New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-03-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 9th March 2020 - Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps (Post #1292)

Hello my lovely tutu-loving friends! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind week in the Big Apple, ready to share all the twirling, twirling, twirling loveliness I experienced. This week, my pink tutu took me on an adventure through the streets of New York, showcasing the very best in fashion, dance and theatre that this vibrant city has to offer.

Now, before I dive into all the details, I've got a question for you: have you ever dreamed of being a ballerina in New York City? This city is a dancer's dream! With world-class ballet companies like the New York City Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, Broadway productions that will make you want to leap out of your seat, and a street scene overflowing with creative energy, it’s no wonder that the spirit of dance is so alive and kicking here.

But before we get swept away by all the magic, let’s talk tutus! You see, my trusty pink tutu has been a constant companion on my journey through the Big Apple. It's become a bit of a signature, and let me tell you, it certainly attracts a lot of attention! From the elegant shops on Fifth Avenue to the bustling subway lines, my tutu has brought smiles to people's faces. And honestly, who doesn't love a bit of pink tutu joy?

A Tutu-ful Tuesday: Shopping and Style

My adventures this week began on Tuesday with a trip to Bloomingdale's. You see, there's a whole section dedicated to ballet and dance, and who am I to say no? After browsing for the perfect ballet bag (I couldn't resist one with a cute little pink tutu attached!), I wandered into the fashion section, where my eyes widened at the abundance of fabulous clothes. I’m talking beautiful frocks, the kind that could grace a runway. Now, who says ballerinas can't wear stylish outfits? We certainly can, and it's important to always showcase the glamorous side of dance!

And to my absolute delight, I found the most gorgeous blush-coloured coat with delicate sequins. It’s a perfect pairing with my tutu and a classic New York ensemble for a special occasion. So yes, dear friends, the pink tutu went out for an evening shopping spree. And we both found absolute treasures.

Wednesday: Broadway Dreams

Speaking of special occasions, on Wednesday, my tutu and I embarked on a true Broadway extravaganza. This week's show was none other than "Hamilton." What a dazzling display of history and music! The actors' talent was astounding and the dance numbers, well, they had me wanting to join them onstage. The vibrant energy of the theatre filled me with inspiration, and as I left, the streets seemed to be humming with the tune of “My Shot.” I even spotted a few tutu-inspired accessories amongst the excited audience. So perhaps the Broadway theatre is becoming a hub for the pink tutu!

Thursday: The Thrilling Underground

Thursday took me to a very different world - the thrilling, energetic underground world of the New York City Ballet! You can just imagine my excitement - the lights, the dancers, the music… all that swirling beauty. There’s nothing like experiencing the pure power and grace of ballet performed at its finest.

And the most exciting part? After the show, I bumped into the dancers! And I mean, just bumped into them – it was absolutely thrilling! Of course, being a shy girl from Derbyshire, I almost chickened out of approaching them, but I gathered my courage, pulled out my ballet bag with the little pink tutu attached (oh how handy that was!), and asked for a photo. And what do you know? They said yes! So excited I almost danced a little jig right there in the lobby.

Friday: Finding the Magic on Fifth Avenue

Friday’s adventure brought me to the magnificent shops and landmarks of Fifth Avenue. As I sashayed down this iconic street in my trusty pink tutu, I noticed the elegance of every building, from the stunning architecture to the meticulously crafted mannequins displayed in shop windows. It really is a place where dreams come alive! The pink tutu has its fair share of fashion inspiration on Fifth Avenue!

Saturday: Exploring the Artistic Side of New York

The day felt like an explosion of creativity! I started my Saturday exploring Chelsea’s vibrant art galleries, filled with colours, textures, and everything that inspires artistic imagination. The energy of the art scene in this neighbourhood is almost as intoxicating as the smell of the fresh croissants I had at the local bakery that morning! The colours of the paintings echoed the vibrant pink of my tutu, it was almost like a magical visual conversation!

Then, in the evening, I stumbled upon the most adorable little ballet school. With windows facing the street, I could see young ballerinas in tutus, practising and laughing – their joyful energy warmed me from head to toe! You see, it's all about passing the love of dance onto future generations.

Sunday: A Day of Rest… with a Touch of Glamour

Sunday marked the end of my week-long adventures. After all that exploring, I allowed myself a little moment of relaxation, wrapped in a luxurious, satin robe (oh yes, the pink tutu gets to rest too!). I sat down with a cup of Earl Grey tea and flicked through some stylish fashion magazines, finding more inspiration for future outfits. And I just couldn't resist adding a touch of glamour, so I pulled out my favourite pink lipstick, which added a perfect splash of colour to my afternoon!

So there you have it! My New York week in all its twirling glory, fueled by a touch of pink, a dash of glitter, and the pure joy of dance. And as always, my goal remains the same - to inspire everyone to embrace their inner ballerina. Why not put on a tutu, embrace your love for dancing, and step outside your comfort zone? Who knows what amazing adventures await!

P.S. – What’s your favourite ballet, musical or Broadway show? Let me know in the comments!

Until next week,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-03-09 she danced in New York City