New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-07-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2019-07-22 - She Danced in New York City (Post #1259)

Hello my lovely darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog NYC post! This week has been absolutely whirlwind, packed with the kind of dazzling New York experiences that leave you absolutely buzzing. So, pour yourself a cuppa, grab your favourite biscuit and settle in as I whisk you away to a world of tutus, tiaras, and the magical metropolis that is New York City.

This week, I've been waltzing through the streets, twirling in the heart of Times Square, and taking in the breathtaking ballet performances that are the beating heart of this incredible city. I can't help but feel utterly enchanted by the magic that hangs in the air, waiting to be embraced.

Ballet in the Big Apple

My first stop this week was at the glorious New York City Ballet, an institution that continues to captivate and inspire. I was fortunate enough to snag tickets to "The Sleeping Beauty", a masterpiece that had me utterly enthralled from start to finish. Watching the delicate grace of the dancers, the mesmerizing choreography, and the opulent costumes transported me to a world of pure fantasy. The artistry and sheer skill of the dancers truly blew me away - it was a magical performance that stayed with me long after the final curtain.

Later in the week, I discovered Ballet Theatre. Now, this was a completely different experience - a smaller company, full of vibrant energy and contemporary artistry. They presented a mixed programme showcasing a selection of pieces that pushed the boundaries of ballet and challenged traditional notions of the form. It was invigorating and refreshing, leaving me with a sense of awe and appreciation for the boundless creativity that shines within the world of ballet.

Pink Tutu Travels: New York Style

I truly love exploring New York by the metro, whizzing through the labyrinth of tunnels with my pink tutu swirling around me. It’s always an adventure and such an effective way to experience the heart and soul of this bustling metropolis. This week, I journeyed uptown to the trendy Upper East Side, stopping at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. This beautiful museum holds a trove of history, from the Renaissance masterpieces of the Italian masters to exquisite artifacts from around the globe. The halls echoed with whispers of history, while I tried not to bump into other museum-goers in my slightly voluminous tutu!

But my favourite spot in New York, no matter how much time I spend here, is Central Park. A sprawling green oasis amidst the urban jungle, Central Park allows you to reconnect with nature, even in the heart of the city. I took a walk around the iconic Bow Bridge, with the afternoon sun dappling the sparkling pond, before venturing over to Strawberry Fields, a vibrant tribute to the musical genius of John Lennon. As I twirled under the vibrant 'Imagine' mosaic, I couldn't help but think of all the dreams that have been nurtured within these lush green boundaries.

Shopping Adventures: From Pink to Polka Dots

Of course, a trip to New York wouldn’t be complete without a little retail therapy. And let's just say, I've been absolutely indulging in all the city has to offer! From the legendary department stores to the hidden boutiques brimming with treasures, I've been diving into the vibrant New York fashion scene headfirst.

This week, I found a delightful vintage hat with a flamboyant feather nestled in a quaint little shop in Greenwich Village, perfect for adding a touch of vintage charm to any outfit. And how could I resist adding a little something sparkly? I treated myself to a pair of dazzling ruby earrings, adding a splash of colour and sparkle to my evening outings. My shopping haul, though slightly heavier, is certainly complete!

Fashion Inspiration: A Tutu in the City

Walking around New York is like browsing a gigantic, ever-changing catwalk! You see styles, colours, and fashion expressions that you'd never dream of finding back in Derbyshire. This week, I've been particularly smitten with the city's passion for bold, statement pieces. I noticed a beautiful pair of polka-dot pants on a chic young lady - instantly adding them to my mental inspiration board, along with an array of vibrant hues that echoed through the streets - fiery red, emerald green, sapphire blue - and, of course, a dash of pink!

Speaking of pink, my darling readers, you might be thinking, “But Emma, isn't it hot to wear a tutu in this weather?" And to that, I say, "Why let a little bit of sunshine stop a tutu-lover?" I simply pick my pink tutus with breathable fabrics and twirl with panache! I believe that fashion should be a joyful expression, and a pink tutu always brightens any day. And let's face it, the most important rule of fashion is to have fun!

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

My journey as a pink tutu advocate takes me far and wide, and spreading the tutu-love is at the heart of my mission. This week, I met a group of passionate young dancers at the School of American Ballet. I was blown away by their talent, their dedication, and their infectious enthusiasm. We shared a brief moment of tutu-inspired joy, with them, giggling as we chatted about the unique, powerful expression that only a tutu can provide! I encourage each of you to wear your own tutu with pride. Even if it’s just a sparkly pink headband - or even just a dream in your heart!

Looking Forward

Next week, I'm planning to explore more of the cultural riches that this city has to offer. I'm looking forward to visiting the Museum of the Moving Image, a true treasure trove for cinema buffs like myself, and I'm determined to see a Broadway show, preferably one with an inspiring dance sequence.

Of course, I’m also on the lookout for the latest pink tutu trends - there’s never a dull moment in the New York fashion world, and I can't wait to see what delights await.

Stay tuned for next week’s blog - I promise to bring you a beautiful dose of Pink Tutu Magic.

Until then, my lovelies, remember to wear your own pink tutu with pride. Shine on!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-07-22 she danced in New York City