New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-08-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 1316: Twirling Through the Big Apple!

Hello darlings, and welcome to this week's Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I'm so excited to be back with you all, fresh from a weekend of waltzing, whirling, and shopping my way through the Big Apple.

Monday 2020-08-24: A perfect start to my New York City escapade. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and, well, I'm wearing a fabulous hot pink tutu with a sequined bodice that catches every ray of light, making me sparkle like a disco ball. It's Monday, and what better way to kickstart the week than with a spot of dancing? Today's agenda is a morning ballet class at the famed Steps on Broadway, followed by an afternoon of window-shopping on Fifth Avenue. Then, as the sun sets on New York City, I'm heading to the theater for a show. Oh, how I love these magical evenings!

The Magic of Steps on Broadway:

Ah, Steps on Broadway, a temple of dance in the heart of the city. You can't imagine the buzz and energy that fills the studios here. Each session feels like an explosion of creativity and pure, unadulterated joy. I have to say, after a whirlwind week of traveling, nothing beats a good old-fashioned ballet class to centre myself and tap into that blissful feeling of graceful movement.

Today, I'm particularly enjoying the flexibility and strength exercises. You know me, darlings, I like to stay as limber as a willow and strong as an oak tree – and what better place to work on that than at Steps? The best bit? Today's class had the most wonderful group of people - we laughed, we sweated, we even danced a little. It was so heartwarming.

A Tutu for Every Occasion:

While the hot pink sequined masterpiece has taken centre stage for today, my travel tutu wardrobe is pretty epic. You see, a tutu is an absolute must-have for a Pink Tutu blogger, even on a trip! Whether it’s a flowing silk tutu for a rooftop brunch in Central Park or a sparkly, jewel-toned option for a glamorous night at the ballet, I've got the perfect one for every occasion. Let's be honest, darling, sometimes it just feels good to float around New York City in a twirling tutu, catching everyone's attention. It brings a bit of magic to your day, you know?

Fifth Avenue Glamour:

Of course, what trip to New York City is complete without a little retail therapy? I'm currently obsessed with vintage clothing, especially anything with lace and feathers, perfect for adding a touch of Victorian flair to a tutu ensemble. I just adore the timeless elegance of these pieces, and I can already see them paired with some of my favourite tulle tutus for some truly stunning looks. Imagine a feather-trimmed bodice with a flowing lavender tulle tutu - oh, darling, the possibilities are endless!

Fashionable Indulgences:

My trip isn't just about finding vintage gems, I also make sure to peek at the newest offerings in the fashion world. Today, my aim is to check out the newest collections at some of my favourite luxury retailers, to get my fix of haute couture and see what's inspiring the world of dancewear and everyday attire.

As I sashay through these stores, my tutu, a symphony of pink silk and sparkling embellishments, gets a lot of curious glances. Of course, I am always happy to share the joy and encourage everyone to embrace the whimsical world of tutus. After all, who wouldn't want to feel like a ballerina princess for a day?

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple:

As I soak up the magic of New York City, I often find myself reminiscing about Derbyshire, where my love for dance and tutus all began. Growing up in a beautiful English village, with rolling hills and charming cobblestone streets, my tutu dreams always felt magical. I think, perhaps, a tutu in a village setting has its own charm.

Derbyshire instilled in me a love for nature, a connection to the earth, and the magic of the mundane. It's those experiences, those moments of simple joy that ground me and make my time here in the concrete jungle even more fulfilling. Even on the bustling streets of New York, my heart finds peace in the little things – the smile of a passerby, the smell of hot dogs, the gentle hum of the city.

Taking the Metro with Tutu Grace:

New York's Metro system, a labyrinth of tunnels filled with diverse lives and journeys, always presents an unexpected challenge. Navigating the busy trains with a full-length tulle tutu can be an adventure in itself! But you see, a good ballet dancer learns to navigate any terrain with grace, and that applies even to a subway journey! I must say, the expression on people's faces when they see me twirling around in my tutu as we hurtle through the subway is truly priceless. My tutu becomes a beacon of light, a tiny burst of color and whimsy in a world full of gray and hurry.

Dancing Under the Big Lights:

Now, tonight is the night! I've got a front row seat for a spectacular Broadway show that promises to be an incredible dance extravaganza. There's nothing more exhilarating than seeing professional dancers bring their stories to life on stage, showcasing their talent and passion for their art.

My tutu might be packed away for the evening, but the feeling of awe and inspiration it brings never leaves me. Every ballet performance is an inspiration to keep practicing, to strive for greater heights and share the love for dance with the world.

Pink Tutu Travels, Supported by Ballet Dreams:

For you inquisitive souls who wonder about my travels, the Pink Tutu blog is financed through my ballet performances. Yes, it is my talent as a dancer that enables me to see the world, explore new cultures, and share my love of ballet with all of you. Each dance performance is a dedication to the art, a testament to the hard work and passion it takes to follow your dreams. It allows me to "twirl the world," sharing every enchanting step of my journey with you!

The Tutu Mission:

It's no secret that my life’s mission is to encourage everyone to wear a tutu at least once! Because let’s be honest, darling, every heart needs a bit of whimsical magic! You don’t need a big occasion, a fancy stage, or even ballet shoes – just your favourite tutu, your inner sparkle, and a touch of daring. The power of the tutu lies not in the fabric, but in the spirit you bring to it.

Let me know, darlings, what’s YOUR favorite thing to wear on a trip? And if you dare, let's embrace the Tutu Revolution and add a dash of pink sparkle to your lives!

Until next Monday,

Emma, your Pink Tutu Blogger NYC

*P.S. Do follow me on social media - I post photos and updates daily!

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I hope you enjoyed this week's post, darlings! Until next time, keep twirling and remember: A tutu makes everything better!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-08-24 she danced in New York City