New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-03-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1294 – Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps 🩰

Hello lovelies! 💖 Welcome back to another Monday instalment of the Pink Tutu Blog! This week, I'm so excited to share all about my latest adventures in the dazzling city that never sleeps: New York City! NYC is such a magical place - so vibrant, full of energy, and steeped in history and culture. It’s honestly no wonder that people flock here from all corners of the globe, ready to chase their dreams!

As you know, I'm all about embracing my inner ballerina, and for me, New York is a true dancer’s paradise! It's the home of world-class ballet companies like the New York City Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, not to mention countless studios and workshops, bursting with talent and passion.

This past week has been jam-packed with dance, fashion, and adventure. I wouldn't have it any other way! Let me tell you all about it...

A Ballerina's Paradise: My NYC Dance Diary 🩰

On Monday, March 23rd, I started my week by visiting the world-renowned Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. This organisation is such an inspiration to me, with its commitment to both celebrating and challenging the power of dance, particularly for those from underrepresented communities. You know, sometimes people tell me that my passion for wearing tutus is a little unusual - maybe even a tad eccentric - but I love how Ailey champions that exact same sort of individuality and encourages people to break boundaries with their creativity.

Their dance studio in New York is such an incredible space. I was lucky enough to catch one of their workshops on "Ballet for Modern Dancers," which focused on finding those crucial classical lines within more contemporary movement. It was a challenge, and my legs were aching the next day! But oh so good. I'm already looking forward to their next class!

On Tuesday, it was off to the Lincoln Center, the ultimate destination for any ballet lover, and the home of the New York City Ballet. I simply couldn't miss out on the chance to see their legendary Swan Lake - it’s always a must-see for me, regardless of how many times I’ve already watched it. This was an incredibly emotional performance for me, filled with both incredible power and such breathtakingly graceful movements - especially the haunting 'death' scene in Act III. It's always inspiring to see artists dedicated to portraying emotion through movement and music, and this production certainly delivered!

After the show, it was time for some retail therapy! As you know, I'm all about expressing myself through fashion, and New York City's endless shops provide a fantastic playground for fashion lovers! This time around, I made a beeline for The Met in Greenwich Village, with their beautifully curated selection of luxury labels and vintage finds. You’d be surprised by what gems you can unearth there, and the atmosphere in the village was just buzzing. My favourite purchase was a stunning blush-pink silk scarf to go with my tutu of the week, a floaty and airy ivory creation that whispered of springtime and newfound freedom! A perfect match!

Of course, no trip to NYC is complete without a trip to the The Broadway League - a must-visit for any theater enthusiast. My week wouldn't be complete without indulging in the excitement of live performances. My favourite this week was the Book of Mormon, and yes, it truly did live up to its reputation as hilarious and witty, even managing to sneak in some intelligent social commentary! It's always amazing how theater can both entertain and provoke. I can't wait to catch another Broadway show during my stay in NYC.

New York: Through a Tutu-Tinted Lens

My love for ballet naturally influences everything I do, so my adventures in New York are always viewed through a tutu-tinted lens.

This past week has given me so much inspiration. Everywhere I go, I feel a sense of possibility - New York City is a place where anyone, with a bit of drive and ambition, can make their dreams a reality. For me, this includes spreading the gospel of pink tutus, and inspiring other women to embrace their individuality and confidence!

There's nothing like gliding through the city's streets, a whimsical burst of pink tulle swirling behind me, ready to face any adventure. This is my magic. My style, my confidence. The world, in all its colours and vibrancy, waiting to be explored through a pink tulle prism.

Subway Shenanigans

You might be thinking "But Emma, doesn't it get hot wearing tutus in a place as crowded and bustling as New York City?" And yes, it's certainly not without its challenges - and no, I never step on the subway in the hot pink, silky tutu. For those journeys, I go for a much more practical approach with a tutu-style knee-length tutu-skirt (which gives me all the twirl but less potential to catch on the crowded platform!).

To my fellow ballerina travellers, I'll give you a little insider secret: The NYC subway has become one of my favourite spots for finding unexpected inspiration. From watching fellow New Yorkers bustling to work, or getting lost in a book (my own ballet-themed reading list is ever-growing! Right now I’m devouring The Last Days of the Paris Commune!), I always find something fascinating in the little everyday moments, a snapshot into this exciting city's dynamic rhythm.

But even for someone like me who prefers to glide and pirouette, I’ve learned that getting around New York is also a game of practicality! And while you may think this is crazy, the truth is that riding the metro has its charm. You have this chance to observe life unfolding, to be amongst all those fellow New Yorkers and connect with their energy - whether that's a guy strumming on his guitar in the carriage, or just the sheer force of all those busy people making their way. It really reminds you of how powerful a community it can be - the bustling collective that is the NYC metro!

NYC Ballet - A Glimpse of Elegance

Let's go back to my time at Lincoln Center, home of New York City Ballet - oh, what a delight that place is! What struck me this week wasn’t just the extraordinary grace and agility of the dancers (although I have to say they were absolutely exquisite). I loved how every detail, from the theatre’s architecture, to the meticulously crafted costumes, contributed to an overall experience that elevated classical ballet to another level.

As I was watching the performance, I realised how essential ballet is for understanding the beauty and elegance of movement. It’s almost as if those movements became a language - communicating such raw and honest emotion. There was something almost mesmerizing about the entire spectacle - the sheer grace and power of those performers, and the breathtaking interplay of movement and music. That combination really brought me right back to my ballet roots, reminding me just how deep my passion runs.

The Beauty of Everyday Inspiration

Every journey starts with the first step - even the tiny, often-invisible ones that seem insignificant, but are really the stepping stones towards our bigger dreams. I find this attitude is reflected in New Yorkers, with their ambitious nature and commitment to making something beautiful out of every moment.

You’ll be surprised by how much inspiration can be found just in a walk around the city - the iconic sights, the friendly smiles from people, the rhythm of the streets, the unexpected encounters with other creative spirits - I've always felt energised after visiting NYC - always a little lighter on my feet, ready to make those big, bold, tutu-inspired dreams come true!

I feel truly grateful to have this opportunity to dance through the world, bringing a splash of colour to every journey - a celebration of life, a love for movement, a reminder that wearing a pink tutu is an invitation to embrace a life brimming with joy and inspiration. It's not just about wearing pink tulle, it's about a bold, whimsical and spirited approach to life!

Keep in touch!

Remember, dear friends, there's a new Pink Tutu Blog post every Monday on I’m always excited to hear your thoughts and to share more stories, dreams and inspiration. Be sure to send me any questions or comments you have. And keep on twirling!

I'll see you again next Monday,

Love and sparkles,

Emma x

P.S: I’ve got lots more planned for my New York stay, so stay tuned to the Pink Tutu Blog for updates. I’m even planning a visit to the iconic Broadway musical Moulin Rouge!

Stay curious, stay brave, and remember: the world’s a dance floor, waiting for you to twirl!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-03-23 she danced in New York City