
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-07-27 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Post #1312: Dancing Through The Concrete Jungle!

Monday 2020-07-27

Hello my darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger, back with another exciting adventure from the Big Apple!

The sunā€™s shining, the streets are bustling, and my heart is filled with that NYC energy - the kind that makes you feel like anything is possible, and makes you want to dance a little jig right in the middle of Times Square!

This week Iā€™m feeling like a true New York princess. Imagine it, if you will, a swishy pink tutu (my trusty companion, of course!) twirling around the concrete jungle, making its way through the city's diverse and ever-moving crowd, a vision in pink amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Itā€™s amazing how this city brings out the playful, rebellious, and optimistic side of me. Iā€™ve just stepped off the subway (my trusty mode of transport ā€“ a whirl of noise, movement and chaos, much like my ballet classes!) after visiting a phenomenal ballet show, "Giselle" at the Metropolitan Opera House. I almost let out a tiny squeal of delight as I watched the ballerina gracefully float across the stage in her beautiful, diaphanous gown. Talk about tutus with elegance!

My afternoon was all about a spot of window shopping, oh, I just adore New York stores! So many fashion treasures and all of them in a glorious spectrum of colours - including my favourite pink, naturally! But, donā€™t worry, darling, I wouldn't go out shopping without a dance lesson or two in the park! The steps we learned today felt so empowering. Imagine, having your heart pounding while moving to the music in a beautiful park, with the vibrant backdrop of this amazing city ā€“ just perfect!

Oh! And letā€™s not forget, this evening I am planning a night at the theatre! A vibrant, captivating musical is definitely in order. After all, this week is a celebration of all things dance and theatre!

But before we jump into my theatre adventures, I need to rewind a littleā€¦

My London to New York Journey

Travelling from my cosy little life in Derbyshire, England to New York City was a whirlwind. Let's be honest, it can be a little chaotic. I always think there's nothing quite as invigorating as packing all your belongings into a travel case and hopping on a plane. After all, who wants to miss out on experiencing a city with such diverse energy and history? Especially when you're on a mission to spread the message of the "Pink Tutu"! (For those of you new to the blog, youā€™ll know my mission in life is to inspire everyone to wear pink tutus ā€“ no matter your age or shape or location! Think of it as a delightful rebellion against dullness).

Tutu Tales: The Journey So Far

Now, I might look like Iā€™m living the ultimate fairytale in NYC, with all its vibrant colour and excitement, but itā€™s not all been easy peasy. My path to becoming a pink-tutu wearing ballerina in the Big Apple involved a lot of hard work, ballet lessons, and yes, even a bit of ā€˜ballet hustlingā€™!

My adventures began when I packed my pink tutu in my luggage and landed in the bustling New York City for the first time. I found a small flat in Brooklyn, and yes, it's definitely a "New Yorker" in its own unique way. The noise, the constant buzz, and the smells (even those coming from the subway) have grown on me in such a special way. My little studio flat might not be grand, but it's home for the next year - which, to be honest, I couldnā€™t be happier about. The flat is close to Greenpoint Park, my go-to location for my daily dance sessions ā€“ itā€™s just divine, a bit of green haven amongst the skyscrapers.

I always say that my passion for dancing fuels my every decision. My whole life revolved around ballet in England. I took lessons every week and spent my evenings learning new choreography and watching ballet on repeat, all the while daydreaming about living in NYC and dancing my heart out in all of its iconic theatres. So, to fund this dream, I would sometimes put on extra performances for events, weddings, or charity galas back in the UK. I felt like a miniature ballerina-fairy fulfilling the most special moments of othersā€™ lives ā€“ such joy!

You might be surprised to learn how a little girl from Derbyshire ended up twirling in a pink tutu in New York. You see, my journey was far from a classic fairy tale - itā€™s more like a heartwarming story of perseverance and self-belief, punctuated by lots of twirls and tutus of course!

Adventures in Pink Tutu Fashion!

While you canā€™t always see my whole tutu when I'm on the metro, (after all, it needs a little room to twirl!), my pink wardrobe takes center stage. I make a conscious effort to ensure that each of my looks is an embodiment of "pinkness" (if there's such a word, then I invented it!) - pink skirts, pink sweaters, pink accessories! Sometimes, my little "pinky" spirit even makes an appearance on the New York street through vibrant ballet moves!

Thereā€™s something truly magical about expressing your personal style in the most colorful and playful way, right? So, this blog is about more than just dancing or exploring ā€“ itā€™s a celebration of joy, femininity, and that inner confidence that lets you shine, and stand out from the crowd. And believe me, here in New York, you need a strong dose of all three to truly thrive!

Fashion Finds & Tips: What I Love About NYC Style

Speaking of style, I have been experimenting with a new style: The New York Ballet Princess! I think we're going to be seeing this everywhere soon ā€“ itā€™s a combination of traditional ballet aesthetics, mixed with modern streetwear and urban elements, and a generous dose of that unmistakable New York energy! Think vibrant colors, comfy shoes that can be worn for hours (because I have to do A LOT of walking!) and a little hint of shimmer here and there.

But of course, all my outfits include a special, sparkly pink touch, whether it's a glittery hair tie or a sequined top ā€“ a reminder of the Pink Tutu's enduring legacy, always dancing in my heart!

Now, if youā€™re looking for fashion inspiration for the ultimate Ballet Princess style, New Yorkā€™s your playground! From the vintage gems of Soho to the trendsetters on 5th Avenue, this city offers endless opportunities to find your signature piece ā€“ something that reflects your individual style while reminding you of the vibrant and powerful message of the Pink Tutu! Just remember to add your own twist to the style, just like youā€™d add a special step to your favorite ballet routine!

And the best thing? My love for vintage shops is in full bloom. Think chic vintage jackets, preppy cardies, a good dose of denim, and those unique, colorful blouses that will turn heads wherever you go! And if you're after some fashion treasures that are uniquely "you", I highly recommend checking out vintage stores and flea markets - these hidden gems hold so much unique potential. Youā€™ll always find pieces that speak to your inner ā€œballet princess.ā€ Donā€™t forget to be bold ā€“ remember, the most beautiful things are often those that express your individuality.

City That Never Sleeps, Dance That Never Stops!

New York is known as the "City that Never Sleeps" but it's also a place where dance lives and breathes, where ballet takes on new dimensions, and where I'm living out my ballerina dreams! I am always on the hunt for the latest, hottest, and most spectacular ballet productions. It's been a while since I've attended a Broadway show, but my ears are always on the ground. The theatre scene is bursting with unique performances, and, trust me, I'll be sharing those with you as soon as I can!

But New Yorkā€™s charm doesnā€™t stop with its ballet or theatre ā€“ the dance happens everywhere, even in the most unexpected places. My favourite way to soak in this vibrant energy is to find a peaceful spot in Central Park, to stretch my muscles and practice those perfect twirls. Or to simply watch other New Yorkers ā€“ theyā€™re like walking pieces of art. Just try to observe the way they strut, twirl, and flow down the sidewalks with confidence. Thereā€™s always something unique and inspiring to see in their steps, which I often take as inspiration for my own dance moves!

My Dance Journal: Thoughts & Inspirations

Since Iā€™ve been living here, Iā€™ve discovered an endless well of creativity and passion ā€“ a blend of hard work and a genuine love for dance! As always, my little pink notebook ā€“ my ballet journal ā€“ is filling up with notes and snippets of thoughts, dreams, and my reflections on this extraordinary city! Every single moment is filled with colour, inspiration, and the magic of New York.

Sometimes, I feel like a little princess lost in a fairytale. A little bit of sunshine, a tiny slice of a dream, and that ā€œpink tutuā€ spirit, which reminds me that every single moment is worth celebrating! I will share those stories in future posts, of course, and promise you'll be just as captivated by the energy of this city!

So, thatā€™s all from me today! But I'm eager to hear about what's capturing your imagination and dancing around in your own heart! So, share your thoughts, experiences, and stories! What do you love about ballet? Where is your favourite spot to twirl and embrace your inner ā€œballet princessā€ (especially if youā€™re in a tutu!). Tell me all about it!

Now, excuse me while I head out for a celebratory Broadway show - canā€™t miss out on that!

Catch you next Monday for another #PinkTutuBlogNYC post ā€“ until then, keep dancing, darling!

Lots of love and a big twirl,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-07-27 she danced in New York City