New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-03-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2020-03-02 – New York, New York!

Post #1291

Hello, my lovely tutu-loving darlings!

I’m back in my beloved New York City, and I couldn’t be more excited. It feels like coming home – although Derbyshire will always be home in my heart, New York just calls to me in a way that's almost impossible to resist. There's something about the energy, the buzz, the fashion… it makes me want to twirl right into the streets!

And speaking of twirling, I've been busy with some incredible performances recently, both in Derbyshire and on tour across the UK. Ballet, ballet, ballet! It’s my lifeblood and the joy I feel performing for others is just indescribable. Each show brings its own unique sparkle and magic. It also means I get to fund my adventures in the big apple! I can't wait to tell you all about it in my blog, so grab your favourite pink tea and let's have a good old fashioned girly chat!

New York City Dreaming…

I arrived yesterday afternoon and my heart was racing even before I saw the skyline. Just something about this city makes my imagination go wild. It's like a big, glamorous stage, just waiting for me to create my own show! The streets are always so full of life, and the fashion… oh my, the fashion! Everywhere I look, there's something incredible to inspire me, to spark an idea, to make me want to spin with excitement!

Now, before I reveal my secrets and show you the treasures I’ve unearthed in New York City, I've got to share the one thing that makes my trip complete – the magnificent, enchanting, absolutely perfect ballet show I saw last night! It was an absolute dream, a shimmering symphony of dance that just captivated me from the moment the curtain rose to the moment the applause died down.

I always say there's something utterly special about seeing a live performance. The passion, the raw talent, the feeling of connection between performers and the audience… it's just magic. You can feel it in your bones. The energy of the performance was electric, and I was so mesmerised that I almost didn't want it to end.

But that's what makes the experience so special – the memories that stay with you long after the final bows. And this one? It's going to linger for a while, I can tell. The feeling of sheer wonder and enchantment is still swirling in my heart. I know what you’re thinking! But guess what – I had a magnificent pink tutu to make the evening even more special, naturally! A blush pink this time, with layers of shimmering tulle that reflected the stage lights. I felt like a princess – well, a ballet-loving princess who likes a touch of pink, but a princess nonetheless!

The Magic of Ballet – It’s More than Just a Dance

When I think of ballet, I don’t just see a form of dance. For me, it's a story told through movement. A story that takes me to magical places, transports me into different times, and invites me to experience all the different emotions – joy, sadness, wonder, triumph. It’s an escape from reality, a window to a world of creativity and expression, and I love that it can speak a language everyone understands.

It's so exciting seeing how many young girls are captivated by the elegance and grace of ballet. It’s about dedication and hard work, discipline, and passion. Every single move, every leap, every graceful gesture is a testament to their tireless efforts. They inspire me to chase my own dreams, to never give up, to push my boundaries, and to always strive for my best.

This passion, this energy is what brings us together, makes us forget our differences and simply enjoy the sheer artistry and beauty on stage.

Finding Beauty in Unexpected Places – Exploring the Streets of New York

One of the things I love most about New York City is its sheer unpredictability. You never know what treasures you might stumble upon. There’s so much history hidden in the streets, stories whispered by the buildings, and echoes of dreams in the air. I think it's this spirit of discovery that fuels my passion for exploring, finding hidden gems, and embracing new adventures!

And, I must say, my love for fashion in this city is just incredible. This place makes my creative heart sing! New York fashion is so daring, so bold, so unique – and yet, it still carries that element of timeless elegance.

You can practically feel the energy radiating off the clothes. Imagine my joy walking down the streets, discovering hidden shops tucked away on quaint side streets. My eyes are like magpies! The fashion world can be intimidating at times, but this city embraces all kinds of personalities, styles, and stories! The way I see it, each person who walks down the street is showcasing a bit of their personality. A pink tutu and a confident strut is my statement, even when I’m not wearing it, even though the colour makes me truly feel most comfortable in the big city.

Every time I'm in New York, I'm so tempted to simply spend my days exploring boutiques and vintage shops, hunting down rare finds and unique pieces. But I’m resisting! The temptations are HUGE here! It's a magical city for a shopaholic like me, and even though I try to control myself, the sheer joy of discovery just washes over me!

This trip I was looking for something quite specific for my personal style – a unique addition to my tutu collection. I just love to dance in my pink tutus around New York! This time, my journey led me to a hidden treasure of a vintage store on the Lower East Side. I found the most delicate, floral pink tulle, the perfect texture and flow. It's like a piece of art! It reminded me that when I look for a tutu, I’m always looking for something with its own story. Each one I wear feels personal! The pink makes me feel feminine, comfortable, and brave. The rest of my outfits I put together from New York stores to help complete the look – an oversized pink silk top, white ballerina flats, and a stylish satchel. I am ready to make an impression on this city!

Food, Fashion and… The Subway!

You can’t have a proper trip to New York without the quintessential experience – navigating the subway! I'm always amazed at how a city as busy and complex as this can function with such a sprawling underground system. Even on the subway, there’s always something unique to catch your eye - the diverse and colourful outfits, the conversations floating through the air, the stories unfolding on every train. I know my fellow travellers might not think it's beautiful like I do, but I like to imagine everyone I see on the journey with me is also headed to their own exciting destination. Maybe they’re off to a show, maybe they’re on their way to an art gallery opening, maybe they’re meeting friends for brunch. It makes the journey a part of the experience itself.

I love the buzz, the rush, the vibrant chaos of the city. It can be overwhelming at times, but there’s a magic in the air that makes you want to keep exploring.

I did try a bagel this time, with cream cheese of course! So classic! My tastebuds have become acclimated to the savoury flavour of American cuisine in the past. Although I still enjoy British breakfasts with toast, jam, and a good cup of strong black tea, sometimes the desire to try the delicious things from another country wins!

But what can I say? Even the smell of street food evokes a feeling of energy and adventure. I had my fair share of falafels (always a favourite) and, of course, tried some amazing desserts – who can resist a classic slice of cheesecake in New York City?!

Dreams in Motion…

New York City is a constant source of inspiration. I always return home with new ideas and renewed passion for my art. I feel empowered by the city’s relentless spirit and the never-ending possibility. The world here feels bigger, more exciting, more open to dreaming. It's a place that encourages you to break the rules, to be bold and creative, and to follow your heart wherever it leads. So many of my best performances, including the newest ballet show with its gorgeous costumes that inspired me to put together a few ballet routines – some fun ones, some that make my audience really concentrate on how I execute each movement and step. It takes me to new heights! That's why it’s the perfect place for my pink tutu, and me. My blog is how I share my own adventures in the Big Apple.

As I write this post from my hotel room, watching the lights dance in the distance, I’m already feeling the familiar pull of the city. My pink tutu is a big part of this too. It’s a way for me to express my joy and my love for the art form, a constant reminder of the beautiful world I've found, and the power of letting your heart take you wherever it wants to go!

Remember to join me on my next New York City adventure, right here next week on!

With love and sparkles,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-03-02 she danced in New York City