New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-08-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1313 - New York, New York!

Hello lovelies! It’s Monday, and you know what that means? It’s time for another exciting Pink Tutu Blog post! I’m bubbling with joy because I’m writing this one from the Big Apple, New York City! That’s right, I'm here for a week of dancing, dreaming, and (of course!) spreading the love of pink tutus!

Taking Flight: Derbyshire to NYC

Leaving the rolling hills of Derbyshire felt like taking flight. It's hard to believe that just last week I was teaching ballet in the charming village of Bakewell, and now I'm amidst the hustle and bustle of Times Square! Honestly, the entire flight felt like a whirlwind of excitement, a symphony of anticipation for all the adventures ahead. It didn't take long to get into the New York vibe - the energy, the excitement, the endless possibilities!

Pink Tutu NYC Adventures: Day 1

New York, you’ve officially stolen my heart. It was like a fairytale stepped out of a book - towering buildings that seem to kiss the clouds, a cacophony of car horns and bustling pedestrians, and an intoxicating scent of street food that fills every corner!

The moment I stepped out of the station into the warm sunshine (and even the subway ride felt like a fashion show, I must confess!), I couldn't help but whip my tulle tutu around and twirl, feeling a thousand little ballerinas dancing inside me. I know, I know - tutus in New York, you might be thinking I'm mad! But it's not a question of whether it's practical or not, it's about bringing joy, spreading cheer, and most importantly - expressing myself. And guess what, New York loves a statement, a splash of colour, a little bit of whimsy, even if it's a bright pink tutu!

My first day here was dedicated to exploring and finding my bearings. The city felt like an elaborate ballet - streets are your stage, and every single corner offers a chance to shine! I started with a delicious breakfast at an adorable little cafe with pastel walls and a wall of vibrant wildflowers. They even had a special "Pink Tutu Pancake" (of course!). My mouth was practically watering as I bit into the light, fluffy pancakes – delicious!

Then, off to a Broadway show, my ultimate obsession! It was a modern dance masterpiece that blew me away. Honestly, I was entranced by the sheer talent on display - those incredible jumps, the intricate steps, and the stories they told through movement - I could barely hold back tears. I'm already planning to see a classic ballet while I'm here – Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, I'm thinking, but maybe some modern ballet too. I'm a big fan of contemporary dance and would love to be surprised!

After the show, I found myself in Central Park, a breathtaking haven of green and quiet amongst the city's concrete jungle. The gentle sunlight and soft breeze were perfect for a waltz. My tutu fluttered with the wind as I pirouetted across the manicured lawns - I can’t think of a better way to end the day.

Fashionista in the City

Of course, I couldn't leave NYC without a trip to Fifth Avenue, a wonderland of luxury fashion, from iconic designer boutiques to whimsical independent stores. As I window shopped with my heart pounding, I felt like I was walking through a high fashion magazine come to life. The sheer artistry and creativity of these collections took my breath away, sparking new ideas for future pink tutu ensembles, or shall I say – 'outfits!'

I particularly fell in love with a vintage store I stumbled upon with rows upon rows of gorgeous gowns and hats. The sheer volume of creativity and individuality was incredible, not to mention, I discovered a treasure - a delicate pink tutu that fit me perfectly. A vintage gem! You bet I snagged it – this new addition to my collection will make a fantastic stage outfit, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of outfits, there's a new ballet shop I found right by the Hudson River. It's tucked away in a cobbled street, so easy to miss, but the inside is like a dream for ballet enthusiasts. They had everything from shoes and leotards to tutus of every colour and style. My bank account wasn't thrilled, but my ballerina heart sang a joyful song! You know me - a new tutu purchase means new dance inspiration!

A Metro-politan Journey

Being in New York without riding the metro just wouldn’t do! I’m absolutely loving the fast pace of travel, the iconic design, and the unique atmosphere that’s created by the blend of different personalities who converge on the train. There's something captivating about this way of travel – you feel the city pulsate around you. And hey, who can resist a little ballet in the metro? Just you wait, I'll post a video soon, because honestly, there are endless opportunities to dance on these moving platforms!

And you know what? Everyone’s watching me with such amusement, they might even join in one day – who knows!

A Pinch of Pink

You know me – my love for pink never wanes. Even the most vibrant cityscape can’t outshine the glorious glow of pink, or perhaps it’s the other way around, the bright colour adds another dimension of light to the city. Every corner I turn, pink has somehow found its way into the world around me – a pink street lamp, a cafe table covered in a blush-coloured linen cloth, and even a shop window filled with floral pink dresses. I can't help but smile when I find it – my inner ballerina takes a little twirl at each little pink treasure.

New York, My Pink-Tutu Muse

As the sun begins to set over the skyline, casting the cityscape in a soft golden glow, I sit here with a heart overflowing with joy. Every single corner of this magnificent city is teeming with excitement and inspiration – you truly can feel the energy and spirit that New York holds, and I’ve felt like a little bit of it has settled into me. I've already made so many incredible memories, but this trip has also awakened new dreams within me. My artistic spirit has been stirred to life and my inspiration for new dance performances, choreography, and of course – pink tutu outfits - is at an all-time high!

This week, I will be dancing at several events, showcasing my ballet skills in new locations, with fresh perspectives – this is how my love for dance has led me to so many fantastic places! I’m also looking forward to a special performance on August 3rd – the energy of New York is making my creative mind buzz. I can't wait to share the magic!

Remember – you can be a ballerina too! Let’s inspire a love of ballet, fashion, travel and pink tutus around the world! Until next Monday, lovelies. Happy dancing!

P.S: If you're in NYC, I'd love to meet you! Let's spread the pink tutu magic together!

XOXO, Emma

Pink Tutu Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-08-03 she danced in New York City