New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-07-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1205 - New York, New York!

Hello darlings! It's Monday morning and I'm finally back in the Big Apple! I'm so excited to be sharing all my New York adventures with you. Last week was a whirlwind of rehearsals, performances, and oh so much pink. I think I've definitely left a little pink tutu magic all over London and can't wait to do the same in New York!

It's been a busy couple of weeks, you see, because as you know, I love nothing more than to share my love of ballet with as many people as possible. My schedule has been packed with performances – I even had a little whispering private performance for a very special, very high-profile individual (no names mentioned!) It was thrilling, to say the least! But before I get carried away, let me fill you in on how this London escapade came about.

London Calling: The Magic of The Royal Opera House

It all began with a call from a friend, an amazing ballerina at The Royal Opera House, asking if I’d be interested in performing in their summer ballet show. My response? Well, let's just say that my 'yes' was louder than an orchestra playing a grand finale! The opportunity to grace the stage of The Royal Opera House, that world-renowned venue, was truly a dream come true.

Of course, my London adventure wasn't all rehearsals and performances. You see, shopping and seeing sights are as important to me as my ballet!

A Shopaholic's Delight:

Being a tutu-wearing fashionista in a city known for its cutting-edge fashion? What could be better? Let me tell you, London truly lived up to its reputation! Oxford Street is a wonderland of shops, and the gorgeous boutiques in Knightsbridge are just divine!

My trusty pink tutu didn't fail me in London. I twirled it around Selfridges, felt like a princess in the stunning window displays at Harvey Nichols, and even got some envious stares in the iconic Liberty department store. Everywhere I went, I felt like I was part of a fashion fairytale, and my pink tutu was the cherry on top.

A Theatrical Adventure:

London's theatre scene, oh my goodness! The West End, with its dazzling performances and historic theatres, just blew me away! I saw a smashing production of 'Les Misérables' – I was so captivated I was moved to tears at some points. What a powerful show, and just another reminder that theatre can transport you to a whole other world.

Now, a little insider info for all you fashionistas: London's theatre scene isn't just about the plays themselves. Londoners, just like you, have got this incredible flair for fashion, especially when it comes to seeing the theatre. Imagine yourself arriving at the theatre, ready to be transported to another world. Think glittery gowns, perfectly tailored suits, dazzling dresses. But you know what takes a statement outfit from fantastic to fairytale?

You guessed it, a PINK TUTU! I just had to embrace my inner fairytale princess and waltz through the Theatre District in all my pink tutu glory! It made every street feel like a fairytale scene and turned every corner into a stage. You should've seen the looks I got - surprised, confused, ecstatic - they were all lovely! I truly believe everyone deserves to feel a little bit magical, and a pink tutu can absolutely do that!

Back to the Big Apple: The Magic Continues in New York

London was wonderful, but there's no place like home. The city that never sleeps, the city that embraces everything, the city of my heart - NEW YORK! I have so many new ballet performances to look forward to in New York, and it feels fantastic to be back in my little slice of pink tutu heaven! I'm dancing my heart out and looking for new inspiration for my blog and for the pink tutu world!

Speaking of inspiration, today is July 9th in the Big Apple! It’s Monday, and you know what that means: It’s time for a classic New York adventure!

The plan is to head down to Times Square in all its neon-lit glory, then I'm going to take a spin around Central Park – with a picnic lunch in the shade, of course! Who needs Cinderella's carriage when you can be whisked away to the green oasis that is Central Park?

The afternoon will be filled with my absolute favourite activity, shopping. New York City's shopping scene, you guys, it's unparalleled! There's something for everyone, from vintage treasures in Greenwich Village to the high-fashion luxury of Fifth Avenue. And you just know I'll be adding some very pink items to my collection!

But it's not just about the shopping, oh no! It's about finding that perfect, unique piece that screams your name, that piece of clothing that will turn heads and make people smile.

And that's what my pink tutu does for me. Every time I wear it, I feel empowered, bold, and completely myself.

And now, dear readers, here's the part where I really want your help.

*Do you ever wear a tutu? *

And if so, what is your favourite colour tutu to wear? Share your photos with me! I would love to see all your tutu style adventures. Use the hashtag #PinkTutuLife. And don't forget to check in on every Monday to see what magical new adventures I get up to. I'll be here, twirling my way through New York City and inspiring everyone I meet to wear a pink tutu!

Until next time, my dears, stay stylish and always be yourself!

Lots of love,

Emma The Pink Tutu Blogger

(P.S. Did I tell you I’m going to see *Hamilton tonight? * I can't wait!) **

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-07-09 she danced in New York City