New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-08-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 1210

Monday, 13th August, 2018

New York, New York!

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I'm Emma, and this is your weekly dose of all things pink, twirling, and fabulous in the city that never sleeps.

This week, I'm back from a whirlwind of a weekend that left my feet aching and my heart soaring. Why, you ask? Well, I'm so glad you did! It all began with a very special trip to the Met - the Metropolitan Museum of Art, that is. Now, I know what you're thinking: a tutu-clad ballerina in a museum? Perhaps a touch unconventional, you say? Oh, but it was perfectly perfect, and I'll tell you all about it later.

First things first: fashion, my dears, fashion! This trip to the Big Apple has been a total dream come true. My wardrobe, my trusty, trusty wardrobe, has been utterly revitalised thanks to a flurry of vintage treasures I managed to snag in the bustling, vibrant shops of the East Village. Think soft pink, flowing silk, shimmering sequins, and of course, more tulle than you can shake a stick at (or rather, a pirouette at). Every time I step out onto the streets, my inner prima ballerina cries out with joy. The pavements practically beckon me to twirl, and I do.

My lovely friend, Millie, arrived from England last Thursday - a joyous reunion indeed! We were both giddy as schoolgirls at the thought of exploring the city together. Millie's been following my blog ever since she saw me perform at that fabulous charity ball in Derbyshire last year - the one where I wore the shimmering cerise tutu. Anyway, she has a heart of gold, loves a good bargain, and her love for pink is pretty much on par with my own. We decided to start our shopping spree on Saturday. The stores were absolutely heaving! You can practically feel the buzz of energy and creativity as you walk down the streets of New York. I adore it!

But back to the Met! Millie and I had decided to head to the Met after our afternoon shopping escapade. We had so much fun exploring the stunning exhibits, ranging from Ancient Egyptian artefacts to a vast collection of breathtaking Impressionist paintings. Did I mention they even had a whole wing dedicated to Fashion? Honestly, it was an absolute dreamland of exquisite design, and I spent ages admiring the elaborate ball gowns from the late 19th century. If there's one thing I know, it's that I'd make a positively radiant debutante in those gowns!

We rounded off the evening with an absolutely smashing ballet performance at Lincoln Center. Now, this wasn't just any performance; it was "Swan Lake." I must admit, I'm a little bit obsessed with the piece. There's just something about the elegant movements and the powerful story that grabs me every time. And the tutus, my darlings! You'd think I'd be used to tutus by now, but there was something so utterly magnificent about the elaborate costumes in this performance. It truly was a showstopper. I could barely keep still in my own seat. And then, after the curtain fell, we were treated to the most fantastically extravagant after-party, held in the heart of the Upper East Side. A truly divine affair!

The next morning, Millie and I decided to tackle the city like true tourists. We joined a food tour around Brooklyn, sampling everything from mouthwatering pizza to incredible sourdough bread - all whilst dressed in our prettiest pink attire, naturally. It's the little things that make the difference, right?

Now, on the topic of little things, you all know that my absolute favourite way to get around New York is by subway. I find it so wonderfully convenient, so efficient, and somehow wonderfully glamorous at the same time! The rhythmic rumble of the trains, the colourful posters, and the rush of energy - there's truly no place I'd rather be on a Sunday afternoon! Oh, and the tutus! You'd be surprised how well they work with my new love for these public transport marvels. Not to mention the countless "Oohs" and "Aahs" as I waltz past. It really is the best of both worlds - classic ballet elegance and effortless city cool. I believe I’ve perfected the art of boarding and exiting the carriages with grace, my trusty tulle adding a touch of ethereal beauty.

So, my darling readers, that brings us to the end of this week’s blog post. The city has a hold on my heart; it's impossible to deny its unique magic. This week has been a whirlwind of tutus, twinkling lights, and artistic inspiration. The magic of New York continues to amaze me. It's not just the stunning skyline, the diverse neighbourhoods, and the incredible artistic scenes. For me, it's about the sense of community and joy I feel in this magnificent metropolis. I'll leave you with a thought: let's spread a little pink-tutu love in the world today. It can make all the difference.

And as always, stay tuned for my next adventure, because there's always something beautiful waiting just around the corner in New York City. Until then, keep your chin up, twirl like no one’s watching, and be kind to yourselves!

*From New York, with love, *

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-08-13 she danced in New York City