New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-07-20 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-07-20 - She Danced in New York City!

Post #1311

Helloooo my lovelies! How's everyone doing this fine Monday? As you know, I post my #PinkTutuBlogNYC every week, always on a Monday. That's when my love of all things New York, fashion, and ballet come together, along with all you lovely readers, so I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's 8am in NYC, the sun is shining, and my tea is brewing! Today, my dear darlings, I’m feeling extra-pink, especially after yesterday’s ballet performance at the Metropolitan Opera House - a breathtaking rendition of ‘Swan Lake’! So let’s dive right into the fun.

This week I’m focusing on one of my absolute favourite things to do in New York: dancing! Yes, this week was all about spinning, leaping, and pliĂ©s
 not to mention the endless shopping and yummy food stops in between! As my regular readers know, I am on a mission to get everyone in the world to embrace the magic of pink tutus, so today I’m going to talk about my journey and share all my adventures!

New York City – Ballet Bonanza!

Now, this might sound a bit dramatic, but there’s no other way to describe it: my trip to New York last week was the pinnacle of pink tutu-tastic dreams come true. Seriously. From the moment I stepped off the train at Penn Station and inhaled that amazing mix of urban air and hotdog smells, I knew this week was going to be a winner. I was, of course, rocking a stunning pink tutu (one with sequins, feathers, and a hint of sparkle – because why not!).

New York, oh New York! As soon as I arrived at the hotel, a beautiful, bright pink boutique hotel on the Upper West Side, I grabbed a croissant and a coffee – absolutely crucial to starting any New York day, by the way – and then, like a ballerina twirling onto the stage, I headed for a bit of sightseeing.

The day started off with the perfect touch of city vibes. After finding a coffee shop near my hotel, I stopped by my favourite shop in the city, The Pink Flamingo, just off Central Park West. This is a veritable haven of everything pink! Seriously, every corner bursts with pink and girly decor. It's one of my favourite places to wander around when I'm in the mood for pink-tastic fun. I picked up a gorgeous floral-patterned headband (you can't have enough, right?), a pink silk scarf for that glamorous look, and some delicious pink bubblegum candy!

I strolled around the city, feeling my pink tulle swirling around me and the sunshine warming my cheeks. Central Park felt like a beautiful green haven amidst the urban jungle, full of the joyful sounds of laughing children, picnicking families, and that delicious aroma of freshly cut grass. I walked down Fifth Avenue, where all the gorgeous storefronts glittered like sparkling jewels, and admired the majestic buildings like the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings. I snapped a few pictures, of course! But not just ordinary photos, no. You know I had to strike some fancy ballet poses for the ‘gram. Think graceful extensions, elegant arabesques, and even a couple of playful fouettĂ©s! You guys were the first to see them on my Instagram!

It's Ballet Time!

Speaking of ballet, my big highlight of the day was the performance I got to dance in! It’s amazing to think that I fund my New York escapades with my ballet performances - so much for ballet being just for dainty ladies! Of course, I chose to wear a beautiful pink tutu - the color perfectly reflected the mood of the ballet. A dazzling ballet classic: Tchaikovsky’s 'Swan Lake.'

Let me tell you, darlings, it’s one thing to watch ballet from the audience and quite another to perform it in front of a huge crowd at the Metropolitan Opera House. The stage was immense and glittering under the powerful lights. There I was, dancing with other passionate ballerinas and making new friends. We had so much fun – lots of laughing, and of course, even more spinning and leaps. It was truly an amazing experience, especially since I met a truly gorgeous woman who just started to dabble in ballet after seeing the last Swan Lake performance – it just goes to show you’re never too old to dance. I love her energy, and I hope she comes along to our next performance. It's just such a pleasure seeing new faces and helping people step outside of their comfort zones! We finished the performance with an incredible bow and received the loudest cheers! It really does feel like a little dream come true.

My highlight though? This beautiful, graceful, and genuinely happy woman, who gave me the biggest hug afterwards. She had tears in her eyes because our performance really touched her – she confided in me afterwards, telling me how dancing has given her so much confidence and happiness, something she had always wanted but had always put off. This just makes me realise that sometimes the smallest gesture or act, like my dancing, can truly make a big difference in people's lives. And for me, well, it’s more than just a dance - it’s a feeling of joy, of freedom, and a passion for life. And all in a beautiful, pink tutu, of course!

I did get so lucky too, as she had made a big batch of her favourite cupcakes with all sorts of pastel icing. These babies were, of course, pink. I am SO thankful. It is SO difficult to find good pink cupcakes, even in a city like New York! And this woman really put a big, pink smile on my face that night. So you guys were right there with me as I shared them on my Instagram story – a whole pink-tastic afternoon with lovely people, gorgeous cupcakes, and incredible ballet! I’m so blessed, and I love sharing it with all of you.

After my ballet performance, it was time to treat myself! We walked through Times Square, just so full of vibrant energy, all those bright neon signs and people buzzing all around! And just as we made our way across Broadway to the stage door, where we collected our bags after our performance, I had to have a juicy burger - you’re in New York! It wasn’t the healthiest choice, but we were craving it after a long performance! So you know what, it's a cheat day once in a while - I like to call it 'indulge day'.

The walk back to the hotel felt magical under the New York night sky. I loved how it lit up the skyscrapers – a twinkling sky full of shining lights. I always love my nighttime strolls in New York – it's like walking through a scene straight out of a film.

Fashion Focus: New York's Boutique Gems

Okay, let's talk about a topic I love to rant about: clothes shopping!

You’ve heard of Soho, yes? A hip, fashionable, trendy spot that attracts a huge number of fashionistas like me. This place was absolutely perfect for hunting down some fabulous vintage pieces and getting some really cool, funky clothes to make my wardrobe a bit more glam. You can't beat a unique outfit, and vintage items give me all sorts of amazing fashion ideas. Let’s just say my bag is quite full now. Don't worry - I am going to post lots of photos on my Instagram – keep an eye out!

My tip for any aspiring fashionistas venturing to Soho: definitely don’t miss out on The Pink Rose Boutique. This place is, well, pink-tastic – all the dresses are truly breathtaking. They are mostly made in bright colours, perfect for every fancy occasion - weddings, birthdays, special events – you name it. I, of course, picked up the cutest coral dress and a sparkly emerald clutch. The colour really popped, and the fabrics were so delicate! Honestly, these are absolute treasures.

You might be asking: why did I only pick one dress? Well, as you can imagine, prices are not for the faint of heart at places like The Pink Rose Boutique, and I wanted to try and stay on budget! It's all about clever shopping for me, so I just pick one amazing piece that will make my outfit perfect – and, of course, I pick out the perfect shoes! I found the perfect pair of rose-gold heels (because what else?) at The Silver Shoeroom a little further down, just off Broadway. You guessed it – lots of shoes and sparkle, everything you need to be super glam. It was like stepping into a Cinderella story with glass slippers! I actually found the perfect shoes to go with the dress and clutched. Honestly, they really complemented each other and made the outfit absolutely complete! You will have to see for yourselves!

That evening, I treated myself to a super fancy, very New York, meal at a swanky restaurant near Times Square. And yes, the whole dinner experience, from the soft jazz music and plush furniture to the delectable food and top-notch service was, in a word, splendid. After that, it was a relaxing time in my hotel room to plan out the next day's adventures. This is what I call “The New York Dream”: a delicious meal, beautiful fashion, exciting sights, and captivating ballet performances.

And what’s even better: being surrounded by so many people, each with their own stories and journeys. You know how much I love New York. Everyone’s got their story. And what is a story without a great soundtrack? Well, after a great sleep at my pink hotel (of course!), it was time for some more dancing – only this time, on the streets.

Taking Ballet to the Streets: #PinkTutuNewYork

The next day was a real blast! A trip to New York City isn’t complete without a stroll through the heart of its arts scene – SoHo. The whole area felt vibrant with creative energy. From the amazing street art, bright boutiques and stylish coffee shops - it’s a city in a city! But what I loved the most is that I stumbled across an impromptu dance class taking place right there in the middle of the square. That's what New York is like, folks! It is where the unexpected comes alive.

Now, there I was, a ballet enthusiast right in the heart of the city, being drawn to a group of dancers stretching and getting ready to groove in a street dance class. And then a crazy idea came to my head: *‘What if I did ballet in a street dance class?' * Now, that’s a New York-style crazy dream come true, right?! It's all about blending dance styles and inspiring people to break free.

You might say that the experience wasn’t exactly traditional ballet, but it was definitely full of energy and personality! Everyone was so supportive and welcomed me into their world with open arms, laughing and cheering me on as I joined the group, attempting a few steps. That’s the thing about street dancing, it’s all about free expression, creativity, and fun.

For me, the whole thing was a dance extravaganza. Even with all the honking taxis, passing sirens, and shouting tourists, it somehow all melted away as the energy of the music and the moves drew me in. This, darlings, was a whole new experience and a whole new way to connect with the city - it was such a refreshing burst of energy and freedom. And even with my usual pink tutu and a bit of sparkle, it still felt just right. I even received some compliments on my unique moves – especially when I combined a traditional grand jetĂ© with some street-style moves!

By this point, I was totally feeling the New York vibes – that infectious energy that makes you want to keep moving and embrace everything the city has to offer. As you know, this is where my life-changing experience of New York dancing started. I didn’t quite embrace a pink tutu as my day-to-day wardrobe staple yet (although it’s not that far-fetched now), but it started this spark in my soul that pushed me forward on my pink tutu journey, leading me to all the incredible things I’m doing now!

So if you’re feeling bold, love dancing, and want to make a bold fashion statement, then New York City’s a fantastic place to begin your own dance journey – especially in a bright pink tutu! It’s definitely a memory I will cherish for a very long time.

What to See This Week:

And now, for my must-do picks for you to embrace your own #PinkTutuNewYork adventure this week!

This Wednesday, you can check out an amazing ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ performance. The Public Theatre in Central Park puts on a spectacular Shakespeare show. You'll find a magical setting, a thrilling plot, and an opportunity to dress in pink - a pink tutu would make an incredible fashion statement - what do you think?! You’ll get to hear incredible performances under the stars! Plus, the performances are free, making it a great evening to indulge your artistic side in a city-style setting. You can't beat it, can you?!

The rest of the week? You’ll get your fill of music at one of the city's best venues, the famous Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. I’m going to go check out ‘An Evening of Broadway Musicals’, a truly immersive experience with captivating musical performances! This sounds perfect, don’t you think? It will get you humming and dancing along – maybe even a few ballerina moves, who knows?

As usual, the #PinkTutuBlogNYC team is off to the Met for another incredible performance! If you fancy it, then you can come join us. Maybe we’ll even wear our pink tutus for this performance - just you wait and see! Keep an eye out for a sneak peak of the performance, and see if we dare to go all out and show off our fancy pink tutus for all the world to see!

Well, that’s all for now. My lovely readers, thank you for joining me for my exciting ballet adventure in New York City. Until next Monday, be sure to check out my pink tutu adventures on my website! Stay gorgeous!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-07-20 she danced in New York City