New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-04-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 1243: She Danced in New York City 🩰 🗽 💖

Hello lovelies! It's Monday again, which means it's time for another New York adventure! This week, my sparkly pink tutu and I have been twirling around the Big Apple, soaking up the sights, the sounds, and of course, the fashion! I have to say, New York is definitely the ultimate city for a ballerina like myself.

Just Imagine:

  • The iconic yellow cabs with their sleek curves, almost like graceful swans on wheels, speeding down the streets like a ballet dancer gliding across the stage.
  • The magnificent skyscrapers, so tall and elegant, reaching for the sky just as we do with every plié and relevé.
  • The hustle and bustle, the rhythm of city life, it's like a continuous, energetic ballet!

It’s such an inspiration for me. I mean, how many cities in the world have you got Broadway and the world’s finest dance schools right there alongside the hustle and bustle of everyday life?

I’m getting side-tracked, let me tell you all about it…

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple

So, let’s rewind a little. After my performance at the Peak District Arts Centre (did you see me pirouette across the stage in that shimmering blush-pink tutu? - swoon!), I booked my ticket for NYC, popping a couple of my ballet dresses into my suitcase along with my latest vintage find (a 50s velvet cape in a fabulous shade of pink, naturally!) and took to the skies! I don't have to tell you how excited I was.

Oh, and just a little reminder, I can't afford to just sit on my laurels and hope for someone to pay my travel expenses - which is why you'll be happy to hear that my recent performance at The Royal Albert Hall, where I wore that gorgeous custom-made blush pink tutu and diamond-encrusted hairpiece (I'll put a photo on my social media, be sure to follow me @PinkTutuEmma), was a roaring success! I had quite a few new fans come up to me after and you’ll be delighted to hear they’ve all been buying tutus from my Etsy store.

And now here I am in New York! You just can't beat the thrill of arriving in a new city - even more so when you arrive by Metro. My fellow New Yorkers, the subway system here is just a fantastic network for reaching everywhere – I have so many plans for travelling all over using it - I'm aiming to use every line at least once this week!

Day One: A Dance With the City

The minute I landed in NYC, my feet itched to get out there and dance! So I made a beeline for The Dance Complex, right smack-dab in the heart of Manhattan. Imagine: this grand space filled with beautiful dancers from all over the globe! I actually felt like a bit of a fish out of water – most of the students at the school are here for professional training or auditions, but then again – no one ever expects to find a Derbyshire girl dancing in a bright pink tutu at The Dance Complex do they? The good thing is, my sparkly tutus make everyone happy and it's made me loads of new friends in NYC already! I have so much to learn here – ballet is just one form of movement, you know - it's the street dancers, the hip hop dancers, the contemporary and fusion dancers that really fascinate me and make me realise there’s always new ways to move that I just can’t wait to learn!

In the evening, I popped on my vintage pink dress (did I mention the vintage scene in NYC is simply fabulous?! It’s one of the things that makes the city so much fun – you’ll find shops selling every era of clothes – it's such a vibrant mishmash!) and I joined my fellow students for an evening performance. It wasn't on a stage - it was at The Meatpacking District for the Streetlife dance performances and what a buzz it was. Imagine! Dancers with a live DJ creating beats that make everyone want to dance. I had the chance to join in – the lead dancer was looking for extra performers to join in a couple of dances.

This experience was brilliant - and the atmosphere was something else! I took it all in - there were couples twirling, dancers leaping, and everything just had this wild, expressive vibe that you just wouldn't get in the more conventional settings. It made me appreciate how universal ballet can be – there are no barriers in how we can express ourselves! And how the spirit of the city has brought this to life – imagine all of the stories these dancers are sharing with each other and with the audience?

And did I tell you, I found a couple of my favourite dancers for my Etsy store, right there? It's just one more reason why I’m just as happy dancing in the street as on stage.

Day Two: Shopping Spree in Pink

There's no better way to experience the magic of NYC than by spending a day immersed in fashion, is there?

Let’s start by heading to Soho! SoHo's the epitome of cool. It's a trendy haven for vintage and designer fashion. And I felt very much in my element as I skipped past designer boutiques and retro clothing shops. It's like being on stage - and of course, everyone seemed to notice my tutu – people kept saying “hello” or even doing little curtsies and bows and even offered to take pictures - such good vibes everywhere! (I actually ended up taking home two amazing vintage silk scarfs in pale pink and coral!) I do think that sometimes the best outfits you get for a really low price! And of course, I got to stop off and visit The Strand Books, which is just another amazing place to soak up the city's energy and I think, I'm really starting to see myself become a New Yorker!

Of course, after Soho I took the Metro over to Fifth Avenue for a little retail therapy. What a beautiful sight – and Fifth Avenue just screams sophistication. Walking along those streets was pure heaven – just a never-ending line of grand buildings and a sense of magic in the air, even though it was just a sunny afternoon. I don’t think there's any better street anywhere that allows you to get away from it all! And as you all know, the shops here are just perfect – a million different pink-hued outfits and bags - even tutus in pink shades that just weren’t quite right! It's like being at an all-day fashion show, it's a feast for the eyes, it's what dreams are made of – just pure magic!

But hey, if I’m going to keep buying things in New York City – then I have to have enough cash to buy all those delicious pink things, right?

Day Three: The Symphony of Sound

A beautiful start to a gorgeous day in the City. The sunshine was shining right into the window as I woke, the birds were chirping outside - and you know what was coming after that? I went to watch The New York City Ballet in their exquisite Lincoln Centre home. I am sure I don’t need to tell you about this iconic ballet company? They are some of the best dancers in the world and were performing a classical ballet which is what I grew up loving.

This performance was like being inside the heart of a symphony – I watched, mesmerised, as dancers pirouetted, jetés and leapt, as the orchestra poured its heart out. It’s hard to describe just how stunning this performance was – to experience it is a must - and as an added bonus it really gave me some inspiration for some of my own performances - that perfect poise, the emotion pouring through their dance - oh yes, my heart did skip a beat during this performance – and my pink tutu did seem to sparkle even more than usual.

I do like how much NYC has given me an awareness of new ballet styles and forms – the style of movement at this performance was so different to the street dance the day before! It’s what I love most about ballet – it really can take us on a voyage of emotions – we can learn from watching others – we can let go – or we can just be a part of it and be swept up by the magic.

And that’s not all. You can find me sharing tips and tricks for those wishing to do a little ballet-inspired shopping (and sharing the outfits that have made the best splash with my new dance crew in New York!), just keep an eye on my Pink Tutu social media @PinkTutuEmma 🩰

Day Four: New York's Heartbeat

I can tell you, my day at Washington Square Park is probably one of my favourite days here. You all know that I’m a ballerina first, and I really can’t just stop dancing, right? But if I wasn't on a stage, you would find me out in the fresh air at a beautiful park in New York! I can tell you that if you love open spaces with loads of people, green fields with flowers, fountains, street performers, or just a nice relaxing break, then you need to add Washington Square Park to your itinerary.

That afternoon, I made a visit to the famous New York University . Even though I hadn't planned to be in the university’s hallowed halls, it's hard not to be a part of something special when the university was just across the street and it felt like the heartbeat of the whole neighbourhood! I had so many interesting conversations with fellow dance students and, wouldn’t you know it - we’ve got another performance planned this Friday – I’m looking forward to making even more dance friends and having more opportunities to dance – perhaps some of the students might like to pick up some tutus? I'll definitely be sharing all about it!

Day Five: Taking The Show to the Streets

After a week of fabulous adventures, a huge part of me just wanted to put my dancing shoes on, get outside and embrace everything that makes the City such a wonderful place, and put on a show of my own.

After all – isn't that what life is all about – finding the fun in the ordinary, the joy in a new challenge, a simple step, a little hop!

Well, why wait until I get back to Derbyshire? The best things happen spontaneously and after such a fabulously inspirational trip to New York, the first thing I’m going to do is look for a fantastic local New York dance studio and keep practicing. There are so many amazing styles I just haven’t tried yet and my aim is to find my own unique expression through my own performances - why should you have to be a ballerina or a dancer in a fancy dress to embrace dance, anyway? There’s so much freedom in expressing yourself and you just never know how someone might inspire you to embrace a little bit of dancing and get lost in the moment.

I’ve also picked up lots of amazing pink pieces for my Etsy store - with the perfect combination of delicate and fun – so keep checking back and who knows, perhaps we’ll be meeting at a street dance show next week!

Time To Put My Pink Tutu On

Well, that was the start to an unforgettable journey in New York. From the minute I put on my pink tutu to take my first step into the subway station, to the last spin and twirl across the Broadway stage in the city – everything feels just magical.

Just remember what we’re trying to do here, loves - spread the word about the joy of dance, inspire others to share their joy, put on our tutus and get on down - dance is for everyone! We can move with freedom, we can embrace every dance style - it doesn't matter where we are or who we are, just let our tutus lead the way! If we all put on a tutu, then there will be less stress in the world, we will smile more – who can be unhappy wearing a pink tutu?

New York, you’ve got my heart and, of course, you'll definitely see my sparkly pink tutu again!

Now, I’ll leave you to get on with the rest of your week and I’ll keep you posted. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram (@PinkTutuEmma) and my website at! 🩰

Happy Monday! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-04-01 she danced in New York City