New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-06-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 4th June 2018 (Post #1200)

Hello my darling dears!

Can you believe it’s already June?! Time just flies when you’re having fun. I am back in the Big Apple once more, my darling New York, after a whirlwind week in the gorgeous Hamptons (pictures to come!). My heart still flutters at the thought of that sun-drenched, beach-swept paradise, but the pull of New York’s dazzling lights and endless possibilities is too strong to resist.

Speaking of dazzling, I thought for today's blog post I’d tell you all about my trip to see “Swan Lake” at the beautiful Lincoln Center. Let me just tell you, it was divine. I have been utterly enchanted by New York’s incredible ballet scene – I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw so many amazing performances in such a short period of time!

But first, I must tell you all about the most wonderful morning – one of those that made my heart sing like the most exquisite ballerina. It started with a beautiful sunrise over the city – the perfect backdrop to a day of exploring and getting utterly lost in the magical charm of New York. You know how I love to start my days with a dose of vitamin pink – and I always make sure to wear a splash of it! Today, I decided to go for a vibrant, blush pink silk dress with my signature, ruffled tutu. The blush tone brought out the vibrant pinks and reds of the sunset, making the city look like it had just been kissed by the dawn. It was positively magical!

For breakfast, I treated myself to a glorious croissant and cafĂ© au lait in the gorgeous, bustling atmosphere of a French patisserie in the heart of Greenwich Village. The smells and sounds of freshly baked pastries, the happy chatter of locals, and the warm, golden glow of the patisserie, created a beautiful ambience – it was just what I needed to start my day on a perfectly rosy note!

And you know what they say – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After all, I needed every bit of energy for what was to be an utterly glamorous morning. After a delightful, whirlwind morning, it was time to head towards the stunning Lincoln Center – home to the New York City Ballet and many other incredible performing arts institutions. I absolutely adore the architecture of this majestic building! It always makes me feel like I have stepped right into a fairytale – a fairytale where ballerinas twirl, actors act, and the music dances!

And that, my darling dears, brings us to the subject of the day – “Swan Lake” at Lincoln Center.

As I arrived, the warm, golden glow of the setting sun lit up the beautiful building, painting a vibrant, picture-perfect scene that made me want to pull out my sketchbook and capture the beauty of it all. I could already sense the magic and wonder waiting for me inside. I quickly took a selfie in front of the glorious architecture before heading in. I wore a shimmering pale pink sequined top – you all know how I love sequins, don’t you? – and a simple yet elegant white skirt that swished around my ankles like the wings of a swan. It was all about delicate beauty and ethereal elegance, echoing the grace of the graceful swan. You all know I love to embrace the thematic in my outfit choices!

I must tell you, as I entered the elegant, opulent theatre – complete with sweeping balconies and crystal chandeliers - my heart began to beat a little faster. And as I took my seat, feeling the soft, velvet cushion embrace me, I couldn’t help but let out a squeal of delight! The anticipation, the excitement, it was simply electric! I was about to experience the wonder of one of ballet’s greatest masterpieces - and I couldn’t wait to be swept away by the magical story and artistry.

It’s a well-known fact that I have a soft spot for swans, my darlings! The gentle grace, the ethereal beauty, and the gentle elegance of a swan remind me of the beauty of ballet – and it seemed as if this entire performance was a dedication to the grace and magic of swans.

It began with a beautiful prelude, the enchanting music swirling around me as I inhaled the rich history and the beauty of this timeworn, magnificent theatre. The orchestra began playing and the first act was upon us!

And what an act it was! The dancers were simply magical. The story of “Swan Lake”, with all its beauty, drama and love was perfectly unfolded, the ballet’s timeless appeal captivating my every sense. The movements were fluid and elegant, the choreography intricate and inspiring, each detail perfectly executed with grace and precision.

And then came the grand finale – the famous white swan adagio. The white swans – ethereal, delicate, and graceful - were the epitome of beauty and elegance, every move fluid and flawless. It was a masterpiece of storytelling and physical expression – and I found myself utterly lost in the moment, captivated by their grace and talent. It brought tears to my eyes. It really was a dream come true!

Then, the ending came as a delightful surprise! The audience erupted in a storm of applause as the dancers took their well-deserved bows. I joined in, clapping furiously with the rest of the enthusiastic crowd! And in a fitting tribute to the wonderful spectacle, we all received a small white swan feather – the perfect memento of a truly remarkable evening.

I left the theater that evening completely enchanted! "Swan Lake" was a dazzling performance – and I cannot wait for my next opportunity to experience the wonder of ballet in New York City.

After all, ballet and tutu's go hand in hand! There's simply something utterly enchanting about the world of ballet, isn't there? The graceful movements, the elegant costumes, the captivating storytelling
it’s just pure magic. And as you all know, I just cannot resist the magic!

This evening, as I savoured a decadent cup of tea in a lovely little cafĂ©, overlooking Central Park – all rosy pink with the colours of the setting sun – I couldn’t help but ponder the wonderful things this magical city has to offer.

Every week seems to bring a new surprise, a new adventure – from thrilling ballet performances to hidden cafes that make me want to linger a little longer. It seems this city just has this special way of grabbing your attention, drawing you into its story and keeping you captivated with the promise of its vibrant, exciting future.

Now, you'll just have to forgive my rather poetic ponderings. I guess a little bit of New York magic rubs off on you – and that includes its poetry!

Anyway, it was definitely a magical weekend and now it’s time to tell you about some of the shopping finds I came across. Because no trip to New York would be complete without a little retail therapy, wouldn’t you agree?

And of course, I just couldn't leave without visiting the fabulous Ballet Shop on 57th Street. I confess to being a bit obsessed! And while the temptation to indulge in a beautiful new pointe shoe was incredibly strong (I mean, who wouldn’t love a little bit of ballerina magic in their lives!), I opted instead to buy some adorable new tutu clips, and of course, a few gorgeous ballerina-themed fashion accessories to keep the sparkle going long after I leave New York.

So as I’m typing this blog from a rather cozy and very pink, little cafe on the Upper East Side – filled with beautiful paintings and the comforting scent of vanilla - I find myself completely in love with New York and the magical moments she so easily conjures.

I feel incredibly lucky to be experiencing this beautiful city, meeting incredible people, and soaking up the vibrant culture that I adore so much.

This coming weekend, I’m planning on trying my luck with a special lottery for “Hamilton” tickets! Imagine, I could see the performance on the same stage where it all began. It’s my biggest hope for the week – it would make a truly special start to my July. But hey, that’s a story for another day, my darlings. I will be back on Monday to tell you all about my adventures – so do join me again then! Until then, don’t forget to spread the love, embrace your inner ballerina and wear a splash of pink. I dare you to!

And remember, it’s all about embracing the beauty of life, my darlings! That, after all, is the secret of the pink tutu - always look for the joy, embrace the beauty, and always, always sparkle!

Your favourite, pink tutu-wearing ballerina,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-06-04 she danced in New York City