New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-07-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2018-07-30 - Dancing Through the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, Emma, back from a whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple! This is post number 1208, a celebratory milestone in this weekly journey through the concrete jungle, and this week’s post comes directly from the heart of Manhattan, brimming with stories, shimmering sequins, and…well, naturally, lots of pink!

You see, I believe that life’s a stage and everyone has a role to play, so I embrace each day with the spirit of a dancer, embracing every performance, every interaction, and every fleeting moment! And what better place to soak in all that life throws at you than New York City? The energy is electric, the possibilities endless, and the inspiration...well, it simply oozes from every corner of this phenomenal city.

Now, for those of you who are new to my blog, let me introduce myself: I’m Emma, a ballet enthusiast who just happens to be hopelessly smitten with all things pink! From tutus to ballet slippers to my signature pink handbag, this vibrant colour is my absolute happy place. And I, dare I say, believe in sharing the pink-tinted joy with the world. So join me on this little journey where I attempt to make the world a little bit pinker, a little bit glitzier, and a little bit more fun with every post.

Speaking of fun, you guys have no idea what a sensational weekend I just had in New York! From exploring the incredible Metropolitan Museum of Art to catching a jaw-dropping Broadway show, I was on a sugar-fueled ballet-inspired adventure, fuelled by caffeine, pink lemonade, and of course, the thrill of the city itself!

My weekend began on a typical Derbyshire Friday afternoon. Leaving my lovely home, I set off towards the glittering, pulsating metropolis that is London's St. Pancras station, with a suitcase packed full of sequins and a heart brimming with excitement for my upcoming New York trip. You know me, I wouldn't dream of hopping on a plane without the most fabulously glittery suitcase ever. A girl's gotta shine even when she’s travelling!

Boarding the Eurostar was like stepping into another world. The train was impeccably stylish, with soft velvet seats and panoramic views, and within mere minutes, I was on my way to the City of Lights - a delightful detour before the real adventure began in New York. Paris, of course, is a dream in itself, a place of charm and romantic beauty that makes the heart flutter and the imagination soar! My short stay involved, of course, a charming afternoon at Ladurée, indulging in macarons, a must for any true Parisienne, a stroll along the banks of the Seine with a vintage baguette tucked under my arm, a few hours wandering the galleries at the Louvre, and, inevitably, the most fabulous pink tutu purchased from a quirky boutique in Montmartre.

Once the city lights of Paris started fading in the distance, I landed at JFK airport, greeted by the familiar bustling rhythm of the city and the vibrant energy of New York.

The first stop? The hotel, naturally! It was absolutely perfect, situated in the heart of Manhattan, and after dumping my pink suitcases (I couldn’t possibly travel without at least two!), I raced towards the heart of Broadway for a bite of New York's best-loved fare – pizza!

Let me tell you, a hot slice of pizza with a sprinkle of oregano, while enjoying a mesmerizing New York cityscape bathed in neon, is simply sublime! The excitement of the city vibrated through me, the honking taxis and street lights all composing a symphony for my senses, a delightful melody that only New York could play.

Then came my highlight of the whole trip! Oh, my sweet darlings, a splendid night at the theatre! The stars sparkled like jewels as I gracefully navigated the throngs of fellow theatre enthusiasts. Tonight's treat was 'Phantom of the Opera', a spectacular show! My heart beat in time with the music, I giggled along with the humour, and even shed a few tears during the moving ballads! What can I say? The magic of the theatre had me captivated, as always.

As the city slept, I ventured out on a nocturnal wander through the neon glow of Times Square. It was the perfect opportunity to feel the vibrant pulse of the city, its nocturnal energy both thrilling and captivating.

On my second day in the city that never sleeps, it was time to explore the iconic Metropolitan Museum of Art. Wandering amongst the ancient artefacts and masterful paintings was truly awe-inspiring. And as always, I was on a mission to find inspiration in every brushstroke and every artifact, hoping to bring a touch of the museum's magnificence into my own little pink world!

Now, no trip to New York City would be complete without an enchanting, vibrant, and undoubtedly fashionable trip down Fifth Avenue! Oh, the clothes! It’s simply impossible to resist those towering displays, the glamorous mannequins, the shimmering textures, and the ever-changing tides of the fashion world! A little shopping spree in the Big Apple always finds a way into my blog!

A quick detour into a whimsical vintage boutique unveiled a vintage pink beret for my wardrobe and, a little later, an absolutely gorgeous pastel pink tea dress with an intricately designed floral print – the perfect outfit for a casual yet chic day at the park!

Of course, no journey through New York City is complete without an exploration of its famous food scene. From iconic New York delis with their mountains of pastrami and a sprinkle of New York charm to the trendiest ramen shops serving the most mouthwatering bowls, the culinary world of New York never fails to delight! My absolute favorite find was this charming little French bistro hidden amongst the towering skyscrapers, a sweet sanctuary serving classic crepes, croissants, and, my ultimate favorite, the most divine chocolate mousse.

To end my adventure, I couldn’t resist a visit to the enchanting Central Park, a tranquil oasis in the midst of this exciting city. This magnificent park is a haven for nature enthusiasts, runners, lovers, and yes, for a little ballerina like myself, the perfect spot to enjoy some outdoor ballet moves in the sun. It's the best way to bring my pink tutu magic into a public space and brighten up even the most jaded New Yorker!

Central Park also allowed me to indulge in one of my favourite activities, a picnic lunch, a luxurious treat for my inner-child! A delightful basket filled with homemade delicacies, fresh bread rolls, gourmet cheeses, a chilled bottle of pink lemonade and a sprinkle of pink peppercorns to complete the pink experience! It's simple, yet it's the little pink touches that truly matter to me.

The city was calling, though. My last day in the Big Apple included a trip to Brooklyn, exploring the bohemian Brooklyn Heights, a whimsical street filled with vintage boutiques and quirky cafes, and, naturally, a mandatory stroll along the trendy Cobble Hill district with its charming brownstone houses, bustling markets, and endless charm.

Oh, and I just couldn’t leave the city without visiting a classic New York-style jazz club. I mean, how could you resist that soul-stirring jazz music echoing through a dark, dimly-lit venue, with glasses clinking and the aroma of cigar smoke mingling in the air? It was an incredible night filled with improvisation, soulful music, and even a chance for me to unleash my inner jazz dancer with a little jitterbug session!

As always, my New York adventure ended in the whirlwind of departures at JFK Airport. I boarded the plane back to London, leaving a touch of pink behind, hoping I made a small difference in the hearts of the people I met, in the corners I danced through, and in the shops I graced with my presence. Every moment, every smile, every glance, every opportunity for joy and connection leaves its mark on the soul!

Before you leave, let me remind you to visit my website and catch my latest post every Monday, dedicated to sharing my travel adventures, fashion discoveries, and ballet stories with you!

I hope you've enjoyed reading all about my weekend in New York. It was an absolutely fantastic journey, and I hope I’ve managed to inject a little bit of pink-tinted sparkle into your week! As always, stay pink, stay bold, and stay fabulous!

Until next time, love, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-07-30 she danced in New York City