with excitement! They have such beautiful selection of colours! They didn't have an exact replica of my favourite pink creation, but they did have a new favourite - a stunning rose pink with silver sequins, simply fabulous! My mood was saved and I even added a new accessory to my arsenal, a little pink feathered boa with crystal fringe - oh, it was dreamy!

My adventure truly kicked off as soon as I met with my friend Amelia - a fashion journalist who has become my favourite style partner in crime! She's already living the New York dream, styling for magazine shoots, going to all the most happening parties, and writing articles that appear on billboards! Talk about inspiration! She is like a whirlwind of style and creativity, with the best hair, the best taste and always the coolest outfits. She's the type of friend that always makes you feel more fabulous, and I knew that being with her was going to make my stay so much more special!

From Ballet Class to Broadway - New York Is Calling!

Speaking of inspirational moments, Amelia and I attended a fantastic ballet class yesterday morning. We went to The New York Ballet Studios on West 25th Street. I'm actually still floating! I’m pretty good at ballet myself (it was my life in Derbyshire!), but it was great to take class again and even greater to experience it in New York.

We took the Intermediate class - which was quite challenging (I am definitely going to be feeling that tomorrow!). It felt so magical - all of the classic ballet steps I'd been dreaming about for weeks were suddenly alive! It was fantastic! They're known for their modern dance programs, too. Just a dream for a girl who's crazy for everything ballet. Amelia told me that you might be able to spot me dancing in their upcoming shows… and I won’t lie, that’s one of my hopes. Fingers crossed!

Speaking of dancing, did you know that in the heart of the theatre district on Broadway, they even have street performers doing ballet and dancing in the streets? I mean, New York City truly embraces ballet and I must say it adds a little something special. There are so many different types of performance art out on the streets: acrobats, street musicians, singers - a complete explosion of culture. I know this might be a very bold statement, but I genuinely believe that every corner of this city has its own unique flavour of glamour!

An Afternoon of Broadway & Glitter!

I was particularly smitten with the performance I saw at the Radio City Music Hall! Honestly, the costumes were stunning, and it was so beautifully put together, and a whole world of imagination sprang to life before my eyes.

It was quite something. I actually spotted several tutu-clad ladies in the audience, it felt so nice to know we were in a supportive group, appreciating everything we see! Even though it was all about jazz and tap, and no ballet moves, it was all about entertainment and glitz and I felt so very inspired.

NYC Loves Fashion - It Shows!

New York fashion never ceases to inspire! It’s so diverse and it always puts a spring in my step! I loved window-shopping in Fifth Avenue - it's like a museum of fashion! Everything is bold and colourful, with so many dramatic designs and trends I could easily spend days exploring them.

It feels incredible to walk through the city, admiring all the fantastic fashions - all sorts of styles, colours and vibes; men and women dressed head to toe in fashion statements that turn the city streets into a runway! There is just so much inspiration! You might think that having seen so much in your travels, you can’t be wowed anymore… But, you can! There’s something magical about this city. It's like everyone feels empowered to express their personality through their clothes - and it’s fantastic to see!

We stopped to buy some special treats on our way back from a stroll down Broadway - we were all tuckered out from walking, so a quick detour to a trendy vintage store for some pink-tinged souvenirs seemed like the best possible treat. Of course, I found a vintage-style, pale pink, faux fur handbag to match my tutu perfectly. A touch of vintage glamour!

It’s definitely true, in NYC every day is an event - especially in Spring. Everything has a beautiful sense of optimism, and it makes me feel so alive, I have such an exciting, creative buzz from all the inspiring shows, costumes, clothes, fashion, and events that New York brings my way.

Speaking of spring…

It’s Officially Pink Season!

New York in April is something quite special, it is when all of the trees start to bloom, and it feels like spring has really begun. There’s something wonderful about the scent of blooming flowers in the air. The colour scheme is simply divine… everything feels brighter, a little bit more vivid, and full of life. And, guess what my darling pink-loving fashionistas? That means it's officially the pinkest season of all!

I’ve even noticed, even the taxi drivers and delivery drivers in NYC, who usually are only seen sporting blue or black uniforms, seem to be switching up their colour palette. It’s so very vibrant and cheery, just what we need as the city begins to wake up. It’s pretty special seeing that a lot of people in the city are taking their own creative cues from the colourful season - lots of beautiful pastel hues popping up everywhere! I just know we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pinks and peaches over the next few weeks.

And that’s the perfect moment for me to start my little campaign right here! I am declaring my vision, to turn New York pink - well at least a little pink! Why? Because it’s the ultimate expression of joy and happiness. It makes us feel vibrant, it inspires our creativity, and we all know pink is simply the colour that brings out the best in everyone.

You see, in all my travels I have come to realize that pink isn't just a colour; it’s an emotion! It's playful and full of life. Pink stands for optimism, and what could we need more of than a little sprinkle of pink in our world? Pink is for those of us who like to be seen! And as always, it’s the key to expressing your unique fashion identity!

I’m already starting to see how people are responding to pink on the streets, I’m finding some amazing pink fashion pieces, from little baby pink handbags to elegant fuchsia pumps, and of course, tons of bright and vivid pinks! And it's absolutely gorgeous.

I love all these little pink splashes - so, how about you join me on this mission to paint the town pink, in your own personal style! Do you wear pink? Tell me about your favourite pink pieces! I’m waiting to hear your stories…and get ready, you may even be featured in an upcoming post!

Oh, and one last thing before I let you go: I just spotted a delicious bakery across the street - I’m off to try out their special pink strawberry cupcakes. I know it will go perfectly with my rose gold shoes, I’m already dreaming of the delicious creamy frosting, it’s going to be absolutely amazing!

Keep the faith, keep the glamour and of course, keep on rocking the pink!

Until next week, darlings!

Love always,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-04-16 she danced in New York City