New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-08-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Post #1263

Monday, 19th August 2019

Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog. This week, I'm straight outta the Big Apple, where I've been twirling and spinning my way through the city that never sleeps!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Emma, New York? That's miles away!" And yes, it is, but as you all know, I just adore exploring new places. I have a certain knack for discovering the most delightful and unique destinations, and believe me, New York City definitely lives up to its reputation!

And it all started with a ballet performance! A couple of weeks ago, I saw an ad for a prestigious New York City Ballet season opener at Lincoln Center. My heart leapt - this was my chance to experience the crème de la crème of ballet, and to say I was excited would be a colossal understatement! I knew I had to grab a ticket.

Before I jetted off, my lovely Auntie Ethel gifted me this stunning new tutu. Imagine the most exquisite pink tulle, shimmering like a sunrise, layered and flowing in a cascade of grace and elegance. It was perfect for my trip!

My first order of business in New York was a little retail therapy - gotta look my best, right? I scooped up a gorgeous blush pink silk top and a floaty pink skirt from a cute little boutique in Soho.

Exploring New York City

It's a good job I had those new clothes, because New York was overflowing with people! The subway was bustling, packed with everyone from office workers to tourists just like me. Of course, I had to travel by metro - how else would you explore a city without being bogged down by pesky taxis? And it allowed me to get a glimpse into the lives of the locals, something I love about exploring cities. Everyone was friendly, although I definitely had to navigate my way around those massive trolleys, that's for sure!

I spent my days taking in the iconic sights - Times Square, Central Park, the Empire State Building - each with its unique charm and energy. It was like stepping onto a film set! But my favorite part of the city? The ballet, of course. Seeing these incredible dancers on stage at the Metropolitan Opera House left me utterly spellbound!

Finding my Tutu Spirit

After a full day of touring, I love winding down in the evening by finding the nearest café or little restaurant with a vintage, cosy feel. You wouldn't believe the amazing cakes I tried! It felt like being back in London's Notting Hill, surrounded by the scent of freshly brewed coffee and soothing music playing softly in the background. The best part? My cute, little notebook, filled with sketches and ideas for my blog, was always by my side!

During my downtime, I visited The American Ballet Theatre, the Metropolitan Opera, and several Broadway theatres, savouring every minute of the unique performances and the electrifying energy in the air. It truly is inspiring to see so many passionate, talented people gathered together in one place, all striving for excellence and artistry. This trip has given me such a strong urge to add more dance performances into my calendar back home, in Derbyshire.

My New York City Must-Dos:

  • The Metropolitan Opera House: The breathtaking architecture alone is a treat for the eyes, but witnessing world-renowned performances is simply an unforgettable experience!

  • Central Park: Get your walking shoes on because this massive urban oasis offers endless paths, fountains, gardens, and the charming Strawberry Fields, dedicated to the late John Lennon.

  • Times Square: Okay, it's a bit chaotic, but I can't deny the vibrancy and energy. Seeing the giant billboards, performing street artists, and hearing the endless buzz is something special!

  • The Frick Collection: This stunning mansion is home to some of the most incredible art masterpieces from across Europe. Take your time to admire the details and imagine life for these wealthy art collectors.

Wearing the Pink Tutu in New York

It would be rude of me not to share my little pink tutu adventure in New York City. Imagine a balmy evening, the lights of the city twinkling like a million stars, and the sound of music wafting from a nearby café. I was walking through Washington Square Park, lost in thought, and feeling rather happy with myself after a wonderful day filled with art, dance, and music.

Suddenly, a group of kids, their faces aglow with the magic of their own pretend worlds, spotted my pink tutu. They giggled, pointed, and one little girl even ran over, giving me the most delightful high five, whispering, "That's a cool tutu, lady!"

My heart melted. It's little moments like these that make all my trips worthwhile. The way they looked at me, with pure joy and amazement, filled my soul with a warmth I can't even explain. It reminded me why I started this blog – to spread the love of pink tutus and ballet, to remind everyone that we all have a little bit of magic inside us.

That night, back in my hotel room, I looked at the shimmering pink tulle, draped over the chair like a dream come true. The city lights cast an ethereal glow upon it, and I felt so incredibly grateful. This experience was the perfect mix of adventure, artistry, and spreading a little bit of pink tutu magic!

Looking forward to next week!

Keep your eyes peeled for next week's blog, where I’ll be sharing my adventures back home in England! I've already got so many exciting things planned, and I can't wait to share them with you!

Until then, stay positive, stay stylish, and wear your pink tutu with pride.


Emma 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-08-19 she danced in New York City